SSO: Deep Thoughts

  • Thread starter Randy
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
I thought this was the SSO: "Deep" Thoughts thread but it turned to an actual Deep Thoughts thread.

I think Randy that the wording in your initial comment about truth was what created the whole debate with TedEH. It was somewhat generic and covered areas where the truth should not be withheld towards the general public vs trust and interpersonal relationships.

By reading posts from both of you it doesn't seem to be that much of a disagreement, just maybe miscommunication on the definition of truth and the scenarios applicable. I don't think either of you disagree to spare someone's feelings on sensitive situations, however they've reached to that point, vs someone needing to be put into place if they don't comprehend or intentionally portray erroneously basic concepts for personal gain, vs restricted information, vs restricted information that should probably should not be restricted.

I'd elaborate more on which truths should not need to be earned but it will lean into the P bad word and will inspire more Deep Thoughts instead of "Deep" Thoughts and may end up having the thread blocked.

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Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
As I understand it the power that be doesn't have an issue with P&CE, he has an issue with folks expecting him to sort it out. That's fair in my opinion, though the definite explanation was severely lacking.

More or less, yeah.

There is the added wrinkle that his other sites are right leaning, and that the moderators have the ability to ban people at will. Some part of the "peace" is because dissent is squashed before he even gets a whiff of it anyway. Im not sure if an appeal over an unfair ban by left leaning members would be entertained like the alternative has been entertained here. For whatever that's worth.

But anyway as far as my policy here, I think its probably safe if we adhere to the MLP model. And over there, they have *ahem* current event threads and no sprawling "P" threads/subforums.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
He did get banned, yes. That was the silver lining.
I missed the whole discussion there and the reason for the thread being closed. Which Drew got banned? The only one that comes to mind seemed quite reasonable and made good conversation in general without being over the top.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
I thought this was the SSO: "Deep" Thoughts thread but it turned to an actual Deep Thoughts thread.

I think Randy that the wording in your initial comment about truth was what created the whole debate with TedEH. It was somewhat generic and covered areas where the truth should not be withheld towards the general public vs trust and interpersonal relationships.

By reading posts from both of you it doesn't seem to be that much of a disagreement, just maybe miscommunication on the definition of truth and the scenarios applicable. I don't think either of you disagree to spare someone's feelings on sensitive situations, however they've reached to that point, vs someone needing to be put into place if they don't comprehend or intentionally portray erroneously basic concepts for personal gain, vs restricted information, vs restricted information that should probably should not be restricted.

I'd elaborate more on which truths should not need to be earned but it will lean into the P bad word and will inspire more Deep Thoughts instead of "Deep" Thoughts and may end up having the thread blocked.

I agree with much of what you say here, and I do think your reading is much in the spirit of the original post.

Honestly, the wording was clunky but it's a thought I'd mulled over for MONTHS, and that particular post I almost posted a number of times but deleted. So it's wording I was shaky about from the getgo but a thought I don't take lightly.

I think most people who read it seemed to get what I meant, and the only "confusion" about it was feigned by someone who disagreed and just wanted to lean into attacking me for my admittedly poor framing. I think we'd have made it a lot further if he just said he disagreed with me and he thought my wording was poor.

I missed the whole discussion there and the reason for the thread being closed. Which Drew got banned? The only one that comes to mind seemed quite reasonable and made good conversation in general without being over the top.
The cliff notes is that all bans need to go through the admin. There were two serial offenders that were flagged and reported, and those reports weren't addressed for a few months. Eventually the CBD and dating site bots started piling up and there were ~50 reports that were waiting for action. I got a hold of the admin, and he was unhappy about the number of reported posts in P&CE, so he locked the entire subforum.

FWIW, there is no "P" subforum on his other sites, so the change just put this site in alignment with his other ones. There's still a lot of "P" on the other sites, just no big sprawling megathreads.

Not the Drew you're thinking of, BTW.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
@Randy What's MLP? Minor league politics or my little pony?
My Les Paul, which is the significantly more successful sister-site of this one.

There's a number of "P" threads in the off-topic, but they're usually just a link to an article and a few posts until they disappear from the front page. I'd hate to plug up the OT here with that stuff but that's what they get away with over there.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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Londonderry, N.Ireland, UK
I think most people who read it seemed to get what I meant, and the only "confusion" about it was feigned by someone who disagreed and just wanted to lean into attacking me for my admittedly poor framing. I think we'd have made it a lot further if he just said he disagreed with me and he thought my wording was poor.

Sometimes Ted overanalyzes things and gets a bit too much into the details and semantics but I don't believe he does it to be a contrarian to members here. Unless you've been butting heads with him in the past and there's something there I'm missing. I do think his posts are generally well thought out and worded well providing good arguments and I enjoy reading them, even if I don't agree with everything he says.

I feel the main issue, as we've witnesses several times in this forum, is articulating thoughts in writing. Most of the times, if it was a face to face discussion, it would be a non issue. And sometimes our responses are a bit more emotional than they should be, especially if it's something we consider important.


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
feigned by someone
I wasn't feigning anything, I legitimately was trying to understand what "earning access to the truth" was supposed to mean, because we clearly view the world very differently, and it didn't make sense to me, and when I asked for clarification, y'all took it as an attack for some reason - and retaliated with a bunch of quips about how I must think I'm too pious/naive about lying and blackmail or something. It wasn't an attack. The retaliation, and continuing to be salty about it isn't necessary. I'm sorry I misunderstood you and pressed about it. Can we move on?


\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Windsor, ON
Sometimes Ted overanalyzes things and gets a bit too much into the details and semantics but I don't believe he does it to be a contrarian to members here.
The whole topic made me remember (though, admittedly I'm not 100% sure it was TedEH) that a user her did used to have the tag line "Shameless contrarian" under their user name and it gave me a bit of a chuckle.

I do agree with Ted here, though, in that I'm fully ready to move the discussion on.

... I don't have any deep thoughts. :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Sioux Falls, SD
How can I eat an entire Digiorno pizza but I never excrete an entire Digiorno pizza's worth of poop? Where does it go?
Digiorno pizza absorbs directly into the bloodstream as fat and energy suppressant. It'll be pooped out eventually, but it will spend six weeks fucking with your innards and taunting your entire cardiovascular system first. "Hey, bitch, bet you'd like to breathe, wouldn't ya? HA HA!"