
  1. ke7mix

    Out of options for switching my effects

    I play through a peavey 6505+, my signal chain runs Guitar>Line6 G50 Wireless>MaxonOd808>Isp Decimator>Ehx Phaser>Amp>Cab with a reverb and a Chorus in the effects loop. (amp has a footswitch for Fx loop and Channel switch) My problem is i want to be able switch channels on my amp and turn off...
  2. J

    Peavey 6505+ issues...any ideas?

    So i just bought my second 6505+ i had and sold one awhile back and regretted it immediately, but i got this one used and everything is pretty much new. I noticed when i change channels i get this glitch like noise? This is changing the channel from the amp as well so it cant be a wire or...
  3. S

    EMGs' to sd's

    yo, switching out my emgs for an sh-5 in the bridge and a jazz in the neck. are the slots gonna be too big or small for the duncans to sit in? or are they the same size, or at least close enough to the same size? i dont wanna have to mod shit
  4. slenderman

    Thinking about ditching my 5150 for a Mark IV!?

    Whaddup. I've grown sick of the standard 5150 tone and Im just not getting everything I want out of it. Heres what Im going for in terms of tone: So Im thinking about selling my 5150 and buying a Boogie Mark IV. I played one once and it was the tightest amp I have ever played, and I...
  5. VBCheeseGrater

    OD pedal + Amp Channel switching in one pedal?

    So basically, i'd like to be able to do what the title says without going out and buying a bunch of midi stuff - my amp is not midi capable anyway. I want to be able to go from my amps clean channel to the distortion channel + tube screamer in one click of a pedal. Anyone have a sub $100...
  6. G

    Question About the Morley ABY Selector Combiner

    I know that it is possible to run this pedal as one guitar to two amps, or two guitars to one amp, but i was curious if it was possible to run one amp head to two cabs? If not what would be another pedal I could use for this same function.
  7. Grank

    ERG Player, now Bass? (Bass sub-forum as well)

    I don't know where this topic belongs because it suits both sub-forums so I will post in each one. That said... I love my Ibanez 8-string RGA8, it's very fun. But today I had the pleasure of playing an Ibanez BTB470 through a Roland Cube120XL with a moderate drive setting. Talk about fun and...
  8. Grank

    ERG Player, now Bass?

    I don't know where this topic belongs because it suits both sub-forums so I will post in each one. That said... I love my Ibanez 8-string RGA8, it's very fun. But today I had the pleasure of playing an Ibanez BTB470 through a Roland Cube120XL with a moderate drive setting. Talk about fun and...
  9. PetrucciVai

    Can this be done??

    Hey guys, quick question about some pickup replacement.. I have a Schecter C-1 FR (with "duncan designed" active pickups) and a les paul studio (with shitty stock pickups). I want to buy a D-Sonic/Air norton set for my Schecter, for standard tuning/lighter gauge string stuff, and I wanna...
  10. ohio_eric

    Interesting pickup switching systems

    These both look interesting. Of course both of these are more for endless tone tweakers and not guys you never leave their bridge pickup. :D I actually saw these on a thread on the Duncan forum about those new P-Rails that really need a seven string version along with the new Alternative 8...

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