NPD Q-Tuner 2.0 9 String Review


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Jakarta, Indonesia
Hi Everyone,

So, I've been playing my string 9 guitar with Q-Tuner 2.0 installed (it's on the extended range guitar subforum). I thought I'd write a separate thread especially for the pickups if anyone is interested in only the pickups.

First off, the set cost me $300 USD with shipping from Holland to to Indonesia. In terms of service and email, they were top notch. The first of pickups they sent me were actually shipped back to Holland because of the postal service and customs service sending the import tax and release forms to my parents house, which sat idle for a month. I called them up and they sent me a replacement set, which I got of course finally after monitoring the tracking number and package everyday.

Second, no, they are not the Q-Tuner with the transparant covers. Yes, the Q logo is a hate it or love it affair. it's a conversation starter for anyone who thinks ERG pickups are only seymour duncan, dimarzio, emg, or bareknuckle.

Third, I love their sound. They're definitely not like my EMG nor my Seymour Duncan. The website uses the words hi-fi, clarity, full range, and dynamic to describe the sound. I agree and it probably is due to the neodymium magnets. I like it because it's like an frfr for pickups and that makes it's different. It really senses every nuance in my playing and has forced me to play more precise. It's a really powerful single coil for an ERG if it makes sense if you played with single coils before.

Fourth, stylistically, I love it for everything but I realized just how crap my techniques are. This pickup is unforgiving to sloppy technique. But it does reward you. The neck is great for liquid leads, tapping, and clean passages. The bridge is bright like a single coil, and cuts like a hot knife through butter. Is it for you? Well, it's up to you. I think they let your guitar speak more without over emphasizing any specific frequencies. And that allows you to express more as a player and let your amp shine through more too. But does it djent? You be the judge of that from my attempt at clips below.

Fifth, I purposelly have it hooked up to an emg 3 band eq controls on my guitar. And the combination allows me to have a lot of different sounds from the pickups.

Anyhow, here's a new clip where I tried to play more clean and mid-gain sounds. Pardon the 1st bar, as I wanted to show just how precise and clear it pickups up my tapping. The 2nd bar lick is on the neck while the 3rd bar lick is on the bridge. But you can hear where my technqiue was wrong in the clips

If you wanted to hear one where I just chugged the 9th, 8th, 7th, and 6th string to death with barre chords on high gain to see how articulate and clear each note is, then try this one.

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