
  1. Lazercoon

    Been Working on my Writing/Production . . . Let me Know What You Think?

    Hello! I know I am very new here, so I'm not expecting an avalanche of comments or anything like that! I also apologize if this is not in the right section of the forums . . . I figured "general" was pretty all-inclusive. Anyways, I've been playing guitar for some years now, and naturally...
  2. AugmentedFourth

    Trying to get good sounding cleans out of a UX2?

    Matter Wave This is a song that I wrote... which does not have any distorted parts, or any effects at all. The hardest parts were probably trying to double/triple track parts without them sounding sloppy (although they still do) because of the fingerpicking aspect, and also trying to make the...
  3. jonajon91

    Just for fun - 1:30 minutes to write the worst music possible

    I figured how I always love creating short little ditties on guitar pro that are just hard on the ears. Things like atonality and heavy dissonance. I have two examples on my soundcloud where I just took the midi from guitar pro and turned it into an MP3 online...
  4. B

    My first mix.

    Hey guys, I wanted ask you your opinion on this one, it's pretty much my first real mix. To your ear's it will probably suck, I'm completly new to this stuff so please understand. plugins used: Ezdrummer DFH Poulin Legion Voxengo Boogex Amplitube Metal for Distorted Bass Tse BOD for clean bass...
  5. SDSM

    Critique my mix please? Advice very welcome.

    Recorded all guitars through my POD HD. Drumkit From Hell. Mixed in Garageband. Body hammer cover test mix 2 by SDSM on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  6. Tjore

    ENGL Blackmore - Zelda Djent?

    Hello! I've never seen a metal or djent cover of the enemy encountering music from Ocarina of Time, so I decided to do it for fun, whilst testing my ENGL Blackmore to it's full potential! Hope you like it! Used my Ibanez RG827Z with CL and LF on this one :D Zelda Ocarina of Time - Battle Music...
  7. Tjore

    New Djent-Metal setup test and new song in the works - Help and opinions wanted!! ;)

    Yeah, whenever I have something in the works, I generally get back here to just see what people think... and the feedback always make me feel so awesome, I have to admit. :hbang: Anyways, I have a new set up too! Running things with impulses and tubing and all sorts of stuff, just wanna hear...
  8. T

    Quick RG2228A Demo...

    in my original NGD thread someone asked for clips, and since I've lived in it for a couple of weeks I tossed this together today...excuse the slop. Ate String by BlackBalloons on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  9. MannyMoonjava

    CUBASE 6 and AGILE 828!!

    Hii folkz!! i just got cubase 6 and made this song testing out how everything works using my Agile. Hope of Blue by MannyMoonjava on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Sound is not perfect and there is some slap back on my amplifyer that i dont know what is (?)...
  10. Gabe_LTD

    MY friends Dubstep, What do you think ?

    Hey, a Old class mate I have loves to make dubstep, really put a lot of time into his dubstep. And I thought I' Would do him a favor and share his music with you guys. he's only like 17, Here is his dubstep on soundcloud -----> SpaceAge714's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share...
  11. R

    Greetings from Slovenia :)

    Hey guys! I've been around for a while now but haven't actually made my introduction. I'm Rok (Rock eng. :) and I've been playing guitar for about 7 years now. I just got back to composing and recording from a short break I had and I would like to use this opportunity to invite everyone to...
  12. V


    My name is Ivan, I live in California. I'm going to be 19 years old in a couple days and have been going to shows, listening to all metal, and doing vocals for 6 years now. I am by no means a good guitar player, but I've been messing around on guitar for 6 years also so if there was some type of...
  13. matisq

    Sevenstring group on

    Hi, I would like to invite all of you sevenstringer to joint to sevenstring group on It would be nice if you share your sevenstring work here :) sevenstring group on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  14. The Beard

    2 New Recordings! (Drop G/Ambient Br00talz Content)

    Been working on trying to make things sound decent :lol: Here's two recordings that I recently did, I used DKFH, as you can probably hear. I really need to get SD 2.0 :squint: Ambient/Heavy Idea by stc423 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free TesseracT Inspired Idea...
  15. Gothberg

    Groovemetal solo project obtain/restrain

    This is about my solo project Obtain/Restrain and finally I'm on facebook. So if you like my music then please enter, and like. Facebook Bummer that I didn't get featured on the djent-compilation CD that came with this months issue of Metal Hammer Magazine, but what could I expect judging by...
  16. Arterial

    Check out my dreamy Progressive Post-Rock project!

    Hey guys =) I've never released anything on the internet before and would love some feedback. Technicolour Dreamcode - Systems Online I'm currently working on two or so more tracks and hopefully release an EP or something...that'd make my day... technicolourdreamcode's sounds on SoundCloud -...
  17. beefshoes

    Complete Strapping Young Lad Cover (AHTNF)

    Here is my complete cover of Strapping Young Lad's All Hail The New Flesh! I did all of the instrumental and drum programming and this by far the mix I have done yet so listen please and tell me what you think ;] <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie"...
  18. T

    My soundcloud players aren't working!

    Is their any reason for my embedded soundcloud players not to work (it comes up as 'this track is currently not available'? Cos I'm sure I've seen other peoples working fine and I would be really useful if they did lol. I reported the problem to the soundcloud guys and they said to ask you about...
  19. Zamm Bell

    Soundcloud? Anyone else using it?

    I was just wondering if anyone else is using soundcloud? And if so, what do people think of it so far? I dont know if its a new thing or not, im just a new guy on there. Sam Bell Guitarist - Tracks - SoundCloud It seems pretty cool for posting clips and ideas on, and you can comment on...