
  1. neurosis

    Planning first tattoo (advice, recommended shops in NY, DC?)

    A friend is coming to visit from overseas and we are planning to get tattoos end of March or April. Designs are pretty much done since we are both artists but we have zero clue of what shops to contact for the job. The tattoos will be fairly small (about 4 by 4 inch max) and designs will be...
  2. W

    New Marshall Custom Shop tattoo JVM1!

    This Custom Shop Marshall is probably the best tonal foundation possible. It's a JVM 1 watt Custom Shop Vicki Morgan tattoo series head, with the tattooed Celestion C110 cabinet. It has everything you need to sculpt your tone, bass, middle, treble, with an added prescence knob which adds a...
  3. budda

    New Ink Day - get sunk v.2

    Went to see my good man Dave at Hanger 18 Hanger 18 Tattoos and Piercings staff We did some more work on my 7/8 sleeve as I like to call it. This time was the Octopus and the beginning of the shark, with some shading. Next sit will be finishing the shark and starting on the colour. Time was an...
  4. budda

    Ongoing Sleeve Tattoo Day!

    Hey guys, I thought I'd post this in the art section, it seems a bit more fitting. Yesterday I got the second sitting of my nearly-a-half sleeve done, working on the background. Next up will be the outline for the angel that will be inside the bicep and the rest of the background I do...
  5. C

    My New Tattoo...

    I've been meaning to post these pictures for about a week, but I've only now got around to it. The idea for this tattoo was brought up during my friends tattoo session. He was getting a calf sleeve and our friend the tattooist started to sketch a rough version of it on the back of his leg. Once...
  6. JeffFromMtl

    New Tattoo Day: Full Sleeve Session #5... Finally Finished!

    I finally had my last session last thursday and finished the sleeve. I would have posted pictures earlier, but I've had a busy couple of weeks, having just started university, started a new job and jamming with a new band. Anyway, It's almost fully-healed so I figured I'd take a few pictures to...
  7. JeffFromMtl

    New Tattoo Day: Full Sleeve Session #4... Aaaalmost finished.

    Yesterday I went in for session number four. We were hoping to finish the sleeve, but it just didn't happen. We finished my forearm, which for the amount of space it covers, is the most labour-intensive part of the sleeve due to the amount of detailing. Anyway, I'm pretty lucky cuz while I was...
  8. JeffFromMtl

    New Tattoo day - Full Sleeve Session 3: Moby Dick is finally in colour!

    Finally, today I went into the shop to get some colour onto good ol' Moby Dick. Since the whale's white, we weren't sure what to do, and Vincent suggested greys and yellows with white highlights. I agreed and we went to work. The pictures will speak for themselves. Now all that's left is the...
  9. JeffFromMtl

    New Tattoo Day - Full Sleeve!

    I finally went in to Studio Tattoo Mania today to start working on my sleeve with this badass dude named Vincent from France. The pictures aren't great cuz I took them myself, so I may have someone else take pics and then post those. Clearly, all that was done today were the lines. We start...
  10. budda

    My First Tattoo! 20th bday present to myself

    I made up my mind a while ago: if im getting inked, it's gonna be for music - nothing else will be constant for me. It cost a bit to get done, and I left Dave at Hanger 18 a tip (him being my artist), and I think he did an awesome job! I spent the $5 to get the ointment they have, and I plan...
  11. budda

    Hey Matt/highvolumeseller510 - got inked yet?

    as the thread title states, have you got your tattoo yet? curiosity wants to know!
  12. halsinden

    NID (new ink day): beth & i done got tattooded

    yesterday, beth (now signed up on here under 'quartie') & i took the day to go down to southend to visit our friend wendy parker at studio 9 to get some more ink, or as was in the wife's case: her first. i went first. got the 'III' roman numeral on my left shoulder done better, bolder &...
  13. Emperoff

    Unearth Die-hard fan gets his ass tattooed with Ken Susi's Face!!! lol

    :rofl::nuts: You guys gotta check this out: BOSTON.TV I can't stop laughing, the face is funny as hell :lol: