
  1. SonicBlur

    WTB LTD V-200 Lawsuit Flying V

    Hey all, I'm looking to find an LTD V-200 Flying V in black. These are seemingly hard to find so I thought I'd put the feelers out here. I don't know what these are going for either but I am looking. Please let me know if you're selling or see one for sale. Thanks!! I'm in Chicago, USA FWIW...
  2. J

    Marshall JH-1 as preamp booster

    Hi there, this is my first post so I hope to writ it in the right section. So my question is pretty straight forward... anyone has ever tried to use the Marshall JH-1 pedal as a preamp booster? I play basically metal tones...something between thrash and death. My preamp is an Engl e530 and...
  3. Metlupass2

    FS: ESP JH-1 Green Flame V Replica

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar:I bought this guitar used a while back and have no idea who made it. I also don't have any idea what woods its made out of. Fretwork isn't the greatest, but its plays decent. The pots and jack are a little scratchy and could use some contact cleaner...