
  1. JeffFromMtl

    Ibanez RG7421 Re-finish

    I posted a NGD thread about this guitar yesterday: http://www.sevenstring.org/forum/sevenstring-guitars/114071-ngd-ibanez-project.html. And in this thread, I document my first attempt at a re-finish! Last night, I couldn't sleep, so I ended up yanking out the guts and removing the hardware and...
  2. JeffFromMtl

    NGD- Ibanez Project!

    So, considering how broke I am at the moment and that I'm still paying off school and waiting on my Bowes custom 7, I shouldn't be spending any money. Therefore, I had no business browsing some local classifieds the other day when I found a hell of a sweet deal. The guitar was listed as an...
  3. JeffFromMtl

    Help me Identify an Ibanez plz!

    Looks like a 7621 to me. No neck binding means it's not a 7321, and I'm no expert, but I don't think the 7421 had an all-maple neck. Can anyone who knows more about RG7's shed any light on this guitar? Thanks!
  4. V

    WTT ibanez prestige rg2620 for ibanez 7 string MIJ

    Gear/Guitar Wanted: Ibanez 7 string MIJ of any kind without any major issues Additional Accessories (hardshell case etc):Hardcase unless you are in NSW Your Location (City,State or City,Country):Sydney, Australia International OK?:Yes Contact Info (No Phone #s):v1ncent-_-@hotmail.com References...
  5. Wi77iam

    NGD (modded Ibanez content) *56k-so I hear you guys like pr0n*

    Well, almost after a year of it being in bits and being sanded and stained and what not, here's my RG7421 (7621 neck though, so :yesway:) I stained it a dark green.. a bit too dark for what I wanted, but doesn't matter. "Nothing is more metal than black" - PG :lol: I then used danish oil to oil...
  6. Munky7Head

    IBANEZ RG7421/RG7621/RG7321

    Looking for anyone of these guitars. I am really interested in the 7421, but will take any of these 3 guitars. In the price range of $300 and below. Get back at me if you have one you are selling. Thank you.
  7. S

    Paint Complete Project Murder Weapon PICS

    So just got finished with the initial paint. After thats dry is the next question...... Blood? No Blood? Sorry about the quality but as soon as i get it back together I will post hi res images. Let me know what you think of the finish or if i need more pics let me know. (not bad for my...
  8. S

    DIY Murder Weapon Pictures

    So started this today....done with sanding and weathering. Picked up a heat gun, stains, and rad paint. Let me know what you guys think. I think paint will make or break and less in this case will be more.
  9. S

    RG7621 possibly sale.

    So I just bought this…like a few days ago…rad score, but as much as I love it I just don’t do well with the fixed bridge (that kind of things not my bag baby…) I’m in no hurry to get rid of it so lowball offers will be ignored, and I would like to see it go to...
  10. S

    New RG with Pics...

    So I bought a seven on craigslist a few days ago and finally picked it up yesterday… imagine my surprise when I thought I was buying an rg7321 and I end up picking up a rg7621…. So brought it home stringed it up, and it plays like a friggin champ way fast neck and even though the body was a...
  11. ZeroSignal

    Ibanez RG Colours

    Hey, could I find out what colours come with a model of RG? Specifically the RG7621. Did this model ever come as the RG7621 WH (White)? I'm wondering as I've been offered one but I've never heard of this model coming in that colour. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Rick Pierpont

    One last check... (Dimarzio on my Ibby)

    before I order my pups for my RG7621. The neck was easy - Air Norton 7. However, I've done a fair amount of wafflling on the bridge. My choices were down to the Blaze Custom, Blaze Bridge, or D-Sonic. It would be so much easier if I could try out all three, but that's not realistic, so I've...
  13. Rick Pierpont

    My New RG7621

    is here!!!! i got done with another post, checked UPS tracking again and was surprised to see that it was delivered already! I ran upstairs and sure enough, found my new guitar leaning up against the outside wall! Not very smart on UPS' part, but luckily I was here. Well, holy shit...
  14. djpharoah

    RG7621 Locking Tuners - Schallers or Sperzel?

    Looking to upgrade my Gotohs on my rg7621 to a locking kind. My only concern is that I should have to do zero to minimal modifcation(drilling) to the headstock to fit the locking tuners. If you have modified your RG7421/RG7621 with a set let me know which ones you got and from where. Thanks