Adam Jones' tone through plugins

Convenient Cabbages 69 Regular
Mar 4, 2024
Reaction score
To any fellow travellers that may come across this thread, as I have come across countless others like it before me through the ether of time and a series of tubes - good luck, and have fun. I can now totally see why there really arent any tutorials or detailed breakdowns out there for this tone, attempting this will likely lead to insanity.

after being oddly obsessed with this for, idk, something like a couple months with this now I got close enough to be satisfied enough to be able to do other things again. 6 amps, an obnoxious number of IRs and some heavy EQ and compression is how I ended up doing it. Is it right or wrong? At this point i super dont even idgaf.

- low end courtesy of ndsp rabea, through a blend of 4 different IRs that was the biggest pain to dial in
- low mid note definition blending a friedman and 6506 in bias fx, a plugin I normally cant stand but here we are
- high mid sizzle and note definition are a vh4 channel 2 and some random marshall i dont even know anymore man. you can get this part with anything.
- an acoustic sim out of amplitube running through a neural capture of that fuzz pedal with the laser through it or whatever I forget the name

Getting that particularly weird lowend thing going just about drove me insane. I'm not as close as I want to be, but like i said im satisfied for now. the rest of the tone comes from the mid / top end which needed two channels of 2 amps to hit that oompfh while maintaing low enough gain for distinct note separation. Theres defo some fuzz in there, getting that balanced with the more natural distortion was not easy. I accidentally left in an empty track of just my DI, which seemed to help so I stuck with it.

For a long time I attempted all this with my tone down past the halfway point, it took some time to realize that most of the darkness is actually from the cabs and mics, now i just give it a little itty bitty twist downwards is all. The 57/421 combo works well enough but you have to play with placement a lot, blending room and back of cab mics was essential and the 160 was really handy to have too.

Now if only I could play the fucking thing in time

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...that kind of idea
Jan 15, 2016
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
To any fellow travellers that may come across this thread, as I have come across countless others like it before me through the ether of time and a series of tubes - good luck, and have fun. I can now totally see why there really arent any tutorials or detailed breakdowns out there for this tone, attempting this will likely lead to insanity.

after being oddly obsessed with this for, idk, something like a couple months with this now I got close enough to be satisfied enough to be able to do other things again. 6 amps, an obnoxious number of IRs and some heavy EQ and compression is how I ended up doing it. Is it right or wrong? At this point i super dont even idgaf.

- low end courtesy of ndsp rabea, through a blend of 4 different IRs that was the biggest pain to dial in
- low mid note definition blending a friedman and 6506 in bias fx, a plugin I normally cant stand but here we are
- high mid sizzle and note definition are a vh4 channel 2 and some random marshall i dont even know anymore man. you can get this part with anything.
- an acoustic sim out of amplitube running through a neural capture of that fuzz pedal with the laser through it or whatever I forget the name

Getting that particularly weird lowend thing going just about drove me insane. I'm not as close as I want to be, but like i said im satisfied for now. the rest of the tone comes from the mid / top end which needed two channels of 2 amps to hit that oompfh while maintaing low enough gain for distinct note separation. Theres defo some fuzz in there, getting that balanced with the more natural distortion was not easy. I accidentally left in an empty track of just my DI, which seemed to help so I stuck with it.

For a long time I attempted all this with my tone down past the halfway point, it took some time to realize that most of the darkness is actually from the cabs and mics, now i just give it a little itty bitty twist downwards is all. The 57/421 combo works well enough but you have to play with placement a lot, blending room and back of cab mics was essential and the 160 was really handy to have too.

Now if only I could play the fucking thing in time
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