Does anyone have THAT friend

  • Thread starter Ricky_Gallows
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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Sydney, Australia
I generally don't suffer fools well. If somebody has data or experience on something, anything, I'm more than willing to listen to an opinion. But if it's an opinion based on "I heard from a guy who's sister was screwing one of the roadies who worked for this band whose guitarist reckoned" I lose interest immediately.

Any opinions I have are based on my own experiences, some of them may be "wrong", but they're not determined by 2nd hand info.

A mate of mine is famed for shooting down anything you think is cool, but I love him because he's a complete bastard.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2005
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Worcester, MA
Some people just have that "what works for me is the best" attitude; combine that with the most prickish music-snob tendencies that some musicians have and viola. Some musicians just can't stand the idea of admitting that there's some sweet gear out there that they either don't have or haven't played. Easy solution for them: just say that it sucks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Sydney, Australia
Some people just have that "what works for me is the best" attitude; combine that with the most prickish music-snob tendencies that some musicians have and viola. Some musicians just can't stand the idea of admitting that there's some sweet gear out there that they either don't have or haven't played. Easy solution for them: just say that it sucks.

Tru dat,

Although there are those out there with more money than talent. EVH could make a $50 pawn store guitar and a busted 15 watt combo sound brilliant..


Loves his Q-tuners
Apr 4, 2009
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Yeah I tend to be closer to that guy as well since I'm the only person I know who spends all his time trolling gear forums learning.

Its actually getting to the point where I just let people think what they want to think rather than have to give all the reasons why this is this and that is that...

I end up blue in the face by the time I'm done explaining simple things and they still don't understand...

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
I don't really hang out with any other musicians. My brother plays bass, so we don't play "know it alls" with each other, since it's kind of irrelevant.


Jul 20, 2009
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Lansing, MI
I am that friend as well.

Aslo, i think im the only person i know who knows that you turn the Power on before Standby. :lol:


that guy
Dec 20, 2004
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Tulalip "the #1 place for fun" WA
I'm probably pretty high on the list of "go-to guys" for questions about gear. I know a lot of musicians with a few who tour regularly. I just try to be very unbiased in whatever they're asking about. I think I'm in the minority a lot of the time around here for not GASsing super hard for an AXE FX. Everything has already been said about them from the purists who will die before they let go of their vintage mullards calling them toys to the digital crowd that proclaim that it's the freaking messiah of modeling. I haven't even played one for myself but I can tell you after seeing Meshuggah and Cynic play with them I can say they're ANYTHING BUT A BAD IDEA.

I do happen to know "THAT GUY" though. He would talk crap about a lot of peoples' gear and do it to their face. :lol: I just found that to be in bad taste; even if someone told me that their 15w MG Marshall had the best distortion ever I'd at least try not to be a douchey snob about it. He would often try to debate them over why his gear was so much better. Mind you, he has some AWESOME gear that is capable of producing some of the best tones I've ever heard but I don't think he realizes that not everybody has 3 grand to lay into a half-stack, let alone just a head. He never really gets into debate mode with me as I'm a forum guy with formidable knowledge and looks at my rig as respectable. (MIJ Ibanez & USA Gibson into a Mark IV head on top of a 1960A) He's actually come to me a few times to bounce questions off of me wanting my opinion.

He used to hate on Rectos all the time, I asked what his experience was and told him that the newer 3 channels were associated with a lot of the "buzzy-ness" he was commenting on especially at lower volumes and told him to try an older 2 channel as those are generally revered as "better" for being a little smoother. He figured I was just regurgitating the same answers he was getting on some forums until he tried one. He wants a Tremoverb now.:rolleyes:

"Fuck the rules... If it sounds good, it is good." -EVH