Looking for a rack preamp to end the world!!!

  • Thread starter coreypla
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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I also have a GSP1101 but only really use it with studio monitors, so I can't really say how it sounds through a power amp & guitar cab. For recording however, you'd be hard pressed to do better shy of getting an Axe-Fx or something else similar in price. The main reason is that you can load your IRs directly into it whereas with a Pod or other pre-amp, you'd have to use some sort of DAW to run a cab simulator.

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Carl Kolchak

Last of the famous international playboys
Jun 30, 2012
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Currently using an ADA MP-1 with an Ibby ts and a Boss 7 band eq and am getting the best high tones I've ever gotten. Can't comment on the other preamps that have been suggested, but I can say if you're looking for thick, heavy sounding metal tones the ADA MP-1 is as good as anything else out there atm. Price-wise it's certainly going to be cheaper than the Engls, the Mesas, and the Marshalls. Combined with a good cab, I using a really over-sized 1X12, the ADA MP-1 should be just what the OP is looking for.


Pardon my french
Dec 24, 2009
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Le Mans, France
Triaxis is good but is breaking the bank I guess.
Reasonable options are JMP1, E530 and ADA MP2 (I like it better than the 1)
I had all of the latter at some point and they're all good, the JMP being the most versatile of them and the e530 being the less versatile (ie, metaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal and that's it)


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
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Speaking of digital stuff, also don't underestimate the 11Rack. It is some years old yet but still very valuable. Middle ground between a Pod HD and an AxeFX.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Buffalo, NY
OP, what speakers are you intending to use in your rig? That will make a huge difference. Playing through FRFR speaker(s)? Then a modeling preamp such as the GSP1101 (with the "mustbebeta" firmware installed of course, which gives you access to user impulse capabilities) might be right up your alley. Using a guitar cab? Then a setup similar to mine would probably work for your purposes.


I don't know what FRFR speakers are? I am using a live setup, right now I have a Blackstar ID 100TVP head with a Marshall Cabinet (bought used, no clue what's in it, probably poop) and a 6u rack space with a power conditioner, a Behringer 3D Virtualizer FX2000, a DBX 266xs compressor, and a BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer.

All of it sounds great! I have a few issues with volume changes between presets on the Virtualizer but I've thought of some ways around it. Overall I just hate lugging around a head (I went SS so I could save my back) and then a massive 6u SK8 case (I did get the roller one, but I live in a third floor apartment...)

so I figured, what in the world could I put in my 2u rack space that is left...

If I could get something that sounds good (like the Blackstar quality) in a preamp/poweramp (each 1u) that would be worth exploring! I would love to use impulses, but I think that has to be through a powered PA speaker or something? I'm back about a decade in guitar gear from a brief hiatus like "college" or "grad school" or "hating myself".

Your setup sounded awesome. If you have some time maybe could you walk me through it again...half those items I didn't know what they were!!!



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Buffalo, NY
I just got my Mesa 2:50 today, and the GSP1101 is finally alive. Amazing difference from running it through the Velocity. I recommend at least trying one, they are cheap as hell used, and GC even price matched Amazon on mine for $370. And you can still use it for FX and recording if you want to go with a standard tube preamp.

Do you plan on keeping the GSP1101 rig now? That 2:50 is a 2u poweramp so I couldn't go with something that large, but maybe something of similar quality? Does the GSP1101 have an ability to save presets with individual volume controls? I would love to be able to set up a preset for lead a bit louder than rhythm, and Clean a bit louder so it can cut through as well. Just curious.

Did you mean that the 2:50 was 370$ I think you probably meant the Digitech...because....probably a dumb question. :noplease:


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Buffalo, NY
Currently using an ADA MP-1 with an Ibby ts and a Boss 7 band eq and am getting the best high tones I've ever gotten. Can't comment on the other preamps that have been suggested, but I can say if you're looking for thick, heavy sounding metal tones the ADA MP-1 is as good as anything else out there atm. Price-wise it's certainly going to be cheaper than the Engls, the Mesas, and the Marshalls. Combined with a good cab, I using a really over-sized 1X12, the ADA MP-1 should be just what the OP is looking for.

I love the price tag on the ADA MP-1 but every time I look at a video of it on youtube it sounds like garbage. I know it's probably the camera mic stuff...but isn't it a really old unit? I don't want to end up have a woofy 80's era hair metal gain channel. I honestly have no clue how it sounds and if it's amazing then the youtube videos that surface are propaganda against it. You would compare it to the Engl? I wouldn't be using any pedals with it, only rack gear. :hbang:


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Buffalo, NY
Triaxis is good but is breaking the bank I guess.
Reasonable options are JMP1, E530 and ADA MP2 (I like it better than the 1)
I had all of the latter at some point and they're all good, the JMP being the most versatile of them and the e530 being the less versatile (ie, metaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal and that's it)

Do you actually own the ADA MP2? I would be curious to hear how that one sounds and was wondering why everyone liked MP1 but no one (save you) mentioned the MP2....

Triaxis is amazing, but at 2k new or 1k used I'm probably better off just getting an axe-fx and waiting for my girlfriend to divorce me...

I'm going to go check out that MP2...would you recommend any videos for it?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Buffalo, NY
Yep, the above post includes some of what what I had in mind:

Mesa Triaxis
Mesa Vtwin
Marshall JMP-1
Engl 530
Rocktron Voodoo Valve
Rock Chamaleon
Digitech GSP1101
Boss GX-700
Peavey Rockmaster
Peavey Tubefex
Sansamp PSA-1

Those are the main options that come to mind....

These lists from all the posters are great! This guy has a killer video comparison between the Rockmaster and Engl! The engl has a bit more saturation which I like, but at the price tag...."I can't tell the difference in a mix" :scream:



Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Do you plan on keeping the GSP1101 rig now? That 2:50 is a 2u poweramp so I couldn't go with something that large, but maybe something of similar quality? Does the GSP1101 have an ability to save presets with individual volume controls? I would love to be able to set up a preset for lead a bit louder than rhythm, and Clean a bit louder so it can cut through as well. Just curious.

Did you mean that the 2:50 was 370$ I think you probably meant the Digitech...because....probably a dumb question. :noplease:

The 1101 has 99 slots for you to save pre-sets. Also, if you have the cash, there's a foot control board called the "Controller 2" that you can use to switch effects on & off or scroll through pre-sets just like the Pod XTL or HD500.


Also, "FRFR" stands for Full Range Full Response. Meaning that with digital modelling processors like the Pod, GSP1101, Axe-Fx, etc... they tend to sound better when plugged into a powered p.a. speaker than a regular guitar cabinet. It also eliminates the need for a separate power amp. That's not to say it won't sound good through a power amp & cab, it's just more compact the other way because you can get some pretty high powered pa monitors that really aren't that big.

A good example would be the Mackie Thump 12's. As long as your pre-amp has cab emulation (all digital modellers do), you're good to go.

Mackie Thump12 1000W 12 Powered Loudspeaker | Musician's Friend

Carl Kolchak

Last of the famous international playboys
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I love the price tag on the ADA MP-1 but every time I look at a video of it on youtube it sounds like garbage. I know it's probably the camera mic stuff...but isn't it a really old unit? I don't want to end up have a woofy 80's era hair metal gain channel. I honestly have no clue how it sounds and if it's amazing then the youtube videos that surface are propaganda against it. You would compare it to the Engl? I wouldn't be using any pedals with it, only rack gear. :hbang:

Here's a high gain clip I made using the ADA MP-1.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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Do you plan on keeping the GSP1101 rig now? That 2:50 is a 2u poweramp so I couldn't go with something that large, but maybe something of similar quality? Does the GSP1101 have an ability to save presets with individual volume controls? I would love to be able to set up a preset for lead a bit louder than rhythm, and Clean a bit louder so it can cut through as well. Just curious.

Did you mean that the 2:50 was 370$ I think you probably meant the Digitech...because....probably a dumb question. :noplease:

After a few hours with it last night, everything points to yes, it's a keeper. You can do all sorts of changes between patches, volume is just one of them. And as said above, the MIDI controller would let you do all sorts of live adjustments.

The tube power makes a huge difference, the models sound like the amps they are supposed to be. And with cab sim off through the Mesa 412, it's bad ass. With the Velocity, the models all sounded the same, seemed like, just with different EQ settings. It did not sound like a real gutar amp.

The $370 was the GSP1101 of course, the Mesa was $500.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2013
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Insane Asylum
Get an older Digitech Preamp (2101 valve fx, 2120)for the pre 2005 Deeds of Flesh tone, one of the best tones I've heard, get an engl special edition preamp if you like Of Whats To Come, that's what they used there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Massachusetts & Czech Republic
If you want some good metal tone and don't want to spend much, I saw check out a Peavey Rockmaster. I've had mine for close to 3 years and love the thing(after one small mod I made). You can score them for less then $200 on eBay easily. The effects loop options are pretty tough to beat also. One for each channel, one for the two distortion channels, and one global one. I only with they were footswitchable on and off.

As far as a power amp goes, I like tubes so for a 1U option, I think only Marshall and Mesa have a 20/20 option that's 1U. I love my Peavey Classic 60/60, pairs excellent with the Rockmaster and more power than I'd ever need.


Pardon my french
Dec 24, 2009
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Le Mans, France
Do you actually own the ADA MP2? I would be curious to hear how that one sounds and was wondering why everyone liked MP1 but no one (save you) mentioned the MP2....

Triaxis is amazing, but at 2k new or 1k used I'm probably better off just getting an axe-fx and waiting for my girlfriend to divorce me...

I'm going to go check out that MP2...would you recommend any videos for it?

I don't own it any longer (the joys of the axefx) But I've had two, one in the 90es and one a few years ago for nostalgia's sake. I checked YT but all the videos there are pretty awful from guys exploding their camera's microphone.


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Feb 24, 2010
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Just an idea... I have an Emma Pisdiyauwot distortion pedal direct into a power amp and it is as heavy and clear as anything I've ever heard. It beats out my Empress Heavy and Bogner Uber pedals. And you can save the rack space for something else. ;)
