
  • Thread starter Salvation
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
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United States
Hey guys,

So last night, I go to practice, all excited to play and hear my tone which I am very happy with now (My amp is always at my drummer's house :wallbash:).

I play through my amp for a few minutes before we start, and it just sounds like utter shit through the distortion channel. Mud City. The treble sounds like dirt, and the bass sounds muddy and undefined, especially when playing on the lower E string.

Now the clean sounds decent, but not quite right, and the 6th string once again sounds weird, well at least more queer than the rest of the strings.

So, I fiddle with the EQ for a while to figure it out... And right before I can get one of the knobs to sounds right, something else starts to sounds terrible. Turn up the treble... ice-picks. Turn down the bass... it becomes too thin and oddly hollow, but not scooped sounding. Turn up the mids, and instead of getting some great mid-grind and/or richness, you get this disgusting, and not in any way cool spiked sound, that is barely nasally but still intolerable.

So, somethings wrong, but I can always get the amp EQed in a few seconds, because it sounds great with many different settings.

So then I make sure everything is ok, and then look at my guitar strings. And they look completely spent. The first 3 strings look completely rusted over, and the last 3 strings are getting there. And this is when I realized that I don't use air conditioning because I believe that it makes you soft (a feeble explanation to cover up that I do so to save money), and it is summer so the the humidity is extremely high nowadays, and I haven't changed strings in maybe three months. (leading to killing, and re-killing the strings)

Now, the only reason I haven't changed strings is because I have been waiting on SOB Nickel strings for a while and they have just gotten shipped a week ago, and I want to get the guitar set up because the strings are even tensioned.

Anyways, most of this information is useless and I have been rambling for a while, so here are a few questions. Does anyone have experience with nickel strings and have anything to say about them in both clean and high gain situations (muddy/ awesome/whatever)? Can I use a floyd normally with pure nickel strings? Do I have to reposition my Nailbomb in my guitar to accomodate the strings (which is only about 1 1/2 inches away from my DR Tite-fits now, and is that a bad thing?)? Do you guys think that the problem is even with the strings?

I probably have other questions, but thats all I can think of for now.
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Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
All-white-tukee, Arizona
New strings are an easy and cheap fix, do that first. As for EQ'ing. I'd go flat (12 o'clock) with everyhting. You'd be suprised how many great recorded rythem guitar tones were with the amp settings pretty to neutral. You notch the mids a touch, bump the bass and highs a touch, but extreme settings rarely sound great in a mix. You could also try a good graphic/parametric EQ in conjunction with the amp's to cut problem freqencies, and/or hone in on the areas that get the grind, or add artiulation to the attack without shelving up a bunch of problem frequencies.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
United States
New strings are an easy and cheap fix, do that first. As for EQ'ing. I'd go flat (12 o'clock) with everyhting. You'd be suprised how many great recorded rythem guitar tones were with the amp settings pretty to neutral. You notch the mids a touch, bump the bass and highs a touch, but extreme settings rarely sound great in a mix. You could also try a good graphic/parametric EQ in conjunction with the amp's to cut problem freqencies, and/or hone in on the areas that get the grind, or add artiulation to the attack without shelving up a bunch of problem frequencies.

Yeah, (I have a Rivera K-Tre and a Caparison Horus HGS)

I do usually have a relatively flat EQ with ever so slightly boosted mids and bass, and I can generally get a good tone with many different settings. I should have been a little clear when saying that my amplifier sounds amazing usually, and yesterday it just sounded so off, and the EQ just was working terribly when it normally works great. And the only thing that I could attribute to the sound was the set of strings (after an amp inspection).

The EQ idea is good though, as even though I don't feel my amp has any problem frequencies, it might be nice to boost a few certain frequencies rather than boost a large range of them when raising a knob.


P.S. My Snake Oil Brand strings came today! I need to choose whether to go with nickel or Rock formula on my Horus before I take it to my tech tomorrow.