RG7620 on Reverb

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Likes trem wankery.
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Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
Yeah, I was going to make some later and post them, again, just trying to see if what I missed was obvious to everyone else. And no, I wasn't expecting flawless, not many used guitars are.

Oh yeah, the strap is well used and probably going in the garbage if I don't send it back (I don't consider a well used dirty strap a bonus), and the case is beat, the strap buttons are falling out (yeah, I know that's an easy fix, have done it often), so yeah, the bridge seems to be in good shape and it has a different pickup (the original Blaze Custom is a fine pickup IMHO and both are US DMZs), the neck looks okay, but really won't know until I set it up and play it. I'm deciding whether to try to return it, or go ahead and set it up and check it out, which I don't want to change strings and everything if I'm not keeping it, then the seller can complain that I "changed" it.

There are lots of people asking a lot more for 7620s in great shape, but anyone can ask what they want, those have been there for months and aren't going anywhere. I've bought and sold quite a few here for the around the same price in much better shape. I had to sell everything last spring after I was out of work for a while, including my 87 or 88 rootbeer JEM that's been my main guitar for the last 10+ years.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you have so much experience with these wouldn't you know that the finish is so brittle? That's a pretty well known issue of Ibanez guitars from this period.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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If you don't like it return it.

It is not Excellent according to Reverb's description of excellent. Screw all the due diligence nonsense. The only thing I noticed was surface swirls like on every guitar and maybe a tiny nick up top. Anything more than that was not disclosed and no, it is not your responsibility to ask a seller if he is hiding anything.

With that said. You still got a good deal.


Complainasaurus Rex
Jun 14, 2006
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If you don't like it return it.

It is not Excellent according to Reverb's description of excellent. Screw all the due diligence nonsense. The only thing I noticed was surface swirls like on every guitar and maybe a tiny nick up top. Anything more than that was not disclosed and no, it is not your responsibility to ask a seller if he is hiding anything.

With that said. You still got a good deal.

Lol you contradicted yourself but okay. No don't screw due diligence, only you can protect yourself, as I said again, if you want to sugar coat this utopian life you live in where every seller is 100% honest then I'm glad that is the standard you uphold but son, that isn't life in the wild west of buying and selling. I've been on eBay since 1999 and all the other usual suspects and let me tell you, it's a hell hole. So YES buyer beware and do your due dilligence, fuck you for pushing that aside and assuming everyone has your best interest in mind. How dare you make such silly assumtions. Everyone is out to get you.

Return it you giant crybaby and let someone else that doesn't have unattainable standards buy it.

Peace easy ya sucmbags.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
DM reading is fundamental, that post wasn't me, and I'm not whining nor do I need to justify myself to you, so yeah, I'll decide and take care of it. Just wondering if you guys could see what I missed in the original pics, and since this is the 7 string forum, thought I might get some worthwhile opinions which I did around your BS.

I know about the Ibz finishes, edge chips are the norm on these between the finish and the sharp corners. And yes, it is 20 years old, I expect some wear, that is normal. That said, I would have paid more for something in better condition, but saw this one and looking at the pics and his "excellent" condition rating so it looked like a really good deal. I probably would have paid his full price (or more for an "excellent" one) and been fine if it were as advertised, but never hurts to make an offer. I would say I got an okay deal, didn't expect the big dig on the top and some of the bigger ones on the sides though after looking at his pics. Just got home and snapped a couple of pics, like I said, the case is beat, the strap isn't too bad, I just never consider a strap as a reason to pay more for a guitar.

Here's the big stuff, plenty more edge dings, but those are to be expected. Some of the frets have some kind of spooge (not normal fret grime) that's going to take some work to clean off, but overall seem to be in good shape. You can see the strap button hanging off in the first pic. Basically, I would have called it "good", definitely not "excellent". And yeah, I could get a nice korina or ash body from Mai-Guitars, but that's another $250 - $300 investment, and I would have rather just put that into buying something in nicer shape to start with, wasn't looking for a project.

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Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
It just seems like more of a hassle to go through the process of returning than to just live with some dings. :shrug:

You thought you were getting a great deal, but it turns out it's more of a standard/fair situation. I'd be kinda bummed too.

If getting something in excellent shape was so important, I probably would have gotten some better pictures if I was you. Especially knowing that the finish on these is garbage, as well as knowing that Reverb doesn't exactly audit sales for accuracy of use of thier arbitrary "grading" system.

Looking at the RG7620s currently on Reverb, you got probably one of the cleanest one that's not stupidly overpriced. I can see why you jumped on this one for $550. Not into VK? The 99' VK for the same price looks to be in good shape.

If I was in your shoes, I'd ask the seller for some cash back and call it a day. :2c:


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
Nah, not into the VKs, not that into the blue ones, more into the black ones. I have had a VK, 2 or 3 black ones, and yes, a swirl, and my favorite, a cosmic blue (purple) 1527 which by this standard was almost minty. Not going to put another $300 - $500 into a paint job though, money would be better spent on something newer. Like i said, all my toys went bye-bye last year, and apparently some people got some good deals, I'm just trying to pick up a couple of decent guitars now that I'm working again. I know I can make it play and sound great, not sure yet, but I may eat the shipping and return it and put the $ into something else, on principle if nothing else.

So, again to ask the original question, which did I totally miss this stuff in the pictures on the ad? Yes, they are easier to see after you know what you are looking for, but is it just me or does it look like shadows if you didn't know where to look?

So, yeah, if some people think I'm a whiny b***h, so be it, it's my time and money. (I'm not talking to everyone here...)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
I was having a bad day in a bad month yesterday and was kinda disappointed when I opened the guitar. Thought I had gotten a smokin' deal on a great guitar, and it turned out to be an okay deal. Still think the pics and description were misleading and that's what I was looking for a double check on.

trem licking

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2013
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those marks are easy to miss that far away in the photos. i say you got a fair deal as long as the construction is still sound, which it sounds like it is, I'd just play the hell out of that thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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Lol you contradicted yourself but okay. No don't screw due diligence, only you can protect yourself, as I said again, if you want to sugar coat this utopian life you live in where every seller is 100% honest then I'm glad that is the standard you uphold but son, that isn't life in the wild west of buying and selling. I've been on eBay since 1999 and all the other usual suspects and let me tell you, it's a hell hole. So YES buyer beware and do your due dilligence, fuck you for pushing that aside and assuming everyone has your best interest in mind. How dare you make such silly assumtions. Everyone is out to get you.

Return it you giant crybaby and let someone else that doesn't have unattainable standards buy it.

Peace easy ya sucmbags.

You seem like a very enjoyable person.

Only you can protect yourself? Maybe you haven't heard but there are things called PayPal buyer protection.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
&^#%$ yes, the construction seems sound, and I was just going to suck it up and keep it. I pulled it out today and before I cut the strings off and started working on it thought I'd better check the electronics. Turns out it now has a 3 way switch which acts really weird, it's like it moves past the 2 end positions like it wants to go to 5 positions, but springs back, no biggie, maybe it's just a weird switch. Plugging it in and tapping on the pole pieces, it's wired totally wrong, middle position seems to be full bridge hb (?), and the other 2 positions are weird combinations. Again, easy enough to fix, and a new switch is like $25, but just more crap to deal with on an "excellent" guitar. Definitely contacting the seller.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
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Everett, WA
If things like that were not disclosed I would contact the seller. Maybe you can get a partial refund instead?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
I've sent him a few messages through Reverb this weekend and haven't heard back from him. Was trying to be nice about it and not hit him with a refund request through Reverb out of the blue. I also don't want to leave him bad feedback without trying to work things out. It is the weekend, so I'll see if I hear anything tomorrow, then figure it out from there. I don't live in a utopian world, but I do believe in treating others as I would want to be treated.

I think I may have a Schaller Megaswitch around that I could use, but again, I don't mind projects if I know what I'm getting, have bought a few in the past, but I do like to know what I'm getting and be able to make the decision from that. I thought I did here, that'll learn me...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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Gastonia, NC
I completely understand where you're coming from. We've all been in a similar situation. The guitar isn't "excellent" but "very good". Even with the finish flaws, it's better than 80% of these out there as they were the standard, no-frills 7-string of the day and were typically played hard.

The seller was a d-bag. He certainly tried to hide the blemishes in those shit pictures. However, now you know to ask specifically if there are any flaws, dings, scratches, or problems.

As for the electrical problems, well, that's extremely common. It seems like every guitar I buy has either a major setup issue or electrical problem. Most people get the cheapest set-up their tech offers or they rush it because they don't have the time/money. The same could be said for buying a used car. No matter how well it was maintained or how much you pay, always expect to put a few hundred into it shortly after purchase. You'll probably need tires, fluids, and some other things. Guitars are the same: setup and electronics.

tl;dr: You got a good guitar for a fair price. Try to find some nail polish that's similar to the paint color to touch it up and play the guitar.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
I would call it good. And yes, all the problems are common, it's that the seller didn't disclose any of them and listed it as excellent and used pictures that "disguised" the cosmetic stuff well. If I had know the real condition I would have passed. And yes, normally I do ask questions but there is also a point of having to trust an online seller, FWIW, I'm an old fart and have almost 600 ebay transactions and more on reverb and in forums and this is the worst one, so yeah, lesson learned.

But yeah, thanks for the input. Again, I was mostly asking about his pics when I started this thread and if I had missed the obvious.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Frederick, MD
That chunk next to the bridge isn't even in the close up pic on reverb, look at the angles, it should be there. You can see it on the zoomed out pic, but it's hardly evident like in the one you took. That's some shiesty shit, and telling the buyer to stfu and deal with it is just some knee-jerk bologna. Yeah, people get picky on here sometimes, but in this case, that's a straight up deceptive listing saying it's in "excellent" condition and posting pics of it that are obviously either from before the guitar got gouged, purposefully taken to hide the flaws, or edited to cover them up. AT BEST it should have been listed in good condition and seller should mention that it has some wear and battle scars in the details. You don't need a utopia for it not to be ok to f*** people over, that's why they have policies in place for dealing with these kind of shenanigans. Unless I absolutely loved the way it played, I'd send it back to the guy in a heartbeat for being a deceptive POS.


Pretty Your Petunia
Aug 5, 2010
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the dude was selling that exact royal blue 7620 for like 500$ or best offer on facebook in this group.

This one is for sale there rn also.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Longmont, CO
Thanks jsmalleus.

The pics are recent, if you look really hard you can see the gouge by the trem in the full body shot but it blends in with the shadows, he cropped it out of the closeup of the trem. I was really on the fence, and asked for a refund through Reverb today and got denied by him twice, I even offered to eat shipping both ways which would have been more than $100 (his shipping charge was inflated to begin with). Went back and forth with him in messages for a while and started going through Reverb to follow up, but got tired of it and was spending way too much time so I just said f'it and closed it down. I'll just deal with it, got better stuff to do (like work). Will definitely be more careful next time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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Gastonia, NC
That sucks. I haven't done any business on Reverb, but I figured they'd side with you and at least get you some money back. I hope you at least gave him bad feedback.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2011
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Oakland, CA
Honestly these are workhorse guitars so they are supposed to be dinged by that time..