New Guitar And Gear Day - Orange&PRS - first time with both

  • Thread starter WLJMTG
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WLJMTG Regular
Apr 27, 2020
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Today I've bought some new gear for myself.
for the past decade or so I've been using a Bugera 6262 100w head as my main sound.
but its been in a storage lock up for years as I've used digital on the rare occasion I wasn't playing acoustically.

so I've picked up 4xJJ6L6GC & 6X12AX7 tubes to give this amp a fresh start in life
and this will be my weekend refurb project.

However, I've spoilt myself with another new Head & Cab as well as a new guitar!
I've never used Orange amps before despite loving the sounds I've heard from them
and I needed a new cab regardless - so orange was something I fancied giving a bash.

I've picked up:

Orange Rockerverb 100 MKIII - 100w Head
Orange PPC412 (Celestion V30) - 4x12 Cab

Grabbed a Maxon808.OD too whilst at the shop and some other cables etc!

As for the new Guitar day.. in keeping with trying something I would otherwise not go for
I asked for them to have a PRS Custom 24 - Holcomb in store so I could give it a try.
whilst the PRS isn't gonna be staying too long as its just a stopgap while a Japan custom shop ESP
is built.. I have to say, so far I'm really enjoying it.

This rig sounds crushing - without honing anything in even.
tomorrow I'll be really dialling this thing in and getting to know my new rig..
so for now.. here are some quick piccies.


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Do not criticize as this
Jan 22, 2007
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That's a serious day of gear haha. Enjoy!