Luminlay, Black Winter, and Black Metal

  • Thread starter SandyRavage
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
After heavy debate even with the trem issues I think I'm holding onto this one forever, and as such I thought I would celebrate by making her a bit more modern, and no guitar is really yours until you put a few finishing touches on her.

Today I took out the had drill took a few deep breathes and proceeded to drill a few spots in the neck. I'm fairly technically inclined but this was seriously one of the best modifications I've made to any guitar ever and I'm kicking myself for not doing it to my others sooner as the difference is just night and day (pun intended)...

The glow really lasts a long time surprisingly and I just ordered a few more sets as well as knobs for my other guitars and finish the stable. Pretty sure they use v30 powder as this stuff is very bright with a good charge.

Overall the whole project, with a pickup swap took me about 35 minutes start to finish, and I have never been more pleased with such a simple upgrade, and with a pickup in general. The Blackwinter really puts both my Nailbomb and Warpig to shame with the tones I've been able to get and the versatility. SD really brought their A game with these and it shows. Also installed noiseless springs, copper shielding etc a few weeks ago so might as well post those too.

Enough with the rant, onto some pictures.

Mandatory group shot for no reason.


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