
  1. RuffeDK

    My band recorded a single - check it out!

    Hello SSO! :metal: My band, Decay of Existence, was in the studio a few weeks ago to record one of out latest tracks. Background story; a guy is starting a brand new recording studio and needed a new but *fairly* unknown band to record a single song for his PR/showcase. Anyways! Give it a...
  2. Oske7

    Monitoring question!

    What up dudes?! Here's my dilemma: I currently have a pair of Yamaha HS50Ms and an HS10w sub for my main monitors. They're coming out of outputs 5-6 on my Profire 610. I want to get a pair of Avantone Mix Cubes to use as reference monitors. I want to have it set up so I can easily flip...
  3. A

    HELP ME OUT!! Audio Interface or Line 6 POD

    Greetings 7-string community. I've been into progressive stuff for a while now (cloudkicker, monuments, bulb, etc.) and just recently picked up my first seven string (Agile w/ crunch lab 7). I'm real happy with this purchase, and it's inspired me to start writing again. With that being said, I...
  4. LewisMembery

    New bass, tone test.

    Hey, yesterday I picked myself up a new 5-string Jazz Bass and decided to do a really short/quick tone test. I used the dual amping in my Pod HD Pro for the tone. Hopefully be able to keep tweaking it over the next couple of days until I'm 100% happy, but this is what I ended on today...
  5. 7

    Help with computer programs/interfaces/etc..

    I'm trying to get a setup going with my Macbook Pro I got a couple months ago. I would like to get some information on which programs are the best/easiest to use/ and all of that. As well as some different audio interfaces that are compatible with those programs. Like most people, I don't...
  6. MAW84

    Production, Mixing, Mastering, Drums on Demand

    Hello, This is Marc from Berlin, Germany. I worked with over 60 Bands in last 5 years. I am working together with Dailyhero Studios in Berlin to ensure an international standard in sound, recording and production. I use a broad set of high class outboard equipment to maintain the best result...
  7. ONE

    Thoughts On Schecter Stiletto Studio 5?

    I'm hoping to buy a new bass soon and this one of the ones that really caught my eye, its in the right price range and it's specs are to my liking. So i'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with this bass or Schecter basses in general, or maybe has recommendations for other basses I...
  8. AustinShafer

    Hard working musician seeking Vocalist!!!!

    Hey everyone I just released my first solo album!! (I had too many issues in the past with band members). You can check it out here: or just search my name on youtube. I am looking for a vocalist that can sing as well as scream, and is willing to experiment with lots of...
  9. G

    Critique on song wanted!

    This is a metal song I spent some time working on. I'm 19 and haven't been working on mixing/mastering for too long, and some tips on how to get more fluid of a mix would be much appreciated! And tell me what genre you would classify this as...
  10. leechmasterargentina

    To POD or not to POD, that is the question.

    Before we start, I'd like the oppinion of people who has experience in electric guitar recording (as a musician or engineer), mostly with real amps in studio, and that has heard recordings fully made with POD HD500 (or X3, XT for the matter). For several years I've recorded at home as well as...
  11. L

    Feedback on some mixes?

    I've been working on my mixing/mastering skills lately for my album that I'll be releasing shortly. Could I get some feedback on some of the following mixes? Clean Arabic tune: In The Zone (album version) by James Van Cleaf on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free...
  12. Glyph

    Am I crazy, you tell me

    So I have a Carvin Dc727 with PAF pro and a Tone lab in the bridge, I believe that is the same pick-up selection Mr. Vai has in his Jem7... I believe(If I am wrong I am sorry) I love this guitar, it plays fantastic. It has one small ding in the back around the size of a No.2 pencil eraser head...
  13. Dickicker

    FS/FT Gibson Shred Studio Les Paul

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Bought it hoping I would be able to go back to Les Paul style guitars. Nope. I'm a strat style guy. Only a few weeks old. Not registered yet. Normal studio, Floyd Rose. Sounds and plays great. Modifications (if any): New shim. Gibson put the...
  14. Leuchty

    New Gear Day. Line 6 content...

    Hi all! :wavey: So after trying to get rid of my "not so practical at home rig" and not having any luck, I managed to do a trade with my go-to store. Run of the mill... Here she is... In its new home... Where I will be, when the world and missus are looking for me...
  15. The Shadow

    New Studio/ Studio Mural Help

    This thread is sort of a continuation from my last thread regarding designing a studio desk. (TL;DR @ bottom of post) ( I recently renovated the room, and this is what it looks like now.... (Sorry for the shitty...
  16. P

    Thinking about recording our EP ourselves. Thoughts on the mix? Djentyness ITT

    My band Transcendency | Facebook is ready to record, and we can either do it ourselves our go to Bullet Ride Productions | Facebook. These are the recordings so far for our instrumentals, although we will do vocals with someone else if we do it ourselves. How our mix sounds (except song 2...
  17. Wretched

    Headphone choice for monitoring

    Hey folks, did a little search but found nothing I felt was conclusive. Hoping your up-to-the-minute experiential knowledge of studio headphones will help me make a choice on a pair. I've never owned anything decent, but the noise of monitoring with speakers is driving the missus nuts when she's...
  18. K

    New Groove, Any Tips on Recording?

    Hey everyone! I just recorded this Groove to test out some new recording techniques. Not really into the whole "djent" thing but I had severe writers block on my tech death band so I did this. Any tips on my sound? thanks! Dai-Gurren by marc-lewis on SoundCloud - Create, record and share...
  19. K

    Massive Dual Tracking Guitar Sound?

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum just have a couple of dumb questions: 1) How do bands like this ( get their guitar sounds? Is it super heavy compression or what? 2) I double track when I record my guitars (Pan 100L 100R) but they just lack the huge...
  20. Koop

    Gibson Les Paul Studio Silverburst w/ BKP's

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: 2009, Ebony fretboard. Modifications (if any):Satin neck. I used a scotch-brite pad to revombe some lacquer on the neck to make it satin, however, there is one spot where the wood can be seen. BKP's are a Holydiver in the bridge and a Mule in the neck...