
  1. A

    What guitar is this?

    Hey. So I was browsing on YouTube and I came across a video involving a really cool 7-string that I saw. Does anyone know what make/brand name this guitar is? It's the red guitar being played by the guy sitting on the left. Thanks
  2. VBCheeseGrater

    Good article about speaker cabinets.

    As someone who has never really worried about the type of cab i'm using until recently, this was a very informative article. GuitarPlayer: All About Speaker Cabinets I checked to see if it had already been posted here, and found it in the corner of a thread back in 2007, so thought i'd...
  3. B

    Ibanez, Esp, Schecter......headstock 0_0

    :realmad:it may just be me being weird or something...but i just dont like ibanez guitars... some of their shapes are to plain for me...and their head stock... i mostly see people posting picks of ibanez guitars here, and i think to myself, are they just that freakin amazing? i for one dont...
  4. george galatis

    How to make 200 euros from 2 pounds (video)

    i hope that helps you guys! :fawk:
  5. ohio_eric

    Asteroid may hit Mars!

    The Associated Press: Asteroid May Hit Mars in Next Month I'm kinda excited that it might hit. Watching Comet Shumaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter in 96 was pretty awesome. Seeing an asteroid hit a terrestrial planet would be cool indeed. I don't think Marvin would take well to it. Just...