Ibanez Iron Label 7 XL, worth the price?

  • Thread starter Zalbu
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More time than skill
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
I'm in the market for a new seven string at around $1000 or less, and I just saw that Ibanez have a 27 inch seven string on the market now at that price. I've only owned one seven string that was a 25.5 inch scale which was way too short for me, so this time I'm going to pick up either a 26.5 inch or 27 inch, but there's a lot of competition in that price range, mainly the Misha and Keith Merrow sig or a Solar.

I don't really have any dealbreakers, only that it should be a hardtail and 26.5 or 27 inches, but does the extra half inch on the Ibanez really makes that much of a difference? Nice to haves like locking tuners, stainless steel frets and good stock pickups would be preferable but not really a dealbreaker.

My main axe for a long time has been the Ibanez 1570Z Prestige so I know that I can get along with the Wizard neck, but something that would be just slightly thicker than the 1570z would be perfect for me.

Have anybody here tried the Ibby? I'm mostly concerned about the build quality since Iron Labels have been very hit or miss in the past, but has the production on them shaped up now that there's been a few years since the brand launched?

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Jan 15, 2016
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Bern, Switzerland
i have the RGIXL7 in ABL and its quite amazing. On the other hand you'd be better off trying one first.
But when it comes to the "competition" , then i think there's no better value than the ibanez. If you get the ABL instead of the new Black one, you can get one for 750-800$ in europe (switzerland for me) and the black one for 850-900$ish.
The solar is 720$ and has "duncan solar" pickups and no locking tuners aswell as a painted neck, the cheapest Jackson ht7 goes for 850$, has no-name jackson humbuckers and in-brand locking tuners.
The RGIXL7 on the other hand has Dimarzio Pickups, gotoh MG locking tuners and a 27' scale, but the scale isnt that important if its just 0.5'
So in the end, none of the guitars you mentioned are bad and you can love them all, and jackson aswell as ibanez have a "hit or miss" quality control sometimes (solar puts out some lemons aswell).
There's no wrong choice, but on paper the Ibanez gives you more value for the dollar, just in hardware alone.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2013
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Montreal, QC
In my experience, pretty much anything under prestige will need work out of the box to be a good guitar. If you know a good luthier, or have a set of fret files / crowning files / nut files, I would say go for it.

Edit: or order from Rich (ibanezrules) once he is back to offering his set-up packs. He does the best work imaginable for a small upcharge.

Otherwise a Schecter of the same price should be much better QC wise.

Then again, your satisfaction will highly depend on what you are used to playing and your expectations. (Are you moving from a starter pack guitar, or are you a PRS core CU24 player?)


More time than skill
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Then again, your satisfaction will highly depend on what you are used to playing and your expectations. (Are you moving from a starter pack guitar, or are you a PRS core CU24 player?)
I've barely ever played any guitar more expensive than my 1570z, my current guitars are that and a Harley Benton Fusion-II HSH. I'm pretty much satisfied as long as the guitar plays as it should with no dead frets or anything like that.

buck fever

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
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White Salmon, WA
Ive been super curious about this model as well, as it checks all of my boxes. I luckily just picked up a RGCSD2 for super cheap, but had that not happened I’d be on the same search.

I’ve heard that this model is super dodgy, QC-wise. For the price, I can attest to the LTD SCT-607b being absolutely immaculate from a QC standpoint. It’s flawless start to finish and I’ve owned several of them, all the same. My only gripe are the active pickups, but making the conversion to passives would be well worth it.

Carl Kolchak

Last of the famous international playboys
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I'm in the market for a new seven string at around $1000 or less, and I just saw that Ibanez have a 27 inch seven string on the market now at that price. I've only owned one seven string that was a 25.5 inch scale which was way too short for me, so this time I'm going to pick up either a 26.5 inch or 27 inch, but there's a lot of competition in that price range, mainly the Misha and Keith Merrow sig or a Solar.

I don't really have any dealbreakers, only that it should be a hardtail and 26.5 or 27 inches, but does the extra half inch on the Ibanez really makes that much of a difference? Nice to haves like locking tuners, stainless steel frets and good stock pickups would be preferable but not really a dealbreaker.

My main axe for a long time has been the Ibanez 1570Z Prestige so I know that I can get along with the Wizard neck, but something that would be just slightly thicker than the 1570z would be perfect for me.

Have anybody here tried the Ibby? I'm mostly concerned about the build quality since Iron Labels have been very hit or miss in the past, but has the production on them shaped up now that there's been a few years since the brand launched?
Forget the MII Ibby, and get a used MIK Schecter KM7 instead.

Marv Attaxx

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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All those guitars mentioned below the 1000 dollar mark are made in Indonesia, probably even the same factory (I believe Ibanez, Schecter and Jackson are made by Cort Indonesia, not sure about Solar tho) :D
You can be lucky or unlucky with either.
You're within the EU so if you're used to playing Ibanez just order one from Thomann and if it's a lemon (or you realize you don't like it within the first 30 days) just send it back :agreed:


More time than skill
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
You're within the EU so if you're used to playing Ibanez just order one from Thomann and if it's a lemon (or you realize you don't like it within the first 30 days) just send it back :agreed:
I might just do that, I did find a used KM7 MKII at $700 but I doubt it'll still be available by the end of the month when the paycheck arrives, the used market here is nothing compared to the US and I could only find two KM7's in the entire country.

I do have experience with Schecter but it's an old Diamond Omen 6 with the baseball bat neck so it's not really comparable to a KM7 :lol:


Spirit Taker
Dec 8, 2008
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
The setups are way better on Schecters. I wanted to be an Ibby guy. I bought a 7421 reissue ($400) and put a ton of money into it ($300 in pickups and setup). Meanwhile a $200 SGR C7 was the best guitar I bought new in the last 10 years. Threw a Dimarzio in it and beat it to death for 4 years. Shouldn't have gotten rid of it. They're selling for more used in shops than they cost new I don't get it. Had to take $135 for mine with an upgraded pickup.


Ibanez RG Addict
Jan 5, 2010
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Maryland, USA
I've been wondering about this Ibanez model as well. There isn't much in terms of reviews online and I haven't seen one in person at my local stores.

With that said, Schecter seems to be killing it lately. I can't wait to be able to try out some of their new models.

Ive been super curious about this model as well, as it checks all of my boxes. I luckily just picked up a RGCSD2 for super cheap, but had that not happened I’d be on the same search.

Dude, I'm so jealous. I've JUST started looking for one! Let me know if you ever wanna sell it, lol.


Not a Sparkly Vampire
Apr 30, 2010
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I personally would avoid the Iron Label XL. Wasn't impressed by the two I played (first gen wood finish and second gen black finish). They are definitely made to a price point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2013
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Vratsa, Bulgaria
All the Iron Labels I've played felt worse than my Schecter Omen 7 which I bought for the equivalent of 280 euro in 2012. So I ended up upgrading my Schecter, instead of buying a new guitar.
So in my experience, especially the Iron Label Ibanez's weren't worth it. At all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
I'm in the market for a new seven string at around $1000 or less, and I just saw that Ibanez have a 27 inch seven string on the market now at that price. I've only owned one seven string that was a 25.5 inch scale which was way too short for me, so this time I'm going to pick up either a 26.5 inch or 27 inch, but there's a lot of competition in that price range, mainly the Misha and Keith Merrow sig or a Solar.

I don't really have any dealbreakers, only that it should be a hardtail and 26.5 or 27 inches, but does the extra half inch on the Ibanez really makes that much of a difference? Nice to haves like locking tuners, stainless steel frets and good stock pickups would be preferable but not really a dealbreaker.

My main axe for a long time has been the Ibanez 1570Z Prestige so I know that I can get along with the Wizard neck, but something that would be just slightly thicker than the 1570z would be perfect for me.

Have anybody here tried the Ibby? I'm mostly concerned about the build quality since Iron Labels have been very hit or miss in the past, but has the production on them shaped up now that there's been a few years since the brand launched?

Have you considered this Shecter Banshee Elite? It has passive pickups and is made in SK. 26.5 scale. Stainless frets.



More time than skill
May 30, 2013
Reaction score


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2012
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I think this summary of Iron Label is quite apt: It's an Ibanez Standard guitar where some of the craftsmanship has been replaced with fancy hardware. If you like that level of quality of the standard guitars and also wouldn't mind it possibly having blemishes, then go for it!

Personally, I've found no fault with the ash body in my RGIXL7, but the neck... oh man! What a nightmare.


May 15, 2020
Reaction score
I'm in the market for a new seven string at around $1000 or less, and I just saw that Ibanez have a 27 inch seven string on the market now at that price. I've only owned one seven string that was a 25.5 inch scale which was way too short for me, so this time I'm going to pick up either a 26.5 inch or 27 inch, but there's a lot of competition in that price range, mainly the Misha and Keith Merrow sig or a Solar.

I don't really have any dealbreakers, only that it should be a hardtail and 26.5 or 27 inches, but does the extra half inch on the Ibanez really makes that much of a difference? Nice to haves like locking tuners, stainless steel frets and good stock pickups would be preferable but not really a dealbreaker.

My main axe for a long time has been the Ibanez 1570Z Prestige so I know that I can get along with the Wizard neck, but something that would be just slightly thicker than the 1570z would be perfect for me.

Have anybody here tried the Ibby? I'm mostly concerned about the build quality since Iron Labels have been very hit or miss in the past, but has the production on them shaped up now that there's been a few years since the brand launched?
The craftsmanship is not the same. I ordered the prestige rg2027xl over the iron label new rg XL7 let me tell you why. I have the 1200$ Axion Label 26.5 rgd71al it's pretty much a made in indo iron label with upgrades! Like the subzero frets. And let me tell you it needed some work and a whole set up. On the other hand my (prestige rgdr4327) that I got this last friday was fawless and it came with the new subzero frets. And no set up needed and well the neck is much much more comfortable than the axion. The quality diffrence is incredible. Now back to the 27s i preordered the new iron label 27 and canceled it after I realized it was going to be same quality as my axion and ordered the prestige rg2027xl. Now I know it's not a hardtail but I love the lowpro bridge they are amazing and stay in tune better than the Gibraltar in my experience. And I'm sure it' due to the way the plastic but is cut. I'm going to buy a new but for my axion for sure. Or I've thought about selling it and buying either another prestige rgdr4327 or a used prestige rgd.


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May 15, 2020
Reaction score
I'm in the market for a new seven string at around $1000 or less, and I just saw that Ibanez have a 27 inch seven string on the market now at that price. I've only owned one seven string that was a 25.5 inch scale which was way too short for me, so this time I'm going to pick up either a 26.5 inch or 27 inch, but there's a lot of competition in that price range, mainly the Misha and Keith Merrow sig or a Solar.

I don't really have any dealbreakers, only that it should be a hardtail and 26.5 or 27 inches, but does the extra half inch on the Ibanez really makes that much of a difference? Nice to haves like locking tuners, stainless steel frets and good stock pickups would be preferable but not really a dealbreaker.

My main axe for a long time has been the Ibanez 1570Z Prestige so I know that I can get along with the Wizard neck, but something that would be just slightly thicker than the 1570z would be perfect for me.

Have anybody here tried the Ibby? I'm mostly concerned about the build quality since Iron Labels have been very hit or miss in the past, but has the production on them shaped up now that there's been a few years since the brand launched?
The craftsmanship is not the same. I ordered the prestige rg2027xl over the iron label new rg XL7 let me tell you why. I have the 1200$ Axion Label 26.5 rgd71al it's pretty much a made in indo iron label with upgrades! Like the subzero frets. And let me tell you it needed some work and a whole set up. On the other hand my (prestige rgdr4327) that I got this last friday was fawless and it came with the new subzero frets. And no set up needed and well the neck is much much more comfortable than the axion. The quality diffrence is incredible. Now back to the 27s i preordered the new iron label 27 and canceled it after I realized it was going to be same quality as my axion and ordered the prestige rg2027xl. Now I know it's not a hardtail but I love the lowpro bridge they are amazing and stay in tune better than the Gibraltar in my experience. And I'm sure it' due to the way the plastic but is cut. I'm going to buy a new but for my axion for sure. Or I've thought about selling it and buying either another prestige rgdr4327 or a used prestige rgd.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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They're not easily available around here, at least not that I've been able to find. The only model Thomann has is the Floyd version that costs like €300 more.

See if they can custom order. If I had 1K for a guitar and could get a SK made vs Indonesia, I would be willing to wait.

Besides, if you take the active electronics out, do you really want an unused battery compartment on your guitar?


May 15, 2020
Reaction score
I personally would avoid the Iron Label XL. Wasn't impressed by the two I played (first gen wood finish and second gen black finish). They are definitely made to a price point.
I have the rgd71axion label and now I have the new 2020 prestige rgdr4327. And I canceled my order for the black iron label xl and ordered the prestige rg2027xl Instead:)


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