
  1. Vuk Gligorijevic

    Giving out 2 free improvisation lessons 1on1 online

    Hi, I decided to do the 2nd round of free improvisation lessons. I want to test out some methods for teaching jazz improvisation and I need couple of students. I will give 2 x 1hr lessons for free just write an email to g.vukjazzer@gmail.com if you are interested. Bio: Playing guitar for 13...
  2. works0fheart

    The Official post-your-practice/progress

    Hey guys, After what TedEH said in the other thread it really got me thinking. I know there are a ton of talented players here and while we all sit around and circle-jerk various avenues of learning and gear, there's never really much in the way of content specifically showcasing practicing and...
  3. works0fheart

    Experiences taking guitar lessons? Story time

    To start this, I've been playing a good while. Probably 17 years now or so. I'm not amazing, but I know how to fake it enough to where I sound decent, but I of course know my own weaknesses with my playing. With some of the down time I have from work I've decided to pick up lessons online...
  4. Sumsar

    Sweep picking basics

    Hi guys, starting a new series on sweep picking, gonna cover everything from the basics to some fairly advanced stuff, here just beginning with a good old third inversion major arpeggio in a 3 string version :)
  5. Dommak89

    Live(!) Online Lessons

    Hi everyone, I'm a lazy bastard. Unfortunately progressing in guitar playing means sitting down and playing (for hours). I have never been good at motivating myself to practice anything and I should be at a different skill level for the years I have been playing. Please don't think I don't love...
  6. J

    Circular picking Thread!

    Hey guys, Recently discovered the amazing Takayoshi Ohmura and his picking technique blows my mind everytime. He explain this technique in a video and refer it as the circular technique. However, I can't figure out how to use the motion properly. I guess I'm missing something... Anyone here has...
  7. G

    What would you like to learn? (recommendations))

    Hey fellows. Some time since I've written a post here, but still lurking in here as always of course :). I was wondering what you people might find interesting/in need of in terms of lessons? I will shortly begin to make as much content as regularly as possible on Youtube, but although I have...
  8. neurosis

    Need recommendations for piano on a budget.

    Hello all! My wife is thinking of starting piano lessons. Our apartment is small but I would like to surprise her with a super basic, entry level keyboard. I have been looking at yamaha in the below 200 dollar segment. Can you recommend something useful, does´t have to be fancy or a...
  9. M

    Skype Guitar Lessons!

    So if you're reading this, you should be interested in taking guitar lessons. I've been doing them for a couple of years with a few students, but I want to get more serious about it. Check out my YouTube channel to see if you think i'm good enough to take you under my wing! YouTube channel...
  10. M

    Music lessons on YouTube!

    Wassup guys! Just thought i'd leave my YouTube channel here, I have different lessons on here that you might like. Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/user/MattyyyM
  11. gandalf

    Contemporary solo and download the backing track and tabs

  12. S

    Josh Middleton from Sylosis and his awesome guitar lessons

    https://www.youtube.com/user/joshsylosis/videos I just discovered this a couple weeks ago. It seems he just started posting videos a few months ago, but he's been posting some pretty neat stuff. He's been posting about half lessons and half about his gear. I personally have been finding...
  13. Sumsar

    Learning Bass

    Hi people So i have been a guitarist for many years, but recently got my first bass (an ibanez SR600). I have been searching both youtube and the internet in general of some good knowlegde base about playing bass, but i haven't really found anything of high quality. Do any of you guys know...
  14. BenEllerGuitars

    This is Why You Suck at Sweep Picking II: The Legacy Continues!!

    The legacy continues!!!!! This time you're gonna learn even more specifics of how to sweep like a magnum sweeper and melt your stepdads face off with blazing arpeggios. Follow my practice tips and your sweep picking is going to get hotter than the tail pipe of Yngwie's Ferrari. Chew on this...
  15. zerofocus

    Anyone know Drum Exercises?

    Been playing drums more and more recently and starting to really enjoy it Just curious of any tips or exercises people know particularly stuff to seperate my arms from my legs so I have more freedom between them would be awesome
  16. BenEllerGuitars

    My new video lesson series: This is Why You Suck at Guitar!

    Just started up this new lesson series on Youtube and thought i would share! I'm going to be breaking down a lot of problems guitarists have with their playing, from simple stuff like picking and bends, all the way to advanced things like theory and improv. I will be explaining these things in...
  17. M

    Opinion on lessons: On the spot vs Skype

    Hey guys, Having just recently suffered a very frustrating experience (lol.. trying to play killer solo leads over a backing track and failing miserably) I think I need classes! :bowdown: I'm not a total beginner to guitar but somehow I must have gotten lost on my own ways and need to go...
  18. M

    Modal practice tracks - 7 modes

    Hi guys check out these two backing tracks on youtube.. great for getting into the 7 major modes! Enjoy...
  19. Shredin0id

    Ways to Make Money with Guitar? (Online)

    Ok, so I'm trying really hard to save up for my final guitar (for now) and some college funds for a really good music school. And I want to make money with music. So I will try to do real life work but I want some help with some ways of how I could make money on the internet playing the guitar...
  20. S

    1 on 1 online lessons

    hi all great forum am learning lots :) hey im very keen to get some lessons with someone,willing to pay what i have too, i want to be able to be 1 on 1 with someone so they can analyse my playing and help me improve my technique etc, i have played for about 10yrs and am basically self tought...