The Degenerate Goregrind Thread

  • Thread starter Abaddon9112
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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New Jersey
I'm not too heavily in to goregrind by most standards. But I went through a phase when I was a teenager where I listened to a lot of this stuff. I was seeking out the absolute most extreme and disgusting form of metal imaginable, and I found it in Gore. It is underground music in the truest sense; it has no commercial viability even in the restricted market of extreme metal, and is utterly offensive to the sensibilities of most sane humans. It seems to be a scene populated by genuinely sick minds. To this day I don't think any genre can match it in terms of sheer vileness and extremity.

Goregrind is of course largely inspired by early Carcass, who pioneered the technique of pitch-shifting growls even lower than usual. It achieves an effect reminiscent of a toilet flushing, and is exemplified in Carcass by the song Psychopathologist.

Modern Goregrind generally has better production, but the depravity has increased to an almost unimaginable degree. The band Rectal Smegma are not particularly sophisticated even by goregrind standards, but they embody the disgusting nature of the genre.

Regurgitate are another favorite of mine. With somewhat more intelligently crafted music, reminiscent of Nasum or Napalm Death, they are one of the better examples of what the genre offers.

Pornogrind is a subgenre focused on grotesque sexuality. I'm not going to post any videos for fear of being censored or banned, but a google search will deliver many examples. It is sick stuff.

The Obscene Extreme festival is one of the few showcases for this stuff. The antics of the crowd are legendary. This is the band Haemorrhage from Spain, who are both legends in the scene, and have a remarkably attractive female guitarist.

Goregrind is certainly not brainiac music. But I've always maintained a love of it, and binge a couple times a year usually. I thought the genre needed a voice on here. So post all your favorite examples, discuss, hate on it if you wish. I'm sure there will be hate, but the world needs an outlet for it's villainy. So post away! Let the gore flow, my sick brethren!

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Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Why do bands like this write lyrics at all? Even when the lyrics are right on screen in time with the music, as in Psychopathologist, none of the vocals actually sound like the lyrics.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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New Jersey
Why do bands like this write lyrics at all? Even when the lyrics are right on screen in time with the music, as in Psychopathologist, none of the vocals actually sound like the lyrics.

I'm pretty sure a fair number of these bands just come up with a rhythm for the vocalizations, perform them, and then write lyrics that kinda fit the sounds afterward. Some bands write solid lyrics but intentionally mispronounce the vocals. Dying Fetus and Lord Worm era Cryptopsy do this, though they aren't goregrind.

It's more about just creating a brutal sound than the lyrics. But the lyrics add an extra element of fun to it :)


Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Some bands write solid lyrics but intentionally mispronounce the vocals. Dying Fetus and Lord Worm era Cryptopsy do this, though they aren't goregrind.
Mispronounce, or just underenunciate? Even Dying Fetus, a band I consider to have pretty bad vocals, I can tell what they're saying a decent amount of the time. At the very least, I can tell that they are actually saying words.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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New Jersey
Mispronounce, or just underenunciate? Even Dying Fetus, a band I consider to have pretty bad vocals, I can tell what they're saying a decent amount of the time. At the very least, I can tell that they are actually saying words.

I mean, I think Fetus write the lyrics first and then perform them. But there are a large number of songs where Gallagher is straight up just going "blorp bor blor boo blorp buhhh!!!" in a rhythm similar to that of what the lyrics are supposed to be. "Fornication Terrorists" is an example. On the newer Fetus albums his vocals are a little more articulate, but the older stuff he very much just tried to sound like a frog.


Excised n anatomised
Jul 2, 2012
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I don't know where people are getting the "record vocals first write lyrics next" idea about goregrind and some other extreme genres from. I don't really think that anyone does that, probably everyone writes lyrics first, then arryhythmically (or whatever) belches them out with no regard for pronounciation or even trying to make it sound like a word. At best, one belch for one word, at worst, a slurp for whole sentences.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2012
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New Jersey
I don't know where people are getting the "record vocals first write lyrics next" idea about goregrind and some other extreme genres from. I don't really think that anyone does that, probably everyone writes lyrics first, then arryhythmically (or whatever) belches them out with no regard for pronounciation or even trying to make it sound like a word. At best, one belch for one word, at worst, a slurp for whole sentences.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter. The end result, as yingmin said, is that none of the vocals sound like the lyrics.

But that kinda does make one wonder..why should it be necessary to write lyrics for this stuff? :shrug: Most of them are kinda brainless anyway