
  1. nkri

    Belated NGD - Ibanez RG2027X (hi-res pics included)

    Here are some pics :hbang: This is my absolute dream guitar (rivaled only by the EBMM JP7)...I saw it in a local Daddy's Junky Music a few months ago, but didn't have the cash at the time to buy it. My parents surprised me with it for my high school graduation (the first time...
  2. heineken_fretwalker

    Being a fucking man today

    So, my truck has been running a little like shit here lately, so today has been my designated repair vehicle day. So far, I've changed my oil and my air filter (which was diiiirrrttty), and I'm about to change out my spark plugs/wires and clean the living bee-jeeezzzuus out of my MAF, see if...
  3. alexggbr

    Changing Truss Rod - Damaged 80s Les Paul

    I got a vintage 80s les paul from a friend of mine kinda for free. It's a really nice guitar, all in mahogany, with a (maple, I think) top and rosewood fingerboard. It's a Brazillian brand Gianinni. The guitar is rather old and has been through a lot - repaints and some other shit. The frets...
  4. sh4z

    Re: 6505+ 112 Combo - How long is a reasonable amount of time for repair?

    Hi Guys, Just wanted to put this out there - I bought a 6505+ 112 combo recently.. Everything was going fine and I was very happy with the amp, BUT, not long after (Roughly a week) I discovered a strange noise that was only noticable while playing certain notes - sort of hard to explain but...
  5. lilpendragon

    Need help cleaning up and repairing a cabinet, any ideas?

    Bought this old Line 6 cab and Line 6 Spyder II head for $300. The cab has paint all over the grill, I thought I could get it off but I'm not making any progress. Hooked up a bass guitar with it and I found out that at high volumes you can hear that the speakers are loose and rattling on the...
  6. Forresterc

    Sevenstring broke...into 3 pieces... need tips on rebuilding

    Ok, I'll have pics up later, but my RG1527 is now broken into 3 pieces. The neck and Bridge, and two pieces of the body. I'm pretty sure i can salvage the neck, the strap lock, and the Dimarzio Evo7 pickup. I would like to know if rebuilding the guitar would save me money, be more costly...
  7. 7 Dying Trees

    Some people can't pack... How to fix a problem with paint chips?

    OK, so i bought a 7620VK of ebay after clubbing together with a bunch of friends to get another friend a surprise birthday present. Now, guitar was all fine, NO chips at all on it, looked great. I got it today, opened it up, and, well... 1) Whoever packed it left the trem bar floating in the...
  8. Varjo

    Doctor T's workshop-hospital: Repairing an vintage Ibanez

    Hello fellow’ers! Today in Doctor T’s workshop-hospital we have a very seroiusly injured patient. He’s a 39 year old patient with nothing but trouble. But have no worries, we will fix him good as new! The patient. Yes. A 1969 Ibanez Soundmaster II, forgotten in a garage. The...
  9. 7 Dying Trees

    Rivera Fixed + TBR-5/TBR-2 info

    Just as I am happy about this, the TBR-5 only needed a retube and a new baseplate for one of the tubes, which is good :D Am looking forward to comparing it to the inbound 2:90, and I have a bad feeling I'll end up keeping both :s Some info for anyone else running them as given by the guy who...

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