Question on eq, bbe sonic maximizer, 8 string, noise suppressor...


Active Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Milwaukee, WI
Question on eq, bbe sonic maximizer, 8 string, noise suppressor... So I got a lot of new gear and want some advice on how to run it.
I'm relatively new, but just have some good gear...

I want to know what order to put them in front of the amp, or what order to put them in the effects loop (if that's the preferred method?).

Also, I want to know if I should put the eq on the tube head all the way up, then using the eq pedal (or if i should put the head eq all at 12 o'clock?)

Finally, will the eq pedal not be low enough for my 8 string guitar (I tune in drop A)...

I want to get the most deathmetal/metal/tech metal tone I can.... something like Veil of Maya, Within the Ruins, Animals as Leaders (sorry if you don't like these bands...)

Here's a list of my gear
Peavey Valveking VK100 tube head
Basson B412 cab (good low end cab)
Boss Ge-7 equalizer pedal
BBE sonic maximizer pedal
Boss Noise Suppressor NS2
Agile 828 Intrepid 8 string guitar

Thanks. -Alex

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Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Definitely put the BBE in loop, and use the controls sparingly. Start with them all the way to the left and slowly move them forward. A little goes a very long way with the Sonic Maximizer.

Personally, I'd set it up like this:

Guitar-> NS-2 -> Amp (Loop: GE-7 -> BBE) -> Cab


Active Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Milwaukee, WI
Definitely put the BBE in loop, and use the controls sparingly. Start with them all the way to the left and slowly move them forward. A little goes a very long way with the Sonic Maximizer.

Personally, I'd set it up like this:

Guitar-> NS-2 -> Amp (Loop: GE-7 -> BBE) -> Cab

Do you think the 8 string bass might be too low for the eq pedal?

Someone suggested that I have the eq on the amp all the way up for everything, then tune in the eq pedal.... Are suggesting i do this and then start the eq on the pedal low? or have the pedal dialed in, then move the amp's eq?

thanks again


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Do you think the 8 string bass might be too low for the eq pedal?

Someone suggested that I have the eq on the amp all the way up for everything, then tune in the eq pedal.... Are suggesting i do this and then start the eq on the pedal low? or have the pedal dialed in, then move the amp's eq?

thanks again

I think the EQ pedal will handle the signal of the guitar just fine.

The first thing you should do, is ignore whoever told you to set everything to max and then just use the pedal.

Start by setting the EQ on your amp, get it to about 95% of the tone you want, or until tweaking it anymore is not improving your signal. Basically, EQ your amp for the best tone possible. From there, activate the EQ with all the sliders in the middle "0" position. Now slowly adjust the EQ pedal's sliders until it improves the sound of your amp.

You want the majority of your tone shaping to come from your amp, with the pedal just enhancing it.

Once you get the EQ squared away, slowly start adjusting the Sonic Maximizer.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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St Petersburg, FL
You can also run the NS-2 in the loop and out front using all 4 jacks on the NS-2.

Guitar -> NS-2 Input -> NS-2 Send -> Amp Input -> Amp FX Send -> GE7 -> BBE -> NS-2 Return -> NS-2 Output -> Amp FX Return

That way you kill noise from both your guitar and your amp.