
  1. All_¥our_Bass

    EPICLY Screwed Up Idea I had...

    For those who want to test 8 string range with only a six string guitar. I've already mentioned and done the stacked fifths tuning scheme. But I got a far stranger idea while plugging away at work yesterday. Take a six string guitar and keep the three highest (pitch) strings at the same...
  2. Winspear

    Vik Domineer 9 string multiscale build

    So the time has come! After a lovely short wait time of less than 3 months, our 9 string build has begun :agreed: Here is the build thread but I'll paste some stuff here ViK Guitars Domineer 9FF TW CS For those unfamiliar with the Domineer shape; I am really glad Vik happened to send me...
  3. Kurkkuviipale

    "Waka Waka" - New epic, 11 minute piece! (Axe-FX, SD2.0, EBMM, Warwick, Omnisphere)

    Hiya boys, It's one hell of a sunny Sunday and I decided to upload our almost-compositionally-finished song: Soudcloud Waka Waka by Kurkkuviipale on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free So first off, the playing is partially really horrible. The reason for this...
  4. Hourglass1117

    Barren Branches upcoming FREE EP intro track - String orchestra + Boy's Chorus FTW

    That's right, this is going to be the intro track to my EP, which will be free. It's a free ep, or as I like to call it, a freeep. :D Tell me if this achieves the amount of epic I was going for. A couple things to note: - All tracks were tracked with a PRS Tremonti direct into an AxeFX. - The...
  5. Variant

    Epic Rap Battles Of History: Einstein Vs. Hawking

    :rofl: Pshaw... Einstein's a bitch. Static universe my ass. :rolleyes:
  6. mikernaut

    Ed Roman using 1 of my photobucket pics

    hmmmmm So is he gonna start making Jackson Demon forgeries? :noplease::ugh: Jackson Demon - Jackson Guitars - Ed Roman Guitars What should I change the picture too? LOL :lol:
  7. All_¥our_Bass

    8 Bit Meshuggah Thread

    Oddly Thordendal's leads don't sound all that different... :lol: Oddly reminds me of the SNES MMX series tunes in a few places. This one's pretty unique, really a re-imagining/interpretation then a straight cover. YouTube - Meshuggah Zone (Sega Megadrive)
  8. xmetalhead69

    New Unexpected Allies song. epic keyboards, pth influence, breakdowns, come listen...

    Hey guys, my bands finally getting some shit done. We got around to finishing up keyboards and mixing of this song, currently called D# minor :lol: We'll be tracking vocals soon, but I made a soundclick so you can hear the instrumental version, because I love hearing what sevenstringers have to...
  9. LLink2411

    FS / FT: 2009 Ice Tea Gibson Les Paul Standard Plus -

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: The condition is as I received it in, you could easily pass it off as new if you were the unscrupulous type. The action is low, neck is straight, and everything plays perfectly thanks to the Plek setup. Sound and feel wise, this guitar will play...
  10. S


    :djent:This tune was recorded in the Michigan backwoods in a basement on a napalm finished Series 10 under a 40watt light bulb... The guitar was plugged into my 10 watt Honey Tone and I recorded this with garage band and the Mac mic. I couldn't get the automatic play to work so heres my link...
  11. Ami

    New to SS.org and I bring a composition for you! (AxeFX/s2.0/Trillian)

    Hi guys and gals, I've been a stalker on SS.org for a while but haven't really contributed, and I'm changing that now! I know this thread should probably go into the introduction section, but the main point of this post is to show you guys some new material my project with a friend has been...
  12. LLink2411

    Might as well... The EPIC EBMM BFR JPX 7 NGD thread!

    Let's start this out with an icebreaker, shall we? Remember that the trick to being a good guitar player is 3% talent, and 97% not being distracted by the internet. Frankly I think this worth distracting you away from your practice, and you probably will soon come to agree with me on that...
  13. TheGuitarNinja

    For fans of: Behemoth, God Dethroned, Meshuggah, Bloodbath & general Metalz.

    I made a demo of my band's new song. :D Can be found at this location Enjoy it as much as possible, feel free to give any advice or constructive criticism. As well as instructions on how to mix. Thanks, Ninja.
  14. Colton165

    New Andy McKee Album!!!

    Awesome stuff here. Using a fanned fret acoustic on this stuff guys. Never seen one like it personally. Awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz5cZrC-KIg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foJ-Fs6DWZM Sorry i Couldnt get the embed to work on here guys, it just didnt wanna agree with me.
  15. X


    who else listens to them? i know i do i also like the bass parts :lol: share the songs you listen to
  16. LLink2411

    NBRJBD (New Bernie Rico Jr. Build Day) - The Conjuring of the "Witch"

    I have just finalized my design and received the final quote for a very special Bernie Rico Jr. guitar that I am calling the "Witch." It does look like a very evil witch's broom doesn't it? It is inspired by the BC Rich Virgin, BC Rich Ironbird, Gibson Explorer, Bernie Rico Jr. 727 Jekyll, and...
  17. All_¥our_Bass

    Random Quotes Thread

    Well you saw the title, so here we go!!!! Cheering up the disemboweled since 1988!! "Oscar Mayer - My Bologna Has a First Name" - sami "He's a delusional arse-pirate that makes even Ed Roman seem trustworthy by comparison." - DDDorian STARBUCKS IST KRIEG!! ""UGG_IM_KYLE'S...
  18. All_¥our_Bass

    Caption And/Or Photoshop My Ugly Mug

  19. All_¥our_Bass

    Any Nadja fans here?

    Really cool stuff to space out to and great for when you're up late lurking t3h int@rw3bz. It's like the uber slowness of drone meets the mass of effects that is shoegaze. One of my favorite bands.
  20. JeffFromMtl

    New Tattoo day - Full Sleeve Session 3: Moby Dick is finally in colour!

    Finally, today I went into the shop to get some colour onto good ol' Moby Dick. Since the whale's white, we weren't sure what to do, and Vincent suggested greys and yellows with white highlights. I agreed and we went to work. The pictures will speak for themselves. Now all that's left is the...