
  1. shanike

    Noisegate issues when using AxeII with my 6505+ poweramp

    I'm having problems setting up fx II noisegate to work with my peavey 6505+ in our rehearsal room. my setup is: guitar (2 different, active pups in both) -> directly to axe, then ->fx return on 6505+ -> orange 4x12 cab. I setup the volume with the output level 1 on axe front panel (9 o'clock is...
  2. T

    Carvin Dilemma - Should it stay or should it go?

    Hello, Forum -- I am a 16 year-old guitarist from Portland, OR, and I've recently gotten into seven-string guitars (I know I may seem young and noobish, but I get by). Anyway, I bought a Carvin DC727 a few months ago for about $925 (before shipping). Here are the things I like about the...
  3. hypotc

    Serious noise issues when recording.

    Hi. I'm having a bit of a problem when playing guitar near my computer. I'm thinking it has something to do with the soldering of the pickups, but I'm not sure. The first noise is what the TSE X50 + TSE808 produce. I've cranked the Tone and Volume on the TSE808, therefore it produces lots of...
  4. T

    Pickup problem :O Gib. LP'2010 stnd. Quick-Connect Control ?

    So, here goes.. ordered bkp aftermaths calibrated set a couple weeks ago. And as I finally got some time to spare I'd install them. :shred: Opening my backplate I discover Gibson's "brilliant Quick-Connect Control " :hbang: Taking the pickups out..Easy, then what looks like "molex"...
  5. R

    NGD: eh this sucks

    So last week I bought a LTD Alexi 600 from a local music store for $400 off a price drop and talking the guy down. It kept going out of tune when I used the bar so I assumed okay just set up wrong, it's easy to fuck up a floyd set up. Oh shit was I wrong, both of the pivot points where the...
  6. R

    EMG Solderless issue: Please help!

    I recently got 2 EMG 707's and installed them in a buddy's guitar with the solderless wiring for a master tone, bridge volume and neck volume, I followed the wiring diagram completely correctly, everything works except the bridge volume doesn't work at...
  7. Dea7h

    Cubase 5 : midi recording issue

    Hey there, I've just bought a pad controller (Akai MPD18) in order to write some drum lines using SD2 through Cubase 5. When I hit the record button and start playing on the pads, I can hear the sound of each part of the drum kit but no midi note is recorded. (The midi track is set to record...
  8. B

    Schecter Damien 7 Issue

    Hello! I'm new here and I need some help. I purchased a Shecter Damien 7 a few days ago, and recieved it today. There were no cosmetic flaws, everything looked to be in place, action was a BIT low, intonation was fine. I tested out the Neck pickup, and the middle toggle of the two...
  9. StupidDav

    Immensely Irritating 6505 Issue

    Apologies for the illiteration :lol: Anyway, whilst practicing this evening, my old problem with my 6505 came back after about 3 months of calm to bite me on the ass. Basically I'm playing normally, and then the bass and mids cut out and I'm left with a scratchy mess of a guitar tone...
  10. StupidDav

    6505 Problem Please Help!!!!!

    Hi, not sure if this is the right place or not, sorry if it ain't :ugh: Yeh, bought a 6505 new couple of months ago and been having some issues. After I bought it, if it was knocked it would make a massive pop sound, but doesn't do this any more, think it was a preamp tube not seated...
  11. Abaddon

    Trouble Wiring a K7

    Hi everyone. I'm having some trouble here I'm putting a set of Bare Knuckle Pickups in a K7 but i'm having trouble getting it to work properly. I've installed many pickups in many guitars but i usually don't have this much trouble. It's usually pretty straight forward and only takes me one shot...
  12. Tukaar


    Well fellow sevenstringers, there's trouble afoot in the Thorr-axe camp, and I was wondering is you guys could help me out. Recently, my drummer has approached me with a concern of his. His concern is that he believes that I have been plagiarizing songs from other bands. His prime example is...
  13. 7 Dying Trees

    So, i got a 2:90

    And I have to admit, after yesterday's rehearsal, that I am not blown away. Whilst it does sound good, and admittedly the room isn't the clearest one, i've just been left feeling like it's lacking something... It's not that it isn't good, it is very very nice, i like all the switching options...