randall diavlo

  1. B

    Randall RD20 vs. Engl Metalmaster or Ironball: Best lunchbox head for metalcore

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the SevenString community. I've come here because I am on the hunt for a new guitar rig. As my username implies, I am primarily a bass player. I've always noodled around on guitar. However, since picking up an Ibanez Iron Series (6 string) a few months ago, I've been...
  2. Edika

    Lost my power tube failure virginity!

    Hi all, I'm sure most of you using tube amps have experienced this before and a lot worse reading these forums all these years. After using tube amps for almost a decade this is the first instance that I had a power tube catastrophically fail! Truth be told I mostly play at home at low volumes...
  3. cwhitey2

    Random NAD!

    So 2 weeks ago I just happened to look on my local Guitar Centers used section online. They had this: I have actually been thinking about buying a 1watt one for a while now. But this came with the cab for less than a new 1 watt. So I had to buy it :lol: This little thing...
  4. Mischief

    Tube amp suggestions <$850, good cleans required

    The title fairly well says it. Basically, I want a high gain amp. I generally lean toward something around the 6L6 realm. 6L6s, KT88s, etc. A few that I'm looking at: Bugera Trirec, which should give me the distorted tones I want, though I haven't seen much about it's cleans. Bugera...