Reaper Themes, whatcha using?

  • Thread starter Steinmetzify
  • Start date
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Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
In the shadow of a mountain near SLC UT

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Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
Once I get a dual screen setup, I'll give the White Tie Imperial theme a run. As for now, I've just been using the basic 4.0 Reaper theme that is one of the stock options. I was previously using a Pro Tools theme that made the transition to Reaper easier, but I kept finding myself accidentally reaching for menus and sub-menus that were not there because the theme was so close to Pro Tools in aesthetic design and layout. At this point, I know Reaper well enough that I don't really care what it looks like now, which is why I just have been using the basic 4.0 theme since I reinstalled Reaper on my new PC build that I finished two months or so ago. As long as all of my folders and tracks are color-coded, my template is easy to follow, my mixer is visible, and the routing options that I need are on-hand for easy access, then I'm good to go.

I've been getting more into scoring work lately and learning all that I can about it. As it stands, Cubase now seems to be the #1 DAW choice of many score composers. This is presenting me with quite the temptation to go back to Cubase and get the newest, most up-to-date version. Although, I do wish that I could find a good Cubase theme for Reaper. That might fix my dilemma.