pod farm

  1. Bucketheadtwo

    New Music - My first solo release: "Black EP"

    I just recently released my first solo music in a 6-track EP. Here's a stream of the full EP: As well as a guitar playthrough of the title track: If you like what you hear from my little project, there's plenty of links in there for you to find it elsewhere online. I'd love to hear some...
  2. Masoo2

    Could someone explain this sound/issue?

    Ever since I've started to get into recording/using VST amp simulators I noticed this "issue" Happens with all of my guitars, and has happened with every interface I have had (Line 6 UX1, Line 6 POD X3, and Focusrite Scarlett 2i4). It even happened with my POD X3 outputting the amped signal...
  3. C

    Make total destroy Cover, check it out:)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1ow0q6LGMM Check it out let me know what you think! How's the guitar sound? Is the levels of the music/guitar about right? Let me know! And thanks for taking your time to watch:) :wavey:
  4. savanderbok

    Within The Ruins influence mix/riff/tone test

    Hello everyone! I was messing around with a POD farm tone and just threw together this quick little mix. Looking for some feed back. Not really to concerned with the writing more so the mix and tone. thanks!:donnie: https://soundcloud.com/spooncer/too-cute-within-the-ruins-influence
  5. S

    Pop Influenced Metalcore Mix?? Opinions???

    Hey guys, I'm new to the community and I've been self-producing my own stuff for about a year now. I've been posting regularly on soundcloud but I'm terrible with promotion. Can I get some opinions on this pop-influenced metalcore tune I'm working on? Guitars are POD Farm, drums are Chango FOP...
  6. Oceandrinksboat

    Pod Farm Tones

    I just wanted to share my favorite tone from my Pod Farm library. Its an ambient-type tone; I use it for almost everything. Line 6 CustomTone feel free to share your favorite tone as well :D
  7. T

    Pod Farm Tones

    Hey does anyone know any cool presets/tones for Pod Farm or the top amps/cabs to use for a Deathcore, Metalcore or Djenty tone? ... PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING HEAVY \m/. Influences: Rose Funeral, Impending Doom, Thy Art Is Murder, In the Midst Of Lions, I Declare War, Infant Annihilator, Volumes...
  8. prabragu

    New Metal/Rock project, mixing feedback

    Hey guys! Over the last half year I've been investing a lot more time into guitar playing and learning more about audio production, and I just announced my first instrumental solo-project, Beyond Reach. I'm currently working on a 5-6 song EP, and I put up a demo for my first song off the EP...
  9. C

    Post hardcore progressiveness prepro. Check out my band

    My band finally put out some pre pro we have been working on. Were opening for Erra and I the breather on dec 16th at champs Nj. Check us out The track was recorded with Mitch Rogers using my jpx 7 which at the time had black hawks into pod farm. Lungs of the Chimera (Ft. Connor Roberts...
  10. SDSM

    LTD SC-607B owners with a POD HD, I need a hand.

    Hey guys when I play my LTD SC-607B through my pod hd lately it has been a little different...I want to try and determine whether the problem is coming from my guitar or the Pod but I have nobody here to compare it with. So I was wondering if any of you could send me a patch that you use along...
  11. Bucketheadtwo

    NPD (New POD Day!) UX2 USB Interface

    My face is swollen because I had my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday, but here's my POD UX2! First noodling clip I made: https://soundcloud.com/jacob-morgan/pod-ux2-test-djenty-stuff RG7321 w/ D Activators > POD UX2 > POD Farm > Reaper
  12. teamSKDM

    Proof you dont need an axe fx for good recording - podfarm content

    buddy of mines band, recorded using logic, podfarm, and a 003 interface. and mixed with logics plugins. came out very well i think. better than alot of axe fx recorded things ive seen. all you need is the experience with your programs, and you can really get anything done with it , as my friend...
  13. X

    New single I released. (SD2.0/PODfarm/Logic Pro) FFO: Groove, Ambient

    Here's a new single I released for my solo project Analogies. First single off of my first Full Length album that I am currently working on. Feedback welcome! Analogies - Unbreakable (Instrumental) [Single 2012] - YouTube
  14. M

    POD Farm sound quality (vs X3 live) - a question of sample rate ?

    Hey guys, I've got a POD X3 Live and with it, the POD Farm (2.5 Platinum I believe). I'm trying to use the POD Farm with my newly acquired RME Babyface and my Macbook Pro (late 2011 model). First thing I though was that I could use the same custom patches I've made for the X3 in Pod...
  15. IdentityDevice

    Pod farm vs. pod hd thread.....

    I've been planning on getting the pod hd desktop for some time now and a friend of mine got the PRO and just can't get it to sound good. He said he's tried everything from eq'ing out the fizz and he just isn't satisfied. I'm currently using pod farm and he's talking about going to the X3 live...
  16. SDSM


    People say that the tones of the EMG 81-7 are a little thin...How do you go about thickening it up successfully in POD Farm or POD HD to fit snugly in a mix? And do you have some tones I could try out? I am stumped!
  17. SDSM

    POD Farm VS HD

    Is it weird to say that I am getting better tones with Pod Farm 2.5 then out of my Pod HD bean? Maybe it's the lack of a 4 band EQ because I find that it really helps me in my tones with the UX2. Its great with beefing it up and clearing it up. Everything I have tried with the HD comes off as...
  18. Goatfork

    NRD (KRK and Macbook Pro content)

    New rig day!! It's an exciting time, haha. I've been running a huge PC rig for ages, and I loved it, but it had some flaws. Mostly, I'm pretty much nomadic, and carrying around a giant tower and screen wrapped up in blankets in the trunk of my car never had me too confident or secure in...
  19. SDSM

    Pod Farm with EMG 81-7's

    Anyone know any good Pod Farm tones in the patch library that go good with two stock EMG 81-7's? Pretty much everything I have tried sounds too thin or harsh, even dull sometimes and I am only able to get a decent tone after messing with the Pod Farms 4 band EQ. I just want to know if there...
  20. SDSM

    I wish I could get my Pod Farm sounding like this!

    I have the same guitar with the same stock pickups and a UX2 with Pod Farm/Metal Shop and I cant get close to this! Pretty good player! Anyway...Anybody have any ideas on what he may be using in his patch? I asked him and he cant remember cause he uses the Ax Fx now and apparently he barely...