I come back to my fellow players with a warning regarding TENDONITIS. Take heed.

  • Thread starter Fenrisulfr
  • Start date
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The Dirt Guy
Oct 7, 2010
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Anywhere but here.
Odd as it sounds, from a guy with tonnes of previous tendinitis issues. Clean up your posture, even when doing things like playing video games. When you are sitting up straight your body is in a more natural position, it can move freely. When you are in positions of bad posture moving is just harder for your body, more wear and tear is put on it.

If you won't see a doctor, try spending 15$ on a book by Pete Egoscue called Pain Free, it did more for me than any doctor ever did, including more than physiotherapy.
Pain Free: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain: Amazon.ca: Pete Egoscue, Roger Gittines: Books

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Mar 22, 2011
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The only problem i have ever had with my tendons was cubital tunnel in my elbow. I got it from posturing my elbow improperly on the mouse/keyboard while using the computer for prolonged periods of time. Everytime i would move my elbow or make a fist with my hand, electric pain and tingling would occur from my elbow all the way to my finger tips. I basically kept my elbow in a comfortable position and didn't use it for 2 weeks. Didnt use the computer or play guitar or anything. It cleared up. Programming is probably what kept your hand from healing, but i really have no idea. i would at least get a diagnosis from your doc and then look up treatment afterwards. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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Personally, I think asking for medical advice on a forum is not a good idea, even if people claim they know what they're talking about.

I hope there's some way you can afford an MRI and get it sorted. Is there someone you know that could help you out, financially?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Boston, MA
I love your last line, pretending to be a medical professional Mr. Arrowhead, by the way. It made me smile.

By pretending to be a medical professional, I didn't mean you AREN'T one. I just meant that you are not trained in diagnosis or treatment of these sorts of maladies, and as the more medically experienced person here, you should be the one MOST aware of that, and the dangers of giving medical advice WITHOUT proper diagnosis and treatment.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2008
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Louisville, KY
Personally, I think asking for medical advice on a forum is not a good idea, even if people claim they know what they're talking about.

I hope there's some way you can afford an MRI and get it sorted. Is there someone you know that could help you out, financially?

Negative. I am on my own as it is. My parents were in worse of condition than I was when I was away in the military. They didn't have insurance or a lick of cash, they are out of the question and I don't have friends in high places. Just old military buds like myself.

I qualify for military insurance.. for a low monthly payment of 850 bucks a month.. No thanks.

By pretending to be a medical professional, I didn't mean you AREN'T one. I just meant that you are not trained in diagnosis or treatment of these sorts of maladies, and as the more medically experienced person here, you should be the one MOST aware of that, and the dangers of giving medical advice WITHOUT proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tis' true. Yet, he can be a valuable tool towards getting advice from trained professionals. Even at that point though I'd still be wary of what I learn on the internet. I'm smarter than the average bear I'd say...


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2009
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Houston, TX
Negative. I am on my own as it is. My parents were in worse of condition than I was when I was away in the military. They didn't have insurance or a lick of cash, they are out of the question and I don't have friends in high places. Just old military buds like myself.

I qualify for military insurance.. for a low monthly payment of 850 bucks a month.. No thanks.

Tis' true. Yet, he can be a valuable tool towards getting advice from trained professionals. Even at that point though I'd still be wary of what I learn on the internet. I'm smarter than the average bear I'd say...

850/month? That is not only grossly unacceptable for a former public servant but just grossly unacceptable for anyone. The likelihood of you even running up 800 dollars in medical bills per month each month of the year is so low that that is only just short of outright theft.

America is a great country and I really enjoy living there (immigrant) but healthcare is something this nation needs to sort out. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Waynesboro, PA
850/month? That is not only grossly unacceptable for a former public servant but just grossly unacceptable for anyone. The likelihood of you even running up 800 dollars in medical bills per month each month of the year is so low that that is only just short of outright theft.

America is a great country and I really enjoy living there (immigrant) but healthcare is something this nation needs to sort out. Seriously.


OP, this might not be a popular subject with the American people today, but since you are in a tight financial condition, I think you should march yerself down to your local Assistance Office and apply for Medical Assistance. It is free(I think) for those who are trying to make it in our country, and who cannot afford insurance. That is what it was designed for. Especially since you are in school, I think that they will cover you, as long as your income is low. If you are the typical college student, then your income IS low. You need insurance.

Your situation reminds me of the man who is a WWII vet, and our government won't even give him is passport to go to Canada to visit his family before he dies, and are threatening to revoke his SS benefits. All because he wasn't born in the US, to US born parents.


Earth's Yellow Sun
Aug 12, 2008
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Toronto, Ontario
So I just read through both the original thread and this one. I work at Long & Mcquade (the Canadian equivalent of guitar centre) and I can tell you that I HAVE seen that kind of swelling before. My boss is a keyboard player who gigs regularily and he must be in his mid sixties now. He has been playing his whole life. He started getting that kind of swelling in his pinky finger last year and long story short, he had to get surgery on his hand to have it fixed.

Good news: The surgery was super quick and the recovery was really fast and he is able to play better than he has in years because he has way more control over his pinky

Bad news: I live in Canada, so our shit's free (until tax time that is) and I have no idea how much a surgery like that would cost in the states.


Mar 28, 2011
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man, Im sorry your dealing with this. I suffered a deep cut in my left hand in the same area, through the muscle.. its no way the same, but I can relate to the discomfort a bit. I have no idea what it is, really only a specialist could direct you. find some way to see one

good luck, i really feel for ya here


Dec 21, 2010
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Clinton, TN
GANGLION CYSTS!!!!! they come up and down in my left hamds a few times a year and are a direct result of my guitar playing (sais my family doc) every time i get them i have them surgically removed to keep them from affecting my playing (thank god for good insurance) NOT SAYING that is definately what they are, just saying thats what it looks like TO ME xD


Earth's Yellow Sun
Aug 12, 2008
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Toronto, Ontario
So I asked my boss what the thing was that he got today and he says it was called "Dupuytren's Contracture". Check it out. Careful when you google image search it though... there are some really graphic mid-surgery photos online.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2008
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Louisville, KY
So I asked my boss what the thing was that he got today and he says it was called "Dupuytren's Contracture". Check it out. Careful when you google image search it though... there are some really graphic mid-surgery photos online.

Sorry to rez the thread.. but I had looked into Dupuytren's contracture before.. My doc said that was not the case. That's crazy it looked like this though.. I still have full function of my hands and I could honestly still play if I wanted to.. but the problem is that they get larger after use and tend to ache.

Not extreme pain physically.. but an extreme pain in my ass.

Maybe I should just suck it up and continue on with life playing and doing wtf/e. I'm tired of these damn things.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2011
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I have had luck in the past getting health insurance through my college, you should really persue that. I've had tendonitis in my knees in the past and it doesn't look like anything let alone that, and carpal tunnel doesnt look like that either man. I know I'm far from the only one to say that but just reiterating.

I deal with a lot of chronic pain myself so i have an idea of what you're going through, its annoying as hell to say the last, though mine isn't related to guitar playing. Good luck man.