
  1. T

    Anyone know of any places a touring band can get cheap/free food?

    Anyone know of any places a touring band can get cheap/free food? My band is getting pretty good at minimizing food expenses on the road but we can always spend less! Thanks!
  2. The Munk

    Carnivore heaven!

    Here is a great resource for meat! Not everyone eats everything, for sure, but if you've been wanting to try something without traveling, look no further! Exotic Meats, Exotic Meat Market, Exotic Meat, 1800ExoticMeatscom online
  3. Leaper

    Brent Hinds speaks out on a very important subject

    As a long time sufferer of OHP this is a godsend. Bless this facially-tattoo'd angel...
  4. S

    Thee gods of "snack"

    Hey guys/gals "if there are any" I wanted to make a snack thread for the people who are up late at night and have nothing to eat. Maybe you just have nothing to eat. I wanted people to put up some of there favorite home made snacks even if its obscured and it just taste so good. Turn all those...
  5. tacotiklah

    Last night was fantastic....

    So my band Sociopath did its first show with our new line-up. (im the only founding member) For our first outing we had a ton of people there and everyone of them moshed. It was the biggest pit Ive ever seen at a show here locally. There were more people at our show than when Suffocation and...
  6. AngelVivaldi

    How Shitty My Food Allergies Are

    So I have a pretty retarded and mostly unavoidable list of allergies. - Garlic - Corn - Black Pepper - Fish & Shellfish - Iodine, (includes iodized salt) - Grapes - Beer, (I'm totally cool w/this one, I hate drinking) - Cantaloupe - Cranberries - Cinnamon Mind you, my last...
  7. AySay

    God Forbid=Periphery Fans

    Hey, As we all know, Periphery has been getting a lot of (well deserved)recognition from some big metal guys recently. Dino, Meshuggah, and now...God Forbid or Doc Coyle at least... God Forbid: 'We've Always Been A Band Open To Change' | Interviews @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com It's also a...
  8. wannabguitarist

    What's your favorite Subway sandwich?

    I'm on a late lunch break in front of the computer with a foot-long hot pastrami on Italian herbs and cheese with lettuce, pickles, olives, mustard/mayo, and oil/vinegar:yesway: What do you guys usually order? EDIT: forgot the swiss cheese!