New Interface Day and problems already (REALLY NEED HELP)

  • Thread starter xeonblade
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2011
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Serbia, Europe, Earth
I got myself a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 yesterday. AD/DA converters are great and I already notice great improvement in sound over the integrated pc soundcard, especially in low end clarity. Still need to see how good the preamps are.

Anyways. I've disabled integrated HD Audio in BIOS so it doesn't interfere with Interface, hooked it up, plugged my headphones with 1/8 to 1/4 adaptor in, installed drivers, installed MixControl 1.2. I started up MixControl and it asked me to do a firmware update and it updated when I pressed OK.

Problem 1: When I went in the program to change from 44.1KHz to 96KHz MixControl gave me some kind of error saying there was an error in some line of a .cpp file. I just closed it, restarted windows and opened and changed to 96KHz again and it worked. Second time it happened i had to turn off and turn of the interface to make it usable because it went full retard and wouldn't reproduce sound. I don't even have drive F:\

Problem 2: I set up my routing and went File > Save to hardware. When I restarted windows and opened MixControl again I was it reseted to 44.1KHz I changed back to 96KHz and closed, opened again and it was at 96. After an hour or so I opened again and it was at 44.1KHz again.

Problem 3: I went and checked system sound settings and it's defaulted to 16bit 44.1KHz output and input and doesn't offer any 24bit. Shouldn't setting to 96KHz in MixControl set system sample rate and bitrate to 24 96? How can I set it to playback at 96KHz by default or atleast use 24bit to output?

Problem 4: I've opened Reaper went into settings and chose ASIO and Focusrite USB2.0 driver instead of ASIO4ALL which I used before. Scarlett 8i6 was set to 5ms (no idea why they chose the "ms" settings instead of actual samples used) and it gave me ~10/15ms latency at 96KHz and chose 480 samples altho I selected "request block size: 256 samples".
Because I don't have studio monitors yet I'm using just headphone out. I plugged the guitar in and added ampsim and turned on MONITORING in reaper.
I could hear both PROCESSED and CLEAN guitar signal from the input.

Problem 5: Project was set to 96KHz 24bit, 5ms. It had like ~10/15ms latency. I added TSE X50, it worked. I added LeCab 2, and imported 96KHz impulse, and Reaper first muted and then crashed. I couldn't get LeCab 2 working at any other sample rate than 44.1KHz no matter what impulse I used. I was forced to choose 44.1KHz with 2ms setting and I got some crackling and popping in sound every few moments and there was a noticable latency when playing.

Problem 6: I set my interface to 96KHz, open winamp and play something, my interface changes back to 44.1KHz. I go to change to 96KHz while it's playing and get error that something is already using the driver. I stop Winamp, change to 96 and play music. It changes back to 44.1KHz in MixControl.

Problem 7: I have a desktop mic like this:

It has nice "goldish" plated stereo 1/8 jack and isn't bad at all. I took my stereo 1/8 to 1/4 adaptor, turned up the gain and... NO SIGNAL. I tried all the inputs, instrument and line input levels (I didn't try 48V setting because I didn't wanna risk burning it, but it's a cheap desktop mic, it doesn't need phantom power). I NEED to get this working so I can use SKYPE. Guitar signal works, MIC doesn't wanna give any signal at all.

Can I somehow force my whole OS to use same driver so I can have all running 96KHz 24bit ASIO Focusrite driver? I'd like to be able to jam to random songs from Winamp but Winamp uses DirectSound or or WaveOut, I'm not sure. I thought this was only the problem because I didn't have an interface to replace my integrated sound. You can't do something like: Play a song in winamp with DAW open and talk to someone on skype and stream them your sound from DAW (set up guitar and mic for speech there). I thought interface could replace WaveOut and DirectSound with it's own ASIO driver for system sounds and everything else.

THE IRONY: I bought Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 over M-Audio ProFire 610 because everyone said they don't have problems with Focusrite and it had better drivers.
I'm using Windows 7, Ultimate 64bit.
I'm not a PC noob and I've tried a lot of things to FIX those, I just don't have an idea anymore.

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Crazy Robot Guy
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
"The Guitar Matrix"
Sounds like you have a problem with your driver install. I would re-install the driver.

For things like winamp... the focusrite interface is not going to use AISO nor will any other card or interface. That said focusrite also supports Waveout, Direct Sound, etc.

The scarlett it will work as your soundcard globally.

Lineout properties in the window you posted above will not show 24 bit. THat is the sample rate in shared mode. Not for your DAW.

Make sure you have the sample rate set in project settings and preferences. Make changes to the aiso driver using the AISO control panel in the audio preference window from within reaper. Not the two boxes were you type in the sample rate and block size.

It probably won't assign it from there.... Mine doesn't. Click the button that says AISO configuration.

"Assertion failed" occurs when a check is made while the program is running to make sure everything is as it should be, in this case it wasn't, hence the message... this happens to be your aiso driver.

One last thing, I wouldn't mess around with mix control until you get things working @ 9600. Also make sure you completely uninstall the driver before re-installing. Make sure you disconnect the interface as well.

FWIW...I have a focusrite scarlet and windows7 with reaper.