...An endless pit of ideas...

  • Thread starter dcosyns
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Derek Corzine
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
Hey everyone! My name is Derek Cosÿns and I'm new to the sevenstring.org community.

I've been playing and performing guitar for the past 15 years and several other instruments follow... I've been using 7-strings since about '98 or '99. After graduating high school. I played with a progressive death metal band based out of Lubbock, TX. I also helped out other bands by filling in for shows or helping them record as a studio musician for other metal acts ranging from the poppy, to all out black metal. I've helped them using the 7-string guitars, my Steinberger bass and even blasting on the drums for shows with the black metal band.

I began filling in for other bands from within the states and overseas by recording and touring as well as writing my own music...

I have a few MySpace sites with my music on there. Some I check more frequently than others. I try to write music that I've never heard anyone else do before...or at least something I enjoy personally. Feel free to check 'em out!

www.myspace.com/cosyns - Xtreme Progressive Instrumental Metal
(my main solo project...using different interpretations of Morse Code to convey lyrics through music. Ranges from very polyrhythmic to very progressive and TONS of shred!)

www.myspace.com/whisperfromheaven - Dark Symphonic Progressive Metal
(my music project with my wife...she sings and I do all the instrumentation. Lots of atmosphere and extended range guitar. Tends to have a Middle Eastern vibe throughout)

www.myspace.com/solarianmusic - Cosmic Progressive Metal
(so I like progressive...utilizes atmospheric, space-like feeling and revolves around sci-fi and astronomical events. I do a lot more with piano and synthesizer than the other projects. Very moody music. I'm singing on this project too!)

Shoot me a message, send an email, add me as a friend on MySpace and tell others! God bless!
~Derek Cosÿns

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Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Nebula, Ohio
nice! i've got a pair of RG7's myself... the RG7621 and an RG7620. they're one of the better values out there :metal: