Negative associations: weird reasons you avoid/dislike stuff

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a subtle stinging sensation..
Mar 11, 2016
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North Atlanta, GA
On a related note, I was born with a birth defect in my brain. Part of my left temporal lobe is missing. This prevents me from having sensory memory experiences, whether positive or negative. If I get sick from eating Little Caesar's, I'll go and eat it again the next day (I totally have done this). I am basically an unfeeling bastard, and it's threads like this that have convinced me it's a super power.


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Musical Adam West
Jul 4, 2015
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This is probably TMI, so, you've been warned... One girl I was seeing ruined steak for me. Yes, steak. Ruined.

I was down below and her uhh... 'beef curtain' we'll call it, was rather long on one side. Well, it ended up sucked up in my mouth at one point and it instantly reminded me of a big fatty piece of steak grizzle that those cheaper steaks tend to have. It was awful. I nearly threw up on her right then and there as I had been drinking a lot beforehand. I haven't spoke to her since and have not had a steak since either. The thought of eating steak and fatty steak grizzle makes me dry heave to this day.

You win.


Build Whore.
Jan 24, 2007
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amen brother!!

I still do not understand how on earth people can just casually eat them:nuts:

and the why? everyone use them for cooking food either. Every dish can be cooked without them and still taste exactly the same.

my mom used to put one on the pot while cooking rice....:noplease: never understood the why as It doesnt change the flavour, so you can imagine the horror to play rusian roulette with your meal having a pile of white rice with the chance to ate an equally sized white piece of onion on it. I quickly learn that if I was going to eat rice, then I was the one to serve my own plate, just ot be sure I scoop from the furthest corner of the pot

Amen! You know the perils of living in the world of the onion.
Shopping for food is a nightmare as just about all meals on supermarket shelves have onions added. The only thing I can eat with onions added is Keema curry as they are totally dissolved in the cooking.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
Amen! You know the perils of living in the world of the onion.
Shopping for food is a nightmare as just about all meals on supermarket shelves have onions added. The only thing I can eat with onions added is Keema curry as they are totally dissolved in the cooking.

yeah I have to be careful to always order food "with NO! onion". Like in mcdonals, noodles shops, ect ect. Ive learn that I have to repeat that command like 3-4 times if not they wont listen

specially like ordering a noodle box. I ve to spend ages finding all the stupid small pieces of onion to trow away.

And yeah like you if I cant see/feel the onion then is fine. the only exemption is Burger king's onion rings. And thats mostly because you never really feel the onion either as its in reality a fry crumble circle

ThePIGI King

Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast
Sep 17, 2014
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On a related note, I was born with a birth defect in my brain. Part of my left temporal lobe is missing. This prevents me from having sensory memory experiences, whether positive or negative. If I get sick from eating Little Caesar's, I'll go and eat it again the next day (I totally have done this). I am basically an unfeeling bastard, and it's threads like this that have convinced me it's a super power.]

That is a super power. I wish I didn't feel sometimes :lol:

But every gift comes with a curse, and if that curse is not being able to eat Little Caesars's pizza, than what a curse you have my friend.


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
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I cannot stand fresh tomatoes for the life of me. I can eat any other tomato product just not fresh ones.

Hell...tomato sauce is one of my favorite things.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2013
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Corinth, MS
I can't eat general tso chicken anymore, because last time I did I was extremely intoxicated and passed out in a puddle of vomit and my roommates laundry


Dat Dood
Mar 10, 2010
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South Jersey
Got sick from eating potato salad as a little kid and it made me severely grossed out by potato and egg salad to the point where I couldn't look at a couch we had in our living room at the time because the design reminded me of the shape of the potatoes in the potato salad. I seriously almost gagged when focusing on it once.

I'm good now and it doesn't bother me, but I will still never eat potato or egg salad. It also ruined mayo for me as I loved the stuff as a kid and am grossed out by it now. Love potatoes though.


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
I'm allergic to red onions. At restaurants with friends and family, I always tell them I'm allergic to red onions, and 5/7 times, I get red onions anyway, once in awhile on dishes that don't usually get red onions on them. I guess everyone in the restaurant business hates me. :lol:


Hated Ibanezes once
May 21, 2012
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Southern Highlands, Australia
This is probably TMI, so, you've been warned... One girl I was seeing ruined steak for me. Yes, steak. Ruined.

I was down below and her uhh... 'beef curtain' we'll call it, was rather long on one side. Well, it ended up sucked up in my mouth at one point and it instantly reminded me of a big fatty piece of steak grizzle that those cheaper steaks tend to have. It was awful. I nearly threw up on her right then and there as I had been drinking a lot beforehand. I haven't spoke to her since and have not had a steak since either. The thought of eating steak and fatty steak grizzle makes me dry heave to this day.

I'm howling :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

On a related note, I cannot drink bourbon and coke ever again. Got really buggered up on it one time, tried to go back and try it again, vomited immediately and now can't even think about it without mentally gagging.


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
Thought of something worth adding maybe:
I have a friend who is moving to Australia for a while, and keeps saying they might not come back at all. I am not a big fan of this idea (admittedly for entirely selfish reasons, and I hope they have a blast there), but as a result have developed an aversion to the idea of Australia in general. Every time the place is mentioned, some little voice in the back of my mind goes "f* Australia, man". I'm sure it's a wonderful place, but it's hard to work around the idea that someone chose to move there over staying near their existing friends and family.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
Australia is beautiful bro! come oever here, we have nice warm weather and awesome beaches to surf ;)

as per moving instead of staying because family and friends. Well thats a different topic. My case was eassier due to the economical and political reasons of my country, and Ive never regret it. But for someone from Canada, that could be harder to understand.

Everyone is different. Some people cant live mroe than a block away from their parents. Others like their independence more, friends can be found anywhere, and jsut because you move away it doesnt meant you lost a friend either. Plus we all know most friends come and go depending on the stage in your life. At the end of the day is up to you and what makes YOU happy, you dont need to rely on family or friends. If you want to live on a beach then great, if you want to live on a colder place on a mountain, then awesome. Its your life. Im not saying that you should cut any relationship with your family or anything like that, but you should be able to do what you want and be free to do so.

If not being here has helped me to talk more to my parents to what I used to when I was with them.

Also saying this as I have a good friend, I meet her here during her uni studies. She lives on the USA, for the last 3 years we have develop an amazing relationship, we chat and talk almost everyday and we both know that if we were living on the same place we pretty much would be together, we do love eachtohers. She even was looking for to get a working holiday visa to come over here for 1-2 years, and see whats happen between us. BUT..... reality is, she wont be able to stand that much time away from her family and her friends, so she knows there wont be anyway she would move after that, shes not even sure if she would be able to stand the 2 years away. She couldnt even do it across her own country for a job she wanted in the past. I was actually amazed she got to even consider to come over here

I get the affection and connection with your family, but till what point that attachment starts to become a "problem"

Like I said, it all depends on the person. Ive always being an independent guy from my family and brothers, so for me was pretty eassy to take the leap. I saw it as an "adventure" . But at the same time I got friends back home who got the chance to do something similar but their attachment to their families was soo big they couldnt do it


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
^ I get what you're saying. I've had those same moments everyone else has had where you consider moving somewhere and starting over- but it's rare (at least here) to see someone follow through with it. And I get the independence thing too. My aversion to the idea is not for a lack of understanding, but for selfishly not wanting it to happen. When someone has an impact on your life, you just don't want them to leave. As you can imagine, there's a bunch of context I'm not going to describe publicly on the internet. It's difficult enough to surround yourself with the kinds of people you want to have around without them wanting to move away.

I'm sure Australia is a great place, though. :lol:


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
Australia scares the .... out of me!

Growing up in Detroit, I only had to worry about getting shot, stabbed, or hit by a car. In Australia, you have killer snakes, killer crocodiles, killer spiders, dingoes, tasmanian devils, emus, platypuses or whatever the plural of platypus is, stonefish, stingrays, kangaroos, drop bears, bunyips, vampires, werewolves, dragons, sarlaacs, rancors, and jackalopes, and they all want to kill me! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
:lol: true that

you also forgot swipping kamikaze magpies those ....&*s can chace you for a few blocks before they go back to their nest.

once I almost crash with a car with my bicycle because of it, also I didnt have any helmet so was more terrifying. I found cover under a cafe shop thing. The little guy just stood there on a pole waiting for me to leave again. I had to face death and wait till he eventually stopped chasing me lol

here is a funny one, but have a llook there are heaps more. And they usually chase you for way longer

also we have jellyfish who can kill you. But those are jsut in the north. Over here we had just normal one who sting you pretty dam hard :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
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Falkland Islands/Salisbury, UK
Sambuca and Southern Comfort. Drank far to much of both and now the smell alone makes my stomach leap.

Massive Attack, used to love the band, after a long hospital stay and some very very heavy painkillers/Sedatives (synthetic smack) I can't listen to it makes my mind do strange things.

Once asked them to put my ipod on when I was out of it and wow, think I was listening to Bodom and it seemed like I was at wacken the smells, the heat of the sun, taste of 40 fags a day and to much beer. Fecking weird as, don't listen to Bodom much anymore


Lost In Thought
Feb 6, 2013
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Knoxville, TN
Can't drink Sailor Jerry's after Thanksgiving of 2012....I shudder at the thought of that night. So much puke. So. Much. Puke. :lol:

Also, I used to love Panda Express, but 6 months or so ago I had their orange chicken and I had some incredibly gnarly food poisioning and will never eat there again, even though my girlfriend always asks me if I'm "ready yet" hahaha


Hated Ibanezes once
May 21, 2012
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Southern Highlands, Australia
I'm Australian. Can confirm. There's a red-belly black snake that lives under a rock in my back yard. Called it Django. Often I'll see it sunning itself on the tiles outside our sliding door. When the cats go out it fvcks off and hides. Very rarely I'll leave some chicken out for it. It's an uneasy truce.

Come to Australia. It's beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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QC, Canada
Lard beans. I'm puked my guts off in front of everyone when I was in kindergarten after eating some. I guess I had stomac flu or something but all I can remember is the taste of vomited beans in my mouth. I've never been able to eat lard beans again. Hell, I can't even eat food that has been in contact with it. The mere smell of it is an instant nausea inducer.

Vodka. All my worst blackouts have been on vodka. Nothing more to say.

Tik Tok by Ke$ha. Everytime I hear this song, I feel like I have a hangover. I was a really heavy drinker when this song came out and It played all the time in bars and on the radio in the morning. You get the idea.


Frost Giant
Dec 27, 2009
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Oulu, Finland
I can't drink pear flavored vodka (or even smell it). When I was a teenager I'd go to a cottage with my friends and we'd get drunk for the first time in our lives. A bit later we were all puking our guts out and the next days hangover was of epic proportions. Couldn't drink or even smell that pear stuff ever again. And it's been almost 20 years now...

I can't eat french fries with pickle relish. I did love the combination as a kid and one time I ate a plate of it... And ofcourse got a stomach flu after it. After vomiting french fries and pickle relish the whole night I can't stand the combination anymore.