
  1. A

    Ibanez AANJ Strap Button Position

    Hi Everyone Just looking for a little bit of advice. I'm currently working on a Proline V project guitar and I use Jim Dunlop Flush Mount Straploks. This is where I currently have the upper Straplok: I was wondering if it was possible to have it in a central, set neck-style position without...
  2. R

    Installing lefty 7 string Floyd

    Hey! I have a question about modding. Life has a good sense of humor and said I’ll be left handed, well not a big deal i thought, until I started playing guitar. I was stubborn and started to play on a left handed. So I have limited options when it comes to selecting the ideal guitar for me...

    Lots of problems on 8-string. Help.

    Hey. First post on this forum, so please bear with me if I screw up on something. Okay, so a while back I sent my guitar to be set up at a guitar store. Problem was, they apparently didn't have a pack of 8-strings, so they used the same string gauge that is used for the 7th string for the 8th...
  4. Infini

    NGD: GOC Materia 8 (or how Infini learned to mod guitars)

    Okay boys, strap yourselves in The guitar arrived after a long battle with the local (national, gods know why) post service that took 3 days to send me an import notice, and 3 days to process my information (they also forgot to tell me, so I had to call them (twice) for the privilege of paying...
  5. Garlik

    Agile Septor 727 Pickup Recommendations

    Hey all! So I got an Agile Septor 727 a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it. Maybe a few minor complaints, but I think it's worth the price. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the stock Cepheus pickups, they sounds really muddy on the 6th and 7th strings (and a little even on the 5th at times...
  6. Gmork

    Need your expertise, what mods are possible for ibanez rga8 pots etc?

    hi, first of all i apologize for any silly questions i might ask, im still new to mods and whats feasible and whats not etc. btw i have an ibanez RGA8 with passive bareknuckle aftermaths in it, eq switch does nothing. thats how i bought the guitar. -so to begin with i have a bareknuckle...
  7. J-Fender7

    Modding a guitar.

    Hey everyone. Just wanted some opinions, I have a Washburn Shadow Series Strat that I want to mod the hell out of. I had some ideas but I want opinions. My main goal is to make a really versatile guitar that can play anything from extreme metal to the classics. Pretty much I want to be able to...
  8. XxJoshxX

    The Chronicals of Modding: the Squier, the Maple, and the Bondo.

    I literally have soooo many bodies from Squier Strats that I have pillaged for parts, and I was tired of looking at the pile of them... So this happened. I know a forum member here who basically did the same thing, which was documented on a different forum.So, if you're watching, keep quiet. So...
  9. AliceLG

    Feasibility on the following mods for PRS SEs

    Hi there. I've been an LTD guy for most of the time I've been playing guitar and lately I've caught a little bit of the PRS bug. Thanks to the 32450623708456 NGDs of PS's and APs that have been showing around lately my GAS has moved on to stratospheric altitudes. The fact that my custom 25"...
  10. Jasflip

    Modding a LTD SC-207 - Lots of black

    Hello fellow SSO peeps. I recently finished modding an Ibanez RG7421, and posting the progress to the luthiery section. Before that project however, I took it upon myself to mod a ltd sc-207. I didn't document the process quite as well as my other project, but I thought some of you may enjoy...
  11. Soubi7string

    1986 Charvette 6 string hardware mods/updates

    Not sure if this is the right place to start BUT here goes nothing SO way back when I had surgery done to my foot and I was rendered immobile for a few weeks my mom went out and bought me this old ass guitar that I just fell in love with before I became immobilized, I was 15 at the time. WELL...
  12. P

    Multiple Mid Controls

    I have an ESP LTD B-416SM that I really love. I usually set my controls to the following Vol: Max Blend: Bridge only (EMG DC) Treb: Balanced (Boost/Cut, so I leave in the middle locked position) Mid: 1/2 Boost (So I guess 3/4 all the way) Bass: 1/2 Boost Since I'm an obnoxious clanker and love...
  13. Valnob

    Ideas for modding my RG1527 - help me evaluating the ideas and the probable cost.

    Hey guys, Next week, i'm moving back from Canada to Belgium and I haven't sold my Ibanez RG1527 yet (and probably not at the end of the week), so I'm probably taking it with me to Brussels. Anyway, If I bring it back to Belgium, I already have my Schecter SLS c-7 there and since I prefer the...
  14. Wrecklyss

    SC-607, is it worth it?

    I've been thinking about getting an LTD SC-607 for modification. I'm a little nervous about taking a brand new guitar and modifying it. It is a 27" scale, reverse headstock (super sexy), maple through neck with mahogany body. What i have in mind is to strip off the paint, finish it in natural...
  15. PoonMasterMaster

    Modding S470.. Suggestions?

    Hey guys. I recently picked up a used Ibanez S470 and I'm itching to mod sooooooooooooo badly. Here's what she looks like now: My current plan is to cover the top in this: Black Metro 3D Carbon Fiber Wrap Series Vinyl And spray the back & sides in plasti-dip. 11 oz. Black Rubber Coating...
  16. Levi79

    RG7420 Mod/Refinish (lots of pics!)

    I stumbled upon an ad on Kijiji probably back in August that was titled something along the lines of "IBANEZ 7 STRING FOR SALE!" I thought ah, this might be Japanese so I texted the guy blah blah blah. Turned out it was an RG7420. Problem was he was about 5 hours away. I knew a guy going to...
  17. ibanezcollector

    Oh God! Ibanezcollector is at it again lets the mods begin *Updated 1-19*

    Well here we go going to be doing some mods to this Jay Turser 7 I got from GC couple weeks ago. Believe it or not this guitar is actually not that bad for a back up 7, and I am going to mod it so it definitely can become a main 7 :) First step new pickups :)
  18. C

    Volume pot mod for Jackson slsmg

    I've heard about this a little bit. Essentially what you do is your taking out the tone pot completely and placing volume knob where the tone once was. And ive notice when playing live i tend to hit the volume knob a ton. It's apparently very common in the soloist community but I was wondering...
  19. CooleyJr

    Douglas SR-370 Bevelmod. [In Progress]

    Since I STILL haven't heard about the SR-370s bodies getting.. hacked away at yet.. I figured I'd be the first. EDIT! : I've decided to name it Susan. Aka.. "The Deviled Bevel" The bevels will be stained black, and the top/body and headstock will be stained a dark cherry (not black cherry)...
  20. xmetalhead69

    Piezos on an Ibanez Xiphos?

    Now I don't even know if this would be remotely possible, but I've been thinking about modding the hell out of my xpt700 and thought piezos would be an awesome addition. If it would be possible, how difficult would it be, and how would I go about doing it? thanks people :bowdown: