engl e840

  1. Cobhc221

    NCD: Engl E412 Pro XXL

    this thing is a fuxking monster. theres so much clarity now! my invader sound tighter and more percussive. im glad to say that im done buying amps (ATM). i got it for $600 off a guy and im so glad he was chill about doing payments. its time for STEREO time.
  2. Cobhc221

    Engl Invader150+ engl E570 SE blend

    mod edit: keep it to one thread per topic please https://soundcloud.com/chris-ray-tarpley/engl-invader-engl-e570-se-blend-sm57 im using 2 mics in this recording. im still new to recoding so let me know what i should do to make it sound better. Gear: Engl Invader150, Engl 412 S cab, Engl E570...