The Multiverse Concept/Virion

Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
Pune, India
Hey guys. i have just released my debut EP for my solo studio project, the multiverse concept. im looking for reviews. listen to it, and if you have an opinion i would love to hear it.
The Multiverse Concept

also, i play bass in a band and we have recently reformed, and released a new track which can be heard here.
CalQlus by Virion on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

the guitar tones on both projects are the result of the axe fx II.

anyone who would like to review the music, or say anything about it informally as well, do hit me up. thanks guys :)

we are based in india, and the scene here is slowly rising. help from fellow musicians all across the world will definitely see our scene grow.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Rockville, Maryland, USA
Got a chance to listen to it. I don't generally listen to this kind of music much so I can't comment on the song writing aspect. Sounds a lot like the new Djent bands / The Red Chord and some others I've found on YT.

But I can comment on the sound aspect.

I loved the guitar crunch. I think it has a nice phat sound to it and goes with the music. The riffs are nice and the solos / breakdowns contribute to the song as opposed to being self indulgent noodles.

I do like the arrangements. The dynamics are great listening to the album. Got me grooving on the first song :agreed:

I'm listening on headphones and its pretty clean and clear (the mix) to my ears. The bass and drums don't jump out to me and that could be because of the headphones. The music on the whole is very well recorded and pretty well mixed.

I haven't touched base with the Indian *core scene so I don't know who's doing what. From what I hear Scribe, Kryptos (?) and Bhayanak Maut are bringing *core in a bog way.

But yeah, its a really good EP, imo and its promising. I like the arrangements on the whole. :yesway:

Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
Pune, India
Depends on what you mean when you say core. Scribe, bhayanak maut are definitely leading the scene in general. Now there's skyharbor as well, signed to basik records and owning the Djent scene. Not too many other bands that have made an impact as yet, though a lot of rising bands that have met with considerable success like noiseware, abraxas, goddess gagged etc (dunno if you've heard of them?).
Krypton recently released something but wasn't well received.

Thanks for your comments though. It's good to know someone halfway across the world likes the music. Share it around!