Reamping - AXE FX Ultra and Radial RMP, Low gain output.


EBMM Lover!
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Lisbon, PT
Hi guys!

So finally I grabbed a Radial RMP for doing better guitar reampings.

At the moment, I'm using an AXE FX Ultra for the amp.

I'm doing the reamping without mic the cab. I'm assuming the out 1 from AXE FX (which have an emulated cab on the chain of course), to In 1 from my Interface.

So the chain is:

Interface OUT (3) (DI GUITAR) --> IN Radial |
OUT Radial --> IN (instrument) AXE FX |
OUT (1) AXE FX --> IN (1) Interface |

The normal chain for reamping right?

Now, my problem is... I'm getting low gain at the output stage for some reason, and that's not supposed to be like that, even if I turn the Gain knob at the maximum.
I read in some forums that the Radial RMP, sometimes (?), gets low gain output... And some people, just took out one resistor from the circuit to get more gain, but before that, I want to solve things in other way.

-Any of you have experienced something like that?
-Maybe directly from the AXE FX Out, doesn't work well?
Any tips?

Thanks in advance, :) Cheers!

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Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yorkshire, U.K
I've had similar issues with reamp boxes. I just increase the DAW digital output level of the reamp signal until it reaches it's original level.
It's not necessary to use this with the Axe FX. Just run the line level signal into one of the inputs on the back, or, even better, use SPDIF if your interface has it. Infinite reamping with no ADA conversion.


EBMM Lover!
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Lisbon, PT
I've had similar issues with reamp boxes. I just increase the DAW digital output level of the reamp signal until it reaches it's original level.
It's not necessary to use this with the Axe FX. Just run the line level signal into one of the inputs on the back, or, even better, use SPDIF if your interface has it. Infinite reamping with no ADA conversion.

Thank you man!

I tried once again, with the front and rear Inputs, and the output signal still too weak... Like some Noise gate is pushing too hard.

Tried with Bus also but doesn't work. I mean, the track from DI signal, sends the signal to a BUS and then the Reamped track is receiving the signal from that BUS in Pre-Fader. But this way, I only get the original DI signal for some reason...

Tried the old way I used to do with my M-Audio Fast Track Pro and it works:

Output 3-4 (RCA), to a TRS jack converter, running directly to Axe FX front input.
Output 1 from Axe FX, straight to Input 1 from the M-Audio.

However, I'm trying to not doing this way... That's one of the reasons that I bought the Radial.

I still have noticed some issues... If I reamping the same way I describe above, but with the balanced Outs 1 or 2, instead of the 3-4, I'm getting the same problem like if I use the Reamp box. So I'll check the I/O config from the M-Audio... I'm using Pro Tools and I tried to config the Outputs but the results still the same.

I could try doing by the 3-4 with the Radial and see if it works but I have to get a RCA-XLR converter .


EBMM Lover!
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Lisbon, PT
Later I made a RCA-XLR cable and, by now, it works well. Still wondering why outs 1-2 doesn't work well while reamping... :\

Also, any tips in getting a line level converter box, from RCA - XLR ? Is it worth? Like a Palmer PLI 06?