
  1. neurosis

    Can you help diagnose ground noise in my wiring?

    Hi all, yesterday I replaced the wiring in my guitar. I put a push pull Tone and a new Volume from Bourns in it. I used the available on/on/on mini toggle from ESP. I have all grounds connected to a ring. One from each pickup, one from the bridge, one from the output jack and one from each...
  2. Alexander Guth

    Randall T2 head problem "between" preamp and power amp - please help!

    Dear all, I am having a problem with my old and up until now trusty Randall T2 head: There appears to be a problem with the signal of the preamp section not reaching the power amp section properly. The sound is extremely low and quite distorted. I took the amp to a technician but he was not...
  3. Stuck_in_a_dream

    Need some advice!

    I got me a decent 1st classical guitar ~$500, from a prominent online retailer. It arrived today, but then I noticed this: I contacted the sales rep right away, sent him a couple of pics (this one ^ included). The response I got was: ---- "Oh no! Many apologies for this! I have Tech Support...
  4. B

    Is it just or me is me pedal faulty?? - EQD Acapulco Gold OD Pedal

    Hey everyone, I recently acquired an Earthquaker Devices Acapulco Gold overdrive pedal. Running this through a Fender Deluxe is magnificent. Super buttery, creamy overdrive. However, it seems to be quite finicky in terms of function. The pot seems to not be linear at all. If you move it up...
  5. Spyros kleisas

    Problem with tuning stability on a charvel vivaldi

    Hello I am really in to a rat with my one and only 7-string, and I just want to hear opinions other than take it to a luthier (I like to fiddle with my guitars) with my 6 strings never had a problem of setting the up. This one, a charvel vivaldi has a gotoh 510 sevenstring trem and can really...
  6. pick_d

    Weird String Misalignment on Ibanez Prestige RGD7UC(S)

    Good day. Just wanted to share my thoughts and ask what is wrong (either with me or with Ibanez). Recently I discovered that many of those sweet Ibanez RGD7UC and RGD7UCS have some noticeable imperfection to say the least. Sometimes string alignment is just fine, but some pics clearly show...
  7. Moe110

    Line 6 G90 not working live

    Hi All I’ve been using the g90 for a few months now and I’ve had no problems jamming with it or using it at local shows. I just did my first international support with it and during sound check it was cutting in and out badly and i had to resort to using a guitar lead (nooooo, the horror lol)...
  8. Moe110

    Line 6 G90 not working live

    Hi All I’ve been using the g90 for a few months now and I’ve had no problems jamming with it or using it at local shows. I just did my first international support with it and during sound check it was cutting in and out badly and i had to resort to using a guitar lead (nooooo, the horror lol)...
  9. jdecaire

    Rectoverb Series 1 Issue

    I have owned a Single Rectoverb Series 1 for about 6 months now. Ran in to a problem today, I was playing on the clean channel for a while and went to switch to the lead channel and the amp just went silent. It played completely fine yesterday, no issues on the lead channel and no telltale signs...
  10. R

    JPXI 7, low B string piezo issues...

    Hello all. I purchased my first 7 string recently, a beautiful JPXI 7, fully loaded. The piezo pickup on the low B string is not quite working... I've had buzzing issues when I play it, like static almost.. AND, I've also had issues with its volume juxtaposed to the other pickups; it is...
  11. Masoo2

    Mods Please Delete

    I bought the Matt Halpern pack from GetGood Drums yesterday and I just got arround to downloading it and trying it out today. However, as you can see, I can't get the multi-out routing to work. The included Cubase template doesn't work (probably because I'm using a lower end version, not...
  12. Masoo2

    Could someone explain this sound/issue?

    Ever since I've started to get into recording/using VST amp simulators I noticed this "issue" Happens with all of my guitars, and has happened with every interface I have had (Line 6 UX1, Line 6 POD X3, and Focusrite Scarlett 2i4). It even happened with my POD X3 outputting the amped signal...
  13. Masoo2

    POD X3 Display Issue

    Just wondering if any of you guys have had this issue with your POD X3s before and found a solution. I was messing around with my POD X3 and the bottom portion of the screen started to produce odd artifacts (random black lines appearing everywhere). Then out of nowhere all information...
  14. ericsleepless

    I have an issue with my recording. cymbal compression issue

    I have recording error, I bring it to the studio forums.. okay so, in my mix everythings nice and full, and my drums sound great overall. The cymbals, i'm running into an issue where when the guitar is being played the cymbals are at equal level with it @ -40db when the right crash is played...
  15. shanike

    EBMM JPXI noise coming from the bridge

    I got a new EBMM JPXI 7-string just recently and I've noticed that strange metallic noise coming from the bridge while muting out the string immediately after hitting. I've recorded both with distorted patch (it's audible with a high gain sound) and unplugged. this is not a problem with the...
  16. Sytka

    Montly setup, but now I've got a in issue ! Help !

    Hy friendz, I'm doing my montly set up at all my guitar but now I've got a problem. One of my guitar presents a strange high action on the low-E string wich becomes a little bit lower as you go till the high-E string. The action on the low-E is a lmore or less of 1,5mm. (usually I have 1mm or...
  17. velopodband

    Synth issue in my mix? (Cover of "Strizzwald" by Bulb)

    Hey guys, I'm having some trouble with this mix I'm doing right now (this is a clip of the track with some mastering on it): The synth I'm using at 0:33 almost always sounds either too loud or too quiet. I've tried it on...
  18. G

    Fx loop squeel issue... very frustrating

    im trying to run some pedals through my fx loop but when i do, i have a loud pitched feedback sounding squeel that is constant when im not playing. if i try to run a noise gate/suppressor through the fx loop, i get a much louder and also constant feedback squeel... if i try to wite my noise...
  19. 7stringDemon

    Problem with Ibanez C2 neck pickup.

    Not sure if this is a "beginner" question or not but it would probably get moved here anyway so I guess I just beat the mods to it :lol: :wub: Anyway, this video should explain it PERFECTLY (because, you know, it's a video of this guitar's problem :lol:). I checked the wiring and...
  20. GrotesqueCarcass

    Signal problem!

    I have a problem with my guitar signal, when i play the volume wavers a lot, and i get this really unnatural fuzz, without having distortion or overdrive on. the problem is probably generated because of my jack, i already tightened up the jack making sure the wires don't cut or anything, i have...