
  1. A

    Is anyone willing to sell their pod farm licence to me?

    Hey guys, three days ago a power surge destroyed my Pod Studio UX2. Last night I bought toneport UX2 (redfaced) and apparently they aren't authorized with Podfarm 2 and I have to buy pod farm licence which is 99$. That's a bit too much for me at this point so I'm wondering if there's anyone...
  2. S

    Guitar Playthrough video of my new song "Revelation From Inside" Scale the Summitey

    I made this video for an audition for a summer Guitar program at the University of Miami but I am extremely satisfied with the results so here it is. PLEASE let me know what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSOzwiqXSQY&feature=youtu.be
  3. S

    Debut single "Random Thoughts" from my band Epiphany (Simple Progressive Rock)

    This is the first song we have ever released as a band, how do you guys like the mix and the song? This was my first time ever really mixing something with so much going on but I did my best. Thanks for your time :hbang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL-x_mnItAY...
  4. faloppa

    Short clip (Within the Ruins-ish)

    Hi guys, some days ago I recorded this and I was wondering if you could help me with some feedback, I'd be really grateful! https://soundcloud.com/faloppa/im-back-biatchezz This was recorded with SD2.0 and Podfarm for guitars and bass. Hope you like it :)
  5. Cobhc221

    Audiobox usb owners

    i have a really good question for you all. is it possible to use pod farm with studio one? i've tried looking for videos on how to do it and wasnt sure if it was worth buying. anything would helps thanks.
  6. S

    Not sure how to recreate these sound effects/ Hows my first mix?

    I'm not exactly a beginner at recording but I'm sorta still learning alot of things. Anyway, I'm not sure how to recreate the sound at 1:06 on Isolated Incidents Animals As Leaders - "Isolated Incidents" (official stream) - YouTube When the guitars come in and it sort of swells(?). I'm also...
  7. DrGand

    Anyone into Death Metal?

    I just recorded this song I wrote about 2 days ago... I still haven't come up with any leads or solos yet but rest assured they will come.. I'm just looking for opinions on the song in general... Even the recording aspects... I recorded it with drumkit from hell, and PODfarm. Neither of which...
  8. slenderman

    New tones, New mix, new band! CRITIQUE PLEASE!

    Hey everyone, I'm the bassist of Sworn In: Sworn In | Facebook Me and the old vocalist just started a post-hardcore kind of band Please check out our first song, and let me know what you think! I had a pretty difficult time with the mastering since I don't really know what I'm doing...
  9. hypotc

    Tight Groove (clip) [TSE X50, PodFarm, SD2.0]

    Hello Sevenstring.org! I've been recording a lot lately, but never posted anything on this forum before. So here's the first mix im throwing at you. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! :) Tight Groove (clip) by hypotc on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free...
  10. Daemon

    Test : Cloudicker - Dysphoria Intro Cover ( BKP, SD2.0, PodFarm, ESP )

    Hi guys, <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F25078558&amp;show_comments=true&amp;auto_play=false&amp;color=d56e00"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>...
  11. A

    Reaper Pitch Issues

    hello, so i am running reaper and i use podfarm for my effects, but when i monitor the track it is a half step up in pitch, and i have the same issue when it is playing back what i recorded but when i render the project it is in the proper pitch, so i guess there is some setting in reaper that...
  12. Daemon

    Vildhjarta Imitation, by The Nocturnal Chaos ( PodFarm, SD2.0, BKP )

    Hi guys ! This isn't a plagia or anything else.. I just challenging myslef to do something like Vildhjarta.. So here it is, It's not the kind of thing I'm used to do ! Just for fun and challenge =P <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie"...
  13. Wookieslayer

    Pod XT w/ Metal Pack & FX addons & PodFarm Software!

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Line 6 Pod XT bean and PodFarm software license Modifications (if any): Purchased the Metal Shop and FX Pack downloads from Line 6 and also have a Podfarm license tied to her, which is basically the X3 in software form, so you get all the bass, vocal...
  14. S

    Pickup Choice With Virtual Heads And Cabs?

    I've just started foolin around with Amplitube metal, and I was trying to find out which pickups would work best with a simulated sound. I'm using the Dean rc7 now with the stock emg 707s. Riffs on the lower strings sound pretty good, but leads or anything on the higher strings sounds too weak...