Weird shit that has happened to you?


Burrito Master
Nov 26, 2008
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Carlsbad, Kalifornia
Here are a couple of my posts taken from a similar thread from 2009:


My brother and I were playing hide and go seek in the house we grew up in. Our rooms were at opposite ends of an "L" shaped hall. I was the seeker and was counting while staring out my door way in case he ran by.

Sure enough, he runs by my room, through our kitchen and ducks into our guest room. So I run in there WHILE I'm looking at him, and he goes behind the bedroom wall. A split second later I'm in the room and he's nowhere to be found.

I yelled my brother's name in distress and he answered back "I'm not playing!" from his room at the other end of the hall. Needless to say I was scared shitless, and at that point so was my brother. We searched and there was no one else in the house. Additionally, there was nowhere for whoever/ whatever that was to exit from or hide.

W T F.

And #2

I was 15 years old. I had what I considered to be a pretty shitty home life (major asshole step father) so I tried to get out of thehouse for any reason possible.

My older brother was dating a girl who went to a Methodist youth group, so I decided I would start going to attain some freedom. Youth group was every Sunday from 6pm to 8pm, with an hour of some physical sport followed by an hour of snacking and talking about real life applications of biblical morals (small price to pay to be out of the house). The discussion area took place in a bungalow about 20m just outside the church.

On this particular night, we had run short of punch. I was elected to go into the church kitchen and make some punch. The church was dark and creepy, and the lights were on a timer I could not override to turn them on. About half way through mixing the punch I started feeling really uneasy but just figured I was being a lame ass.

I began my trek to the front of the church when I heard everyone out front laughing and carrying on. I was really happy because this meant no bible discussion and more horseplay. In fact there were more voices than I could count so that meant the late-comers had arrived. Woohoo!!! They were so loud! I opened the front door to a deathly silence and not a soul in sight. Nothing, no wind, just a clear summer evening.

W T F.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
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Every now and then, Ill have a dream where everything fits together like blurry snapshots, but one of them will be more memorable than the others. Within the next couple days, I'll be going through my day, and suddenly the snapshot that I remembered in my dream will fit in PERFECTLY with what I am currently looking at.

For example, one night I dreamed that I was hanging out with my girlfriend at the Great Wolf Lodge. The next morning, she texted me asking if I wanted to go swimming at the Great Wolf Lodge with her. At the time, I thought nothing of it, and went. When I got there, we didn't feel like swimming, so we just sat down in the lobby. As soon as we both sat down, that image clicked in my mind with the dream. I was confused :lol:

Woah dude, telling the future huh? Ha but I think I may know what you mean. I have had the same thing happen, and it feels like de ja vu.


Dec 26, 2011
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Los Angeles, CA
I have a bunch of these types of stories.

A couple years back I was getting really into Ouija boards, so I decided to buy one. Fucking rip off at near $30, by the way. If you want a Ouija board, just make one. It's cheaper and it works just the same. Anyway, my parents and my aunt and uncle had a weird experience with Ouija boards and always advised me to stay away from them. I didn't. My friend and I were next to the fenced off tennis courts in a park near our houses using it. Keep in mind it's about 11:30ish and no one is in the park besides us. We start asking questions but the planchette doesn't move an inch. All of a sudden, the planchette jerks off the board towards the tennis court fence. Naturally our eyes follow the planchette. So now we're looking at the tennis courts and a tennis ball drops in front of us, bouncing no more than three times and rolled up to the fence where we were, as if someone had dropped it from waist height. Remember, there was no one in the park. Now, it wasn't like someone threw the ball, because if they did they'd have to be pretty far away if we couldn't even see them, and if someone had thrown the ball it wouldn't just bounce and roll gently up to us, it would bounce like crazy. We both though this was weird, so we pulled up the bottom of the chain link a little bit and took the ball with us when we left.

We had also tried a Ouija board in a graveyard, but got no activity. Which makes sense, I guess, because if you're dead why would you hang out in the graveyard?

My dad's experience with a Ouija board is quite different. My parents and my aunt got one in the early 80s and used it. They asked all the typical questions (Anyone here? How did you die? What's your name?) and they got a guy named Mike, who explained that he had died of AIDs. Back in the early 80s, AIDs wasn't a common thing that everyone knew about. My parents knew of AIDs but they didn't know what it was or what it did to people. Mike quickly got cut off and something else took control of the planchette. They asked it questions and the conversation went like this (I just asked my dad what was said, so this is to the best of his memory)

Parents: Who are you?
Board: No one
Parents: What's your name?
Board: Zoe
P: How did you die Zoe?
Zoe: Never lived
P: That's strange. Are you an angel?
The board got a bit erratic at this point
Zoe: Hate
P: Who do you hate?
Zoe: [Dad's name]
P: Why do you hate [Dad's name]?
Zoe: Attached
My mom then said aloud "Don't hurt him" In a joking manner
Zoe: Destroy
Then the board started getting real crazy, the planchette started jerking all around the board, then in an instant it moved very smoothly, almost floaty like it was a butterfly floating around the board and spelled out the words "Love you" and "Mom" then it stopped moving. My grandma on my dad's side had died from a heart attack when he was 17. After that my dad was freaked out, needless to say. He grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and was going to attempt automatic writing in an attempt to continue contact with his mom, who he believe had just come and shook the demon off the board. Despite being left-handed, he grabbed the pen in his right hand because his mom was right handed and after a little while of just writing scribbles, he PERFECTLY AND EFFORTLESSLY signed his mom's signature with his RIGHT hand. My dad can't write a damn thing with his right hand. My aunt (different aunt than the previous one) had their mom's driver's license and they cross-checked it and the signature my dad wrote with his right hand wasn't just close, it was EXACT. My mom still has the paper.

I'll write up the other stories in a little bit. Mainly more crazy shit that's happened on my dad's side of the family.


Dec 26, 2011
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Los Angeles, CA
Fuck it I'm bored. I'm going to write another one.

While my grandma was pregnant with my dad, his three older brothers were playing hide and seek. The youngest hides ontop of the stove in the kitchen. Long story short, the pilot light catches his shirt on fire and he's burned and scarred badly all up his left side. After skin grafts and whatnot, he's back to normal, except the scar going up the left side of his side/chest and onto his neck right below his chin. Fast foward about a year, my dad is a baby and the three older brothers who are now 5, 7, and 8 are going to walk around the corner to the store to get some candy. Half way to the store, my dad's oldest brother takes the youngest brother's money in typical jerk-older-brother fashion. The youngest runs back home to get more money from his mom and immediately turns around and heads to the store. He gets to the end of the block and is about to cross the street when a semi-truck hits and kills him. Fast forward a couple more years and my dad is now about 6 when his mom remarries and has a baby girl with his step-dad. She's born on the same day as the youngest brother who died and she was born with a birthmark in the shape of the scar on his chest/neck.

User Name

Aug 25, 2012
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elizabeth colorado
Or maybe I'M the changeling...



Keepin' it Kodos
Mar 30, 2013
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I gave her some hell and we were laughing about the whole thing so we walked down the hall and as soon as we got near the bedroom, this noise begins out of nowhere - in the bedroom a Playskool tape recorder toy just went off with this child's song and lights coming from the toy which was really bizarre as no one was in there and nothing was next to the toy

when i was a little kid i had a button-activated buzz lightyear toy that (according to my mom) would go off by itself. keep in mind here i'm ridiculously skeptical, so i can't say how much of this is actually true, but apparently it went off once after she took the batteries out. she ended up throwing the toy out haha


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
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Quebec, Canada
1. My dog died on October 7, 2011. He was quite old, 15 years old, and was truly a member of our family. From day one, he was chained/attached to the same trees (we had made a cool installation with a cable attached between 2 big ass trees, and his chain rolling on that cable so that he could cover a lot of ground) and his small cabin, food and water placed besides one of these 2 trees.

At one time last year we were having diner at home when a sudden storm stricked us. Intense winds blowing and rain. The tree where the dog's cabin used to be uprooted - it was a fully mature, healthy pine about 3 feet wide. It felt on the electric cables nearby. Huge blue sparks and flashes came from the cable, and the tree caught on fire in the heavy rain. 50 people lost electricity. That was on october 7, 2012, so exactly one year after my dog's death.

I knew I had it somewhere in my stuff... here's a picture I took after said event, just to add a touch of realism to the story!



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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I have a bunch of these types of stories.

A couple years back I was getting really into Ouija boards, so I decided to buy one. Fucking rip off at near $30, by the way. If you want a Ouija board, just make one. It's cheaper and it works just the same. Anyway, my parents and my aunt and uncle had a weird experience with Ouija boards and always advised me to stay away from them. I didn't. My friend and I were next to the fenced off tennis courts in a park near our houses using it. Keep in mind it's about 11:30ish and no one is in the park besides us. We start asking questions but the planchette doesn't move an inch. All of a sudden, the planchette jerks off the board towards the tennis court fence. Naturally our eyes follow the planchette. So now we're looking at the tennis courts and a tennis ball drops in front of us, bouncing no more than three times and rolled up to the fence where we were, as if someone had dropped it from waist height. Remember, there was no one in the park. Now, it wasn't like someone threw the ball, because if they did they'd have to be pretty far away if we couldn't even see them, and if someone had thrown the ball it wouldn't just bounce and roll gently up to us, it would bounce like crazy. We both though this was weird, so we pulled up the bottom of the chain link a little bit and took the ball with us when we left.

We had also tried a Ouija board in a graveyard, but got no activity. Which makes sense, I guess, because if you're dead why would you hang out in the graveyard?

My dad's experience with a Ouija board is quite different. My parents and my aunt got one in the early 80s and used it. They asked all the typical questions (Anyone here? How did you die? What's your name?) and they got a guy named Mike, who explained that he had died of AIDs. Back in the early 80s, AIDs wasn't a common thing that everyone knew about. My parents knew of AIDs but they didn't know what it was or what it did to people. Mike quickly got cut off and something else took control of the planchette. They asked it questions and the conversation went like this (I just asked my dad what was said, so this is to the best of his memory)

Parents: Who are you?
Board: No one
Parents: What's your name?
Board: Zoe
P: How did you die Zoe?
Zoe: Never lived
P: That's strange. Are you an angel?
The board got a bit erratic at this point
Zoe: Hate
P: Who do you hate?
Zoe: [Dad's name]
P: Why do you hate [Dad's name]?
Zoe: Attached
My mom then said aloud "Don't hurt him" In a joking manner
Zoe: Destroy
Then the board started getting real crazy, the planchette started jerking all around the board, then in an instant it moved very smoothly, almost floaty like it was a butterfly floating around the board and spelled out the words "Love you" and "Mom" then it stopped moving. My grandma on my dad's side had died from a heart attack when he was 17. After that my dad was freaked out, needless to say. He grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and was going to attempt automatic writing in an attempt to continue contact with his mom, who he believe had just come and shook the demon off the board. Despite being left-handed, he grabbed the pen in his right hand because his mom was right handed and after a little while of just writing scribbles, he PERFECTLY AND EFFORTLESSLY signed his mom's signature with his RIGHT hand. My dad can't write a damn thing with his right hand. My aunt (different aunt than the previous one) had their mom's driver's license and they cross-checked it and the signature my dad wrote with his right hand wasn't just close, it was EXACT. My mom still has the paper.

I'll write up the other stories in a little bit. Mainly more crazy shit that's happened on my dad's side of the family.

Did they find out who Zoe was?


Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Did they find out who Zoe was?

I don't think they ever looked into it, but I did a little research and came up with the name Zozo, who goes by Zozo, Zoe, Zo, or sometimes Z, among other things. Apparently he's just some demon who likes to dick around with people on ouija boards, but he actually scares the shit out of some people haha That is, if you believe in all that stuff.


Apr 9, 2012
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The weirdest thing I ever remember was when I was about 15, me and my brother were making ourselves breakfast. Our parents had gone out for coffee with some friends, so we were left alone. I went to the back door, to go to the outside fridge and get some more orange juice, but the back door was stuck. 100% completely stuck. We have 2 locks on it, and keys in at all times. It was completely unlocked. I tried and tried to get it open. It never stuck before, and it wasn't frozen shut or anything, it just wouldn't budge. I went without the juice, and me and my brother ate our breakfast. He then went up to shower while I made coffee. I turned around after, and the door keys were on the floor. No one else had touched them. We didn't remove the keys at all. But they were on the fucking floor.


Burrito Master
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Carlsbad, Kalifornia
I turned around after, and the door keys were on the floor. No one else had touched them. We didn't remove the keys at all. But they were on the fucking floor.


Not nearly as creep as that:

When my wife and I first moved in together as bf/gf, we used to argue a bit. One time, after a completely assinine argument (from both sides), we went to bed. We turned on the TV, and we both noticed a picture of us on the dresser had been turned upside down. It was pretty damn creepy.

Weird little things still happen from time to time. Recently, my wife was running low on hair bands (not the Motley Crue kind). Oddly enough, a pair of hair bands (still not the Motley Crue kind) that had been tied together were placed carefully around the nozzle of a bottle of her lotion. The funny thing is she never ever ties her hair bands together. She still accuses me of being the one who put them there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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This happened on the 3 year anniversary of my fiancee's grandfather passing away. We have this picture of him and her on our refrigerator from when she was little. When we got home, she found it on the floor, and our daughter who had barely started walking pointed over in that general direction and started smiling and waving. The picture falling has only happened one other time: the day her mom sent her a recording of him playing guitar and them singing You are my sunshine.

I don't know if its like his ghost or something doing it, or just a coincidence but its still weird.

Another time, after i watched Paranormal Activity I got Ouija board just to mess with. Well me and my girlfriend were messing with it and nothing happened. Then later we went to go eat, and when we came back all the towels we had laying out on the counter were folded up and put in the drawer.

This happened when I saw that picture. I saw the picture but I didn't bother reading the story. Then that night, i had a dream and that dog was in it. I don't remember the details because it was a long time ago, i just remember that that dog was in it and it was trying to kill me. Then the next day i read the story and was freaked out.

Also, a couple weeks ago, I had a dream that this asshole my fiancee's mom is dating had given her a different name and had an arrest record as long as my leg that my fiancee's mom didn't know about. Then I told my fiancee about all of it, but she figured I was just on her stepdad's side and he was lying about her mom to try and turn us against her. A couple days later (still in the dream) they invited me and my fiancee over for dinner, and while my fiancee was talking to her mom, I went outside to smoke and he came up behind me and shot me in the head because I found out about him. Well a few days after I have the dream, guess what I find out....then a couple days after that, guess who invited us over for dinner...


knows the muffin man
Dec 1, 2012
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Ormsby Guitars posted this about a half hour ago.
There have been MANY times Ive felt as though something, someone, has been looking over me as I build or repair an important instrument. The whole Randy Rhoads Tribute bass was an example (one day i'll tell the stories, they literally freak some people out), but another happened today.

Im doing some work on a vintage guitar, restoring, and relicing (paint touch ups, and cracking, aging, etc) it to its former glory. Unfortunately the owner passed away, but his wife wants it back the way it should be (it had some heavy mods that didnt do it many favours). Everything has to be done to the highest level, and aged, to suit the guitar.

The bridge pickup was an aftermarket one, and the request was for me to find a replacement that better suited the guitars heritage. It was the only part that wasn't original, other than the machineheads.

I found a few, ranging from $350-1200. All the wrong colour though :(

A friend needed some Sperzels, and offered an 'old pickup' as a trade. It was the right one, so I let him know it would be going into this restoration, and everything was sweet. I couldnt believe my luck!

Im putting the guitar back together today, and low and behold, the pickup I sourced WAS FROM THAT GUITAR ORIGINALLY. It has the original owners handwriting on the back, just like the neck pickup.

What are the odds?? The ORIGINAL pickup, back with the original guitar it came from, after 45 years.

Ive just spoken to the lady that contracted me to do the work on her hubbies guitar, and she was in shock. This isnt the first time something like this as made her feel that her husband is looking over her :)

I love my job.

Joseph Kimbrell

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2013
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Oslo, Norway
I was at summer camp, I was 14, and there were 3 of us playing basketball. We looked up in the sky and saw this weird thing, very far away, moving very sporadically in the sky. We've never figured out what it was. Certainly wasn't an airplane or helicopter.

The closest thing it resembled is a satellite falling from orbit into the Earth's atmosphere (I watched this one night). That was pretty cool.

Dunno about supernatural, but it was pretty cool, especially knowing that it wasn't JUST me who saw it :)