Is the EMG hate justified?

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Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
Well I don't dislike EMG's because of some internet bandwagon thing which he was implying. I've used them, AND Blackouts, and BKP's, and a bunch of SD's. Implying that by simply disliking something I've used for a couple years, and used the "improved" version (if you buy into SD's Blackout hype) for awhile in a couple guitars, is something I kind of take offense to.

No, sure. But you're one of few who actually knows what they're talking about :lol:

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Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
Times change, they are just out of fashion. 7 or 8 years ago, EMGs were the pickups to have. Everyone was going ape for guitars that came stock with them. I remember the "reccomend me a guitar" threads of that era, practically every single one of them said "Must have EMGs". Everyone that didn't have a guitar with them in was ordering the 81/85, or Zakk Wylde set as it was called at that time.

I tried them, liked them too. Never had them in a 6 string, but the 707s in my Schecter Hellraiser sounded like a building falling over. The ones in my RG2228 were great too, and though I definitely prefer high end passives for the reasons Zimbloth stated, EMGs are not bad in any way. Their metal oriented range got outmoded by SD Blackouts, and I think they got oversaturated, as practically everyone was using them. They'll make a new, better product sometime and they'll be king again, thats just how it goes.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
Out of fashion? Really? Thousands of bands use them and have been doing so for the past 7/8 years :lol:

A lot of dudes who previously used EMGs have switched to Blackouts though, which has made me curious to try them out in my guitar. I'm happy enough with EMGs though so maybe not, I dunno.

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
Out of fashion? Really? Thousands of bands use them and have been doing so for the past 7/8 years :lol:

A lot of dudes who previously used EMGs have switched to Blackouts though, which has made me curious to try them out in my guitar. I'm happy enough with EMGs though so maybe not, I dunno.

The OP was not wrong - EMGs are getting shit on these past few years. Yeah loads of bands use them, but it seems like a lot less guitars are coming with them as stock pickups, and no one seems wildly excited at the prospect of buying aftermarkets - espescially for 7s, given the routing problem. In 2002 or 2003 I read the Jackson catalogue, It was like looking at the odd SD drowning in a sea of EMGs. The established cons of EMG have not changed, but there has been a shift in opinion.

I don't use them, but I don't think they are bad pickups. People just seem to think there are better options. With the likes of BK pickups, SD Blackouts being marketted as better version of EMGs, and more stores carrying the likes of Dimarzios, it does seem that there are more choices, but thats partly mindset too. It used to be "want a tight, hi gain sound? Gotta be EMG!" but I think brand loyalties have spread out a bit more now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
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^beat me to it:lol:

My biggest complaint about them is their choice to use the bass housing for a 7 string guitar pickup, ruining any choices later on down the road for pickup swaps. I like them, they all have their different character, and if you get an 85 it will sound like an 85, if you bought 1000 they will all sound the same, very uniform sound and QC. Sometimes you hear people bitch that they got a 'bad JB' or they are looking for a 'overwound' one, not really that chance with an EMG. That's both good and bad.

I think they are great for what they are... they defined the active pickup, there were no competitors that really came close. Pickups have evolved though, and you see so many boutique pickup choices(BKPs, Lundgrens etc) that are offering 7 and 8 string versions that weren't around back then. Unfortunately i think alot of the hate comes from us being spoiled, and EMG never evolving. A 707 now was the same as a 707 then, we just have more choices. Did they sound awful when Dino used them? I don't think so.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
The OP was not wrong - EMGs are getting shit on these past few years. Yeah loads of bands use them, but it seems like a lot less guitars are coming with them as stock pickups, and no one seems wildly excited at the prospect of buying aftermarkets - espescially for 7s, given the routing problem. In 2002 or 2003 I read the Jackson catalogue, It was like looking at the odd SD drowning in a sea of EMGs. The established cons of EMG have not changed, but there has been a shift in opinion.

I don't use them, but I don't think they are bad pickups. People just seem to think there are better options. With the likes of BK pickups, SD Blackouts being marketted as better version of EMGs, and more stores carrying the likes of Dimarzios, it does seem that there are more choices, but thats partly mindset too. It used to be "want a tight, hi gain sound? Gotta be EMG!" but I think brand loyalties have spread out a bit more now.

90% of higher end ESPs still come with EMGs, I suppose they have a special relationship though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I've heard loads of people get great tones out of EMGs, but every pickup or any gear will have people that don't like it. I haven't played them enough to say completely, but from my experience I like their clean sound but not distorted. I think its just the fact SD offer different sizes that has put them ahead of the game in many peoples eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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I've played a few guitars with EMG's and I have to say that overall I didn't like them.

On the positive side: I found them EXTREMELY consistent. I played them before I knew that word was associated with EMGs in general and I came up with it all on my own, so yeah, I will say that no matter where you're playing, they sound the same. They also handled distortion like a pro and if I were solely into heavy music I could see them being extremely good at handling anything I'd throw at them.

On the negatives: I didn't like the compression for much outside of heavier tones. It seemed like it killed some of my dynamics. They also didn't do much for me clean or through lighter distortions. I guess I just like the way passive pups respond better.

I can see where people could really enjoy EMGs, but they just weren't for me. In fact, after pointing out what I didn't really like about them and showing my friends who were curious, they actually say they can't stand them now either. Wasn't what I was going for, but it was kinda funny.

Also, didn't David Gilmour say that he didn't like the EMG singles and only used them on tracks that absolutely required no noise?


Loves his Q-tuners
Apr 4, 2009
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Out of fashion? Really? Thousands of bands use them and have been doing so for the past 7/8 years :lol:

A lot of dudes who previously used EMGs have switched to Blackouts though, which has made me curious to try them out in my guitar. I'm happy enough with EMGs though so maybe not, I dunno.

Your fanboy is showing :wub::fawk:

I have almost no experience with emg's but I do remember playing an emg 60 and it was the first neck pup I ever liked. I remember not being a fan of any of the other emg's though.

You like what you like though, thats part of the beauty of music and sound there is no right or wrong.

This is only a guess but I could imagine a lot of the emg hate comes from people who hopped on the original bandwagon that others were talking about where everything was *GOTTA HAVE EMG!* so once other things popped up the fanboys were probably still always *EMG! EMG!! EMG!!!* and people started a little anti emg following to make it stop.

No different than people here nowadays going *BKP! BKP!! BKP!!!* and random members of the forum bashing them for fanboyism. Its just people countering fanboy bandwagonism with anti-fanboy bandwagonism.


Oct 23, 2009
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Louisville, KY
For my main guitar I have an EMG 81 in the bridge and an 89 in the neck, with a 3-way switch. I play mainly metal though. 81 is great for rhythm and the 81 or 89 is great for soloing, depending on how much legato playing you're doing.

Recently I've had the sentiment that they kinda suck for cleans. No warmth. I was just trying to find a good Edit: CLEAN tone last night actually.

I've listened to a few online comparisons of Blackouts vs. EMG 81s or 707s and I favored the EMGs in those comparisons, but it IS stupid that the 707 has that ridiculous housing.


angery gear acquirer
Jun 19, 2009
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I used 81/89tw to record through a solid state amp into my computer without an interface and it sounded damn fine to me :scratch:
I mean, sure it's not the epoch of tonal dynamicism in my small pack of guitars, but it's definitely not bad. The only problem I have with my emg's are that I have to re-eq my amp when I switch from passive to actives. At the end of the day, it's what you have and how you use it.


Jun 8, 2009
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Franklin, MA
I think EMGs are kind of a one trick pony, that said I love them to death. The 81 is super compressed punchy, thrashy - and exactly what i was looking for.

I also noticed alot of people rag on the cleans of EMGs.
I feel like no ones used the single coil of the 89/89R in the neck position?
It sounds awesome, its a crystal glassy clean. I love this pickup clean.


Oct 23, 2009
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Louisville, KY
I also noticed alot of people rag on the cleans of EMGs.
I feel like no ones used the single coil of the 89/89R in the neck position?
It sounds awesome, its a crystal glassy clean. I love this pickup clean.

I tried that and it was super quiet. I'll mess with my amp some more when I'm not at work to see if I can get what you're talking about.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
Your fanboy is showing :wub::fawk:

I have almost no experience with emg's but I do remember playing an emg 60 and it was the first neck pup I ever liked. I remember not being a fan of any of the other emg's though.

You like what you like though, thats part of the beauty of music and sound there is no right or wrong.

I am a bit of a fanboy, but they tick both of the boxes I want ticked: they sound how I want them to sound and they look how I want them to look.

What more could a guy ask for? :cool:


Feb 24, 2006
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On almost every guitar forum people constantly bash EMG pickups with phrases such as unplayably sterile, dead sounding and a host of other imaginative terms.

Is all this hate justified? I think that everyone is just jumping on the collective bandwagon when it comes to EMG bashing. They hear or see a couple of people doing it, and then do it again as soon another EMG pickup thread comes up.

What's the REAL deal here?

I swapped the EMG's in my Loomis for Dimarzios (well the previous owner did) but anywho; compared to another Loomis i play w/ EMG's the Dimarzios are x1000 better for me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Lexington, SC
I've had emg's in my main six string guitar for a few years now. i swore by them at first but now I'm back and forth on them. Some days I love them and other days I hate them. I get really annoyed with the super compressed sound whenever i'm playing by myself at home or at band practice but usually they redeem themselves every time I use them live. I'm still most likely gonna swap them out for some dimarzios or SD's

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
People do rely on them for consistant live sound. EC-1000s live sound fucking amazing through the right amps.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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I'm not sure why this thread continues to get posts. What is there to talk about that wasn't covered on the first page? EMGs are nice pickups but not for everyone. It's like starting a thread saying "is the hate for Mountain Due justified?" Yeah, if someone hates the taste, sure it is. Who cares?

Despite what a few yahoos in this thread would like you to believe, people who don't like EMGs have legit reasons for feeling that way. It's called personal taste. Those of us who prefer high-end passives like BKPs do so because we've 'been there and done-that' with EMGs and prefer the sound of BKPs (or [insert brand here]). It's not "hearsay" or "bandwagon". Every metal player has used EMGs at one time or another. I've owned probably 50 guitars with EMGs before. I like a lot of things about them, but they just don't sound good enough for me anymore.
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