A good starting guitar?

  • Thread starter nisroch
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Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Den Haag, NL

First posting, longtime lurker.

I've recently decided to pick up the guitar again after a 13 year lull(I discovered I really love drumming) and naturally I want to get a seven string because I love B tuning and all things on the extreme metal side of things.

I'm looking to spend about 700-900 EUR and am really just looking for a good solid sounding axe for my own enjoyment and maybe a bit of studio work here and there. I've narrowed it down to a few different choices and seeing as I'm a total noob at guitar(played for a few years in my teens, never got very good) I would really appreciate if anyone could give some pros and cons on the following models:

Jackson SLATXMG37 Soloist

They all seem to have the pretty much the same feature set so if anyone has any input on these models I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading!

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Set the World Afire
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Montpellier France
If you "restart" the guitar maybe a 6 strings will be better....A 26'5 baryton if you want a good low B....
I will never give a 7 strings to a beginner....learning the scale is the most important thing. He could barely strecth his fingers for a simple power chord. Even don't have the ear to listen to his tuning.
Learn to put out a G chord before chuggah chuggah monkey part please !
It's like giving a double bass pedal to a guy who can't grab his sticks and hit the fvcking snare.
Anyway I'm not you and you have the right to start with what you want, with your budget you will have a serious guitar, way above your abilities.
Pick one you like the most when you look at it and when you grab it, that's it.
I will go with the LTD 1007 or Jackson Soloist, they're pretty similar and very good axes.


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Den Haag, NL
If you "restart" the guitar maybe a 6 strings will be better....A 26'5 baryton if you want a good low B....
I will never give a 7 strings to a beginner....learning the scale is the most important thing. He could barely strecth his fingers for a simple power chord. Even don't have the ear to listen to his tuning.
Learn to put out a G chord before chuggah chuggah monkey part please !
It's like giving a double bass pedal to a guy who can't grab his sticks and hit the fvcking snare.
Anyway I'm not you and you have the right to start with what you want, with your budget you will have a serious guitar, way above your abilities.
Pick one you like the most when you look at it and when you grab it, that's it.
I will go with the LTD 1007 or Jackson Soloist, they're pretty similar and very good axes.

I'm quite good at finger stretching already, 6 years of regular piano/synth playing has done wonders in that department. I did think about getting a 6 string first but I ultimately enjoy both standard E tuning and lower tunings often used Such as B & D so I'm opting for a 7 string to start with to cover that range.

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