live audio

  1. scolio1978

    live one man band test clips. what do you think?

    playing with other people is fun, but wouldn't it be cool if you could just do it all yourself and have it sound passable for a full band? have been working on this one man band project going for a while now, had an injury that was keeping me from actually playing the rig enough for it to sound...
  2. R

    First time gigging live

    I’ve never performed live on stage before and don’t really know how to approach my first gig. It’s a small pub gig maybe 100 people and I’ll be stationed in the middle of the pub opposite the bar. I’m wondering if this set up will work. - takamine g series thinks its an eg440sc about 5 years old...
  3. B

    PA Clipping and quiet!

    Hello everyone, Recently bought a pair of Alto TS215 powered speakers. I also have a pair of crappy speakers, I believe they're branded LD or something. We run all our signal to the PA via a Behringer Xr18 desk, and our vocalist is using a Shure Beta 58. Anyway, we're in a metalcore(?) band...
  4. U

    Getting a professional rig

    hey guys i'm going to get a professional rig (guitar amp ) you know but not an expensive one so the price it's betwen 300 - 600 dolars for the cabinet and the head (each one). i''m going to record the first ep for my band so i want to get a dark and deep sound and brootal like a good tube rig...
  5. B

    Set-up query

    hey, I am trying to get a versatile setup that doesnt require tons of equipment, and I have the sounds I want from a korg Pandora, and I really want to know if i could simply plug this into a speaker cabinet, or would I need a power amp? any suggestions would be appreciated Thanks. :hbang:
  6. S

    Pod X3 live usage with amp

    Greetings to all the guys! I want to ask for your guidance in optimizing my Pod X3 live for gigs and rehearsals. I am not using the unit's amp and cab simulators (or to be honest, I leave them on only for some strange, spacey patches). I use my Pod's effects via my amp's...
  7. ROAR

    Is anyone here involved in live audio engineering?

    I just started getting into doing live audio engineering and was wondering if anyone else here is involved in that in any way. I recently got a job helping out the live audio department at my school and have started taking some workshops on setting things up etc etc. There seems to be an...