killswitch mod

  1. Mr-Jemhead93

    Need help w/ tricky wiring on EMG solderless system

    So a friend of mine wanted me to install a het set into their guitar with an emg solderless system. The problem is they wanted each pickup (bridge and neck) to go to their own output, resulting in 2 separate outputs. They also wanted to use the 3-way toggle as a killswitch. I followed this...
  2. SoulBeardGuy

    Schecter Hellraiser C8 Killswitch Mod

    Hello everyone. After a decade following this community I decided to create a profile and write my first post. Late 2017, after several years without playing guitar I decided to buy my first ERG, for the lack of availability of Ibanez guitars in Middle East (I was in Dubai back then) I...