One pickup is buzzing

  • Thread starter olf
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Oct 19, 2012
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at home
hi everyone,

first of all sorry if there is already a similar thread, but i couldn't find anything that helps me...

what my problem is: i've had a guitar with seymour duncan passive pickups and i wanted to change the bridge pickup with an EMG 81. i only have 2 pots, so i could find out that i have to have 2 volume pots and no tone pots, and that works fine for me. the emg pickup came as solderless version which confused me in the beginning, but i could manage to make the emg work. the problem is that if i switch to the neck pickup, the seymour duncan is buzzing. so the active emg works, the passive seymour duncan doesnt.

this is how i wired my passive pickup: reffering to this Wiring Diagram i just put the red and white cable together and didnt solder them anywhere (do the wires have to have contact or aren't they supposed to have contact or does it even matter?). the green and the bare wire are soldered to my volume pot and the black wire is soldered to the input loop of my volume pot. there also is a connection from the green and bare wires to the third loop of my volume pot. from the output loop and from the green and bare wires on top of my volume pot i have 2 wires connected to the emg battery bus which was included with the emg pickup.

there is one thing which surprises me. before i put the emg in it, i had 2 passive pickups, 1 volume, 1 tone pot and a 5 way switch. i dont know if i can compare my guitar with the following diagram, but i think that comes close to this Wiring Diagram . i guess the black one is the output right? the red and white go into the switch and the green and bare wire go to the volume pot. the thing which suprises me is that on my guitar, the black was the output, the red and green went into the switch and the white and bare wire were connected to the volume pot. as i already said, i don't know if you can compare these 2 diagrams, but i was just confused that my white wire and the bare wire went on the volume pot and now, reffering to this wiring diagram, i suddenly have to put the white and red together and the green and the bare wire go to the volume pot...

and another thing is that i didnt connect the ground bridge wire from bridge anywhere because here at important installation notes they say DO NOT connect the bridge ground wire.

i dont know if my text is too confusing, if you have questions just ask me.

some help would be awesome, almost struggling a week now -.-

thx in advance!



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Oct 19, 2012
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at home
now i made two pictures...maybe then anyone knows what my problem is :)

so the first is my passive volume pot

the second picture is the emg battery bus

i dont know if the huge solder spot could on my volume pot cause the issue. the problem was that the tin which was on the volume pot already took a really long time to melt and when it finally melted this puddle arised -.-

so what you can see is that the green, bare and black wire are coming from the pickup. the white wire and the bare wire, which both go together and become the red wire go to the battery bus (2nd picture). it's the white and red wire which are soldered to the "ground"-symbol and to the "NK" on the lower half of the battery bus.

i know it's a mess (both, my english and my soldering stuff) but i hope you can see something. if you need more pics or anything, just let me know...

thx in advance


Grinder of strings
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score
Washington, the state
Your post is mildly confusing, but i believe there are a couple potential issues.

1. I don't believe your passive pickup should be connected to the emg circuitry at all. It should go from pickup>volume pot>selector switch>output jack.
2. The passive pickup absolutely needs the bridge ground.
3. Make sure you use the proper color code for your pickup, and yes the two wires that join the coils together need to be spliced together for the pickup to work properly.

Good luck.


Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
at home
Your post is mildly confusing, but i believe there are a couple potential issues.

1. I don't believe your passive pickup should be connected to the emg circuitry at all. It should go from pickup>volume pot>selector switch>output jack.
2. The passive pickup absolutely needs the bridge ground.
3. Make sure you use the proper color code for your pickup, and yes the two wires that join the coils together need to be spliced together for the pickup to work properly.

Good luck.

about 2) can i just solder the ground wire from bridge to the third loop of my passive pickup volume pot? and what about the bare wire then (you can see it in both pictures)? because that is supposed to be the ground i guess...does it have to remain?

about 3) sorry, but i dont get about what wires you are talking about...could you name their colors please?

thx already!


Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
at home
ok, now it's still buzzing, but when i'm touching the switch for example, it stops. so i guess the problem is the grounding right? how do i do this correctly? i mean grounding the passive pickup


Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
at home
ok, probably i just didnt realise this before, but there is a little buzzing on every switch setting! when i am on the bridge pickup, the emg 81, the buzzing is really quiet. on the mid position it is a little louder and on the neck the buzzing is pretty loud...


Grinder of strings
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score
Washington, the state
Just solder the bridge ground to the passive volume pot, and keep the bare wire from the pickup wired in too. Do you have the ground terminal of the output jack wired to the passive volume pot? If not, you need that too.

Check the color code for your pickup from this chart.
Wiring Diagram
If you have a Seymour, then black is hot,(to volume pot input lug), white and red are spliced together, and green and bare are ground,(to the back of volume pot.)
