And Tracking for my solo cd starts

  • Thread starter rahul_mukerji
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rockville, Maryland, USA
Shameless Self Promotion Ahead :agreed:

Ello ! :wavey:

And after years of "I should do a solo CD", I have embarked on an odyssey that is the Rite of Passage for many a Forumer ... "The Solo CD" or "Debut/De-butt" :hbang:

Axe - Check, Rusty Strings - Check, Interface - Check, DAW - Check, Attitude - Check, Song List - Check, Money :ugh:

So I started my tracking ... Its going to be a Fusion CD .. non-Djenty, non-prog ... well slightly prog :cool:.

The video has a riff/idea that I composed in 7/8 that might make it to the CD, if I re-arrange it. Right now I just smacked it on top of the video coz it goes with the video pretty well, I thought. The end title is a play on my name ... as my Band calls me :lol: I have half a mind to actually release it with that title :nuts:

Enjoy !

Hopefully it'll be out in 2013 .... :hbang:

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