
  1. neurosis

    Missed my OR15, now I discovered the Invective MH and the Archon50

    I mostly use my AX8 into Ableton and don't gig but from time to time I like to play covers and mix in my Mark V25. I used to have an Orange OR15 combo as a more classic and direct alternative to the Mark V but ultimately sold it. I have been missing and in watching videos in consideration of a...
  2. Guitarjon

    Peavey 6505 vs Invective 120

    So, since I have a Peavey 6505 and an Invective 120 it seemed only natural that I made a comparison between them. I really like both to be honest, they both offer great tones but the Invective is just very flexible and versatile because of all the added features. The Invective is based on the...
  3. Guitarjon

    Victory Super Kraken vs Peavey Invective 120

    I wanted to make a comparison of the Victory Super Kraken VX100 and the Peavey Invective 120 for a little while so I finally did it. The reason I wanted to compare these amps is because: - They're both high-gain modern metal amps - They're both signature amps - They're both (loosely) based on...
  4. smck96

    Please help me pick my first "real" amp

    Hey guys, Looking to buy my first real amp, currently have a yamaha thr10ii and mostly use it as an interface with dsp gojira and nolly. I live in a townhouse and will pretty much strictly be playing at home, so I need something that can do not piss off neighbours volume very well and allows me...
  5. Guitarjon

    JVM410H vs Rectifier vs Fireball vs Rockerverb vs Invective vs Diavlo

    Hey guys, I thought it would be fun and interesting to compare 6 of my big high-gain amps with one of my favorite guitars for metal rhythm, the LTD NW-44. That guitar really is something special, also because of that Bareknuckle Aftermath. It sounds pretty mean! So just high-gain tones this...
  6. Guitarjon

    DNAD: Peavey Invective 120 & MH! (review & demo)

    Hey all! I'm excited guys, because I've got 2 awesome new amps in the studio: the Peavey Invective 120 and the Invective MH Mini Head. (Quick disclosure up-front: I got a pretty good deal on these for my video but at my request). You guys all know of these amps right? I know I was very...
  7. crankyrayhanky

    NAD: Invective MH

    Landed! This amp is really cool. I vowed never to get another small glass but this one actually gets volume without having that awful small glass push- it holds it together and band level volumes. Now I want the big head. Here's a quick clip that has all di tones from out of the head:
  8. Edika

    Tried an Ormsby and the infamous Peavey Invective

    Hi all, I just came back from a trip with the family in Australia. A really rewarding experience but quite a strenuous one travelling such distances with young children. In any case I managed to go to a music store while in Perth, it was Kosmic if I remember correctly, to see what I could find...
  9. Cheap

    Amps that cover a lot of ground

    I'm looking to pick up an amp to start building up my collection for doing some session guitar work and am having a hard time knowing where to begin. I know I can probably get away with having 2-3 amp heads to cover everything I'd need (lots of Nashville sessions) and don't need a 5150. What...
  10. D

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