Weird shit that has happened to you?

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Arthur McCay
Aug 21, 2012
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oops) as I said: english is my second language... :(
it was about 10 years ago :)


Jan 1, 2011
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Vancouver Island
You said 'sitch', write in a vaguely southern West coast US manner, your location says Russia, your avatar has a Canadian flag, and then you call someone 'mate.' I're all over the place. Understandable that with all of the various asides you made in your story, veracity claims are guaranteed to pop up.


Arthur McCay
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
:) that's a bit weird isn't that? I mean it correlates with the thread's name)
well, it's sad you came to this conclusion.
The truth is that I really live in Russia, but I symphathize with Canada, wrote 'mate' to Black43 for he's from Australia. Hm...still no exuses for the word 'sitch' :) You figured me out. I'm from Al-Qaeda :D
Seriously...I need to revise my profile if it gives you such an impression(


How can she slap?
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Couple of stories for you guys, not many scary ones since I'm not sure if the things I've experienced are repressed trauma manifesting itself or real :lol:

When I was younger, my grandfather died. Everyone was extremely upset. My dad was livid. My grandmother would either cry or just stare off into space. Because my family was very odd (southern and traditional), we had to go to the funeral home and kiss him goodbye. Now, I'm an extremely sensitive person. I really am. I cry at very stupid things. So, little me is sobbing the entire drive to the funeral home in Shreveport from Marshall. We get there, and I see his lifeless body, and I cry even harder. When it was my turn to go up, I was crying even harder, but I felt this warm rush, and it felt like I was being hugged.

It's important to note that my grandfather supposedly, secretly liked me more than my cousins or my sister because I was the only grandson. He would always let me sleep on his lap, and he constantly wanted to build things for me or do things for me. He would hug me, which was crazy, because he never hugged anyone. Hell, the man bought me a $1300 off road go kart without me even mentioning it just because.

So, back to the funeral home, I felt the hug. I leaned in to kiss him on the forehead, and when I came up, I swear to god his lips has moved to a smile. I looked around at everyone, but no one was paying attention. He was frowning before. I blinked and smacked my head a few times, and he was still smiling. Even my cousin told my uncle "Look daddy, he's smiling. Forrest made him smile."

Back at my grandmother's house, it's night time. I can't sleep. I'm missing "poppa tom" so much. I'm crying alone. Suddenly, the light turns on in the closet. I look over at my mom, who's still asleep. I go into the closet, and I close the door. After crying for a little bit, the light shuts off. I'm scared, but I can't scream. I feel the same warmth rush over me once more. The lights turn on. Swear to God, there's a sheet of paper that says "Don't cry, Forrest" on the ground. In his handwriting.

My mom sees that I'm basically going insane over this, and decides to take me back to Austin before the funeral service. I was so upset with her, I wanted to say goodbye to him one last time. That night, I dream about him. I'm sitting on his lap, and he's fast asleep. I wake him up, and he's startled, but gives me the same old warm grin I used to love so much. "Poppa Tom, why did you go away?" I asked in my little, childish voice. "I got sick, Forrest. Poppa Tom made too many dumb decisions, and went and got himself sick." I started crying, and he stroked my hair as I buried my head into his chest. "Don't cry, Ernesto," he said, in his southern drawl (My grandfather liked to call me a spanish nickname, even though we were extremely white :lol:) "You're gonna see me again." "Promise?" "I promise." "But where?" He closed his eyes, and started to drift off to sleep. "Somewhere over the rainbow, boy." 2 weeks later, watched the tribute video for the funeral. This was probably a coincidence, but the song for the slideshow was the ukulele version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". (Damn it who's cutting onions) Every time I hear or play that song, I swear I feel him in the room with me.

Sorry for the lack of scary story, but I thought this was pretty cool.


How can she slap?
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Next one,

My friend Cale died because a kid from a rival high school had decided that downing a bottle of jack while driving a truck would be the best way to seal the deal of becoming a longhorn. I had known Cale since I began elementary school. I always liked him, but I thought that he hated me up until a week before he died, where we started to become really close friends. The most painful thing I'd heard about it was from my friend Wolf, who was also in the accident. Apparently, Cale had thought I hated him, and he was really upset as to why. Stupid fact, his death didn't really hit me until I remembered something very dumb about him. When he would talk about this one chick in his computer class, he would say "Stupid Bitch" in a very southern, aggressive tone. This always made me laugh really damned hard for some reason :lol:. After he died, I remembered him saying it, and I started laughing and then fell to the ground absolutely sobbing.

SOOOO, couple of things happened.

1.) After being prescribed Adderall, I had a huge fit of insomnia. I didn't sleep for 3 days. Because of this, I began hallucinating. Very weird shit. I heard screaming in latin and laughter, my room faded to red, and (this one is funny) the nutcracker on my bedside table, facing away from me, began to turn his head and chomp up and down. Naturally, I was terrified, so I skyped my dad (who was in china). He told me to pick a song for him to calm me down with, and I picked "I'm God" by Clams Casino. Cale had shown me this song 3 days before he died. So, I calmed down quite a bit, and my hallucinations turned into really cool things. I could control the ocean, I could make colors appear, that sort of thing :lol: When the music ended, I was in a white room with Cale, along with my other friends. Cale was right next to me. We were all laughing and messing around, and then I started to cry. He looked at me and asked what I was crying about. "We're all gonna miss you, dumbass." I said, trying to mask my pain. He laughed, and then looked at me. "Even you?" I cried even harder, and said "yes" over and over again. He smiled at me, with tears in his eyes, and said "I'll be okay. You're gonna see me again". At that point, my dad had heard me talking and then crying, so he woke me up over skype. I didn't talk to my dad for like 3 days because I was so pissed at him for waking me up while I was talking to Cale. :lol:

2) My friend Rosalyn was a really close friend of Cale's, and they always watched movies together. They had planned on watching "it's kind of a funny story" before he died. After the memorial service, Rosalyn and my other friends went back to Wolf's house, and while having a cigarette, they found a package that said "Rosalyn" on it in the bushes. It wasn't there the all of the other days, since Wolf smoked out there all the time, and most of the time, we were all in Wolf's hospital room. In the package was the movie.

3)I think this one was a dream, since no one else saw it, but whatever. One time, late at night, I posted a short song on soundcloud called "for cale". It was just a 30 second long ambient guitar lick, nothing special. I went to sleep, and around 2 a.m. I woke up and listened to the song again. at the 25 second mark, Cale's soundcloud profile had left me a comment, saying "Beautiful, man." I went back to sleep, and the next morning I remembered, freaked out, and went back on soundcloud. Comment was gone. Probably just a dream.


How can she slap?
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, TX
This one I'm sure is just trauma from my dad beating the crap out of me until I was 16, because it doesn't make any sense. I think it was just severe anxiety.

One night, I went to sleep in my room, and an hour into it I woke up to feel someone next to me. It had long, dark hair. It was turned the other way. I panicked, but couldn't move. I felt overwhelming exhaustion, and went back to sleep.

A little later that year, I was having trouble sleeping. I felt cold yet sweaty. I tossed and turned, and finally decided to just read a book. I went to turn on my lap, and saw a pair of eyes staring at me. I could see an outline of long, dark hair. "Hi". I screamed and turned the light on, and she was gone.

Weird stuff happened all throughout that year. My made bed would be messed up, the sink would be on, lights wouldn't turn on even though the bulbs weren't burnt out, that sort of thing. Awhile later, I started dating a girl named Victoria. I had her over, and we were laying in bed. I felt something glaring at me the whole time. I went up to grab some water, and when I came back, my girlfriend was pale as hell, and hiding under the covers. "Are you okay?" "Something is in here with us". This was weird, because I thought only I felt her. After that, my sister said she felt something towering over her in bed. For weeks after that, I'd wake up with scratches on my body in different places. Sometimes my wrist, sometimes my chest, and sometimes my face, even. I didn't have a cat. My dog would bark at my bedroom door sometimes when I came home. Somehow, it'd given itself a name in my head, Amy. My girlfriend, being an artist, decided to draw what she saw and felt in an effort to see if we had experienced the same thing. Sure enough, same eyes, same hair, and "Amy" written below.

However, it wasn't always angry towards me. When my father and I got into a serious fight, I went off into my room. He started storming up the stairs, and I started freaking out. When he reached the door to turn the handle, the door locked. I didn't lock the door when I came up, or at least that's what I remember.

Sometimes while in my room, I hear a really loud, high pitched frequency. I always hear this in quiet rooms, probably tinnitus from playing guitar too loud :lol:, but it's extremely loud when I'm in my room at my dad's. It seems to get louder the longer I'm in there. I feel scared for no reason. I feel like someone is really, REALLY pissed off at me and wants to hurt me when I'm in there. However, when I play clean, ambient guitar for a little bit and pause, it goes away. All of it. It's really odd.

There are my lame stories! :)


Arthur McCay
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
This story..baut Poppa got me) Yet it's far from scary, it's so toching. Sorry for your loss. Loosing close people is rough to take. And your story inspires the idea that though they're not in this world we can still be with them and feel their warmth. :)

Sorry if I'm being too soulful, folks!


Build Whore.
Jan 24, 2007
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Being born is the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. I don't remember any of it or the reason why :scratch:
+ lots of other bizarre events, I get around quite a bit and poke my nose into strange places.

Metal Mortician

Ninja Lurker
Apr 21, 2013
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I met Clint Lowery at the Las Vegas airport. He almost left his new SE in the carry-on scanner. He thanked me when I ran him down to give it back to him. :sephi:


Jan 21, 2011
Reaction score
I'm alive. I just haven't had a chance to post about my trip since I've returned, been extremely busy with summer classes and work.

I took some pictures so you guys could get a solid idea of what the place looks like and the layout, because after reading over my first post, it sounded somewhat confusing.

(Un)fortunately, nothing happened this time. Seriously. I'm kind of disappointed.


So Did We
May 24, 2010
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Oakland, CA
I'm alive. I just haven't had a chance to post about my trip since I've returned, been extremely busy with summer classes and work.

I took some pictures so you guys could get a solid idea of what the place looks like and the layout, because after reading over my first post, it sounded somewhat confusing.

(Un)fortunately, nothing happened this time. Seriously. I'm kind of disappointed.

Nope. You're a zombie. Or a pod-person. The real baptizedinblood knows somethin HAD to happen! :squint:


Jun 3, 2010
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New Mexico


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
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just got sang to by an old crackhead outside of a gas station. he kept hugging me and asking for a ride.... i told him no but he had a pretty good voice


Arthur McCay
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
I'm reading your stories and think...what a boring life I live??? :D

Hey, you still got the image of Amy you gf painted? I bet everyone here would kill just to see it.

p.s. shit) got the shivers because of all these I just read..


How can she slap?
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I'm reading your stories and think...what a boring life I live??? :D

Hey, you still got the image of Amy you gf painted? I bet everyone here would kill just to see it.

p.s. shit) got the shivers because of all these I just read..

I'll see if I can dig it up again, sh-t was eerie.

Update on that, actually:

I was working out in the little home gym setup we have at my dad's, and I saw that the door to the attic was open about 6 inches wide. I stepped over to it, since the weights were right next to it, and it just closed super fast. The fan wasn't on yet, and we had the A/C off (Because my dad thinks that my sister and I don't need cold air in Texas :lol:). During my workout, I would periodically glance over at it, and it would either be closed, or open at different widths. On the stereo while I was listening to music, I would hear whispering. Didn't matter which album I chose, the same whispering would come through the speakers. It might have been just a weird connection picking up radio waves, but I've seriously never had that happen before.

The scariest part happened at the very end of my workout. I was halfway through my last set, when suddenly heard this extremely loud shaking noise. I thought at that point that I was just losing it, but my dad had actually come upstairs yelling at me to turn off my music, when there was none since I was genuinely freaked out at this point.

Weird sh-t man. I'm sleeping on the couch putting netflix on full blast and popping some valium tonight :lol:

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