
  1. classicalmetal24

    This an alright guitar?

    So originally I wanted to get a JPXX - 7 string guitar, but they're so expensive, and the shipping is a pain since I live in Australia. I had a look at some guitars on ebay and wanted to get everyone's opinion on this guitar. Ibanez GRG7221 Black 7 String Electric Guitar Seven String RG7221 |...
  2. B

    Part out of the space djent musical I'm working on!

    Yess. Just uploaded a new snippet to my soundcloud from my coming album Alchemist Hans Blomberg. It's basically a musical with speaches between the songs, very inspired from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Another longer...
  3. L

    Musical Theory for Begginers???

    Hello everyone! Well I've never been familiarized with musical theory, I don't know how to read charts, I don't know the guitar notes, nothing! So... i just wanted to know what should I need to learn first? By the way, I want to learn scales (and what means diminished, dominant, etc), modes and...
  4. Wolfie

    Tell us a musical rarity :)

    So i figured this could be a usefull thread for people who wants to try out some crazy stuff that isnt much used or whatever.. So the deal is you tell us of one example of theory, technique or whatever and you explain what it is and how its used :cool: Here's my contribution. Its a...
  5. eleven59

    Cannibal The Musical Appreciation Thread
