
  1. leechmasterargentina

    3 Full HD videos with multi-track sound of my band + Live EP record

    Good afternoon all. Noosfera is the band in which I sing and play the guitar, and we have just released our first live EP record. We also released 3 Full HD videos of that gig. Sound was recorded on 15 tracks, then mixed and mastered. For the matter, I use an Ibanez RG470 (downtuned 6 string)...
  2. leechmasterargentina

    New 7-string guitar owner from Argentina!

    Hi all! Yesterday I received my new Ibanez RG827QMZ Premium. Besides being my first 7-string guitar, I haven't bought a guitar in more than 10 years, so it's two times rewarding. Here are some pictures of my guitar. The locks are not there because I spent some time yesterday tuning the...