Weird shit that has happened to you?


B.C. Rich loyalist
Dec 29, 2012
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Yiffing in Hell
I need to go "creeping" again soon...but that criminal trespass fine is still haunting me.But I'm going to Waverly Hills in a few months, so maybe that will help.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2013
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Every christmas, me, my sister and occasionally some extra guests tag along to my mothers house, which is situated in a very, very small village in the middle of the Swedish woods. I'm talking about a place where the police recently found a secret room beneath an abandoned house, even deeper into the woods, where they found chains and shackles nailed to the wall, an old bed with sheets covered in dried blood and old rusty medical instruments; they even found hooks in the ceiling. The horrors that went on in that secret room, is unknown, but theories regarding kidnapping, rape, torture and murder has surfaced.

To really get my story, you need to know a little something about my mothers husband. They say he is haunted, because of his lack of respect for the "dark arts". He experimented a lot with "magic" and Ouija boards as a teen and according to him and my mother, it's never been the same since. He once visited a gypsy who was said to be able to tell things about people that they don't know yet. The minute she started reading his palm, she started screaming at the top of her lungs. Her husband ran out and asked what the commotion was about. She shouted something in a foreign language and they threw him out, literally.

My story beings at christmas, 2 years ago. Me, my sister and her boyfriend went to my mothers place and as always, I felt really anxious to be there, I really don't know why. I've always had this eerie feeling in the back of my mind, disturbing, unsettling feeling; like someone or something is taunting me. Everytime I go there I find it hard to breathe, hard to completely relax. I'm always uptight, nervous and can't really wait for christmas to be over so that I can go home.

We arrived one day earlier, to make time for preparations. My sister and her boyfriend slept in the living room on a inflatable bed and I spent the first night in the guest room, open view to the staircase leading down to the first floor. The morning after my sister said:
- How can you even sleep up there?
-Why do you ask?
- You know that this place is haunted right?
- Come on, don't tell me you believe in that stuff?
- I'm serious, it's mothers husbands fault, he's the one who's haunted
- Really now?
- Yes!

Apparently my sisters boyfriend was supposedly strangled to the point that his skin turned blueish. He also stated that it felt like someone was literally standing on his chest. My response was ignorant, I didn't really care for my sisters superstitions, neither did I care for her really weird stories. So he was strangled aye? Where are the marks then? Signs of trauma?

I didn't really believe her or give a second thought about her preposterous story. Still, in the back of my mind, something was set into motion. It was like, this feeling that I've always had when visiting my mother, finally had an explanation. And now that these entities know that I know about their existence, I'll be next. 2 days later, the night after christmas I went to bed. Finally I was about to spend my last day at mothers place before returning home!

There I was laying, in the couch on the second floor with nothing but deafening silence and the occasional ringing noise in my ears. A horrible realization came over me, I didn't know what it was but it was like a revelation. Suddenly my focus shifted, my eyes started to wander beyond my control. I was following something, I couldn't see it but I could feel it. I could feel it staring at me, knowing that what ever I was looking at, knew that I could sense it's presence. I could feel it taunting me, laughing as I layed there not really sure of what I was experiencing.

Am I having an anxiety attack? What is going on? My heart was struck with fear and started pounding harder and faster, harder and faster. My throat was constricting and I gasped for air. I unconsciously swallowed saliva as an attempt to clear my throat from anything that might be blocking the air flow from inside. I didn't know what to do, I yelled inside my mind:
-Snap out of it! SNAP OUT OF IT!! THIS ISN'T REAL!

At a distance a small shadow approached me, I recognized it, but what was it?! I could hear a little ringing sound as the shadow got closer. Wait? That's my mothers cat! As he jumped up beside me, he looked me in the eyes and the fear vanished. He laid down beside me and I was shortly thereafter feeling calm and relaxed. I could breathe again..


Not Gifted
Jul 9, 2010
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Greensboro, NC
And we all want to know about the return visit to the cabin!!!

Clearly, the ghosties got him! Game over. :eek:

My wife has all kinds of stories about seeing ghosts when she was younger - a Native American, a lady in a white dress, and two little girls among others. The little girls were the creepiest - she said they used to play in her room and yard. As she tells it, on several occasions guests would ask about the "neighbor's kids," whom they apparently saw while pulling into the driveway. They would then describe the two girls spot on. I don't remember the exact details, but research apparently turned up some deaths from tuberculosis in the past, two young daughters included.

I type this completely torn about what to think. That is to say, I continue to grow more and more skeptical as the years pass. Either I'm totally immune to anything supernatural, or it's all horseshit. :shrug: Entertaining stories for sure, though!

We recently had a conversation where Ouija boards came up. I said it would be fun for parties. She gave me a stern "No f#%king way." Something about inviting bad things. BAD THINGS. I asked how it could possibly result in Justin Beiber crashing our party, then conceded that any remote chance was still too much.

Just to clarify, I love my wife. :lol:

Edit: Removed the joke about my wife being crazy, as it could be misinterpreted as being a serious accusation. Don't mean to offend anyone who has experienced something weird.


Jan 1, 2011
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Vancouver Island
We recently had a conversation where Ouija boards came up. I said it would be fun for parties. She gave me a stern "No f#%king way." Something about inviting bad things. BAD THINGS. I asked how it could possibly result in Justin Beiber crashing our party, then conceded that any remote chance was still too much.

Just to clarify, I love my wife. :lol:

I have a story relating to 'ouija boards' (Ouija is actually a product name attached to them when they were marketed as toys, the actual device itself is based on a spirit board). When I was around 10 years old, my best friend's mom had a really ornate wooden spirit board. Fancy carvings, custom built for her. She was into crystals and tarot cards and all sorts of stuff, and had this spirit board made for her.

She had it out on their kitchen table and I had always been told to stay away from them, but I was curious, so I walked up to it and touched the planchette which immediately started moving around. Freaked me out, badly. I jumped back from it and it kept moving. I ran out of the house, went home and told my mom what happened, and she called Barbara and told her she needed to get rid of it or I wasn't allowed to visit any longer.

She thought we were being stupid, but she agreed to keep it in a closet upstairs if she wasn't using it. My mom agreed that I could still go over to hang out as long as the spirit board wasn't being kept out.

I went back over a few days later to play Metroid (we made an incredibly detailed map of the game), and while we were playing, I got up to get a drink, and the spirit board was on the table again. I called to Steve's mom upstairs, and told her she left it out and she called back down and said 'no, it's up here in the closet' so I told her to come down and see, and she made a face, and brought it back upstairs. I went over again the next week, and the same thing happened. It kept appearing on the kitchen table.

It got to the point that I stopped going over eventually because it was creepy. I called Steve one time to hang out, and he sounded scared, and told me 'Mom tried to throw it away, she put it in the trash bin out back, but this morning it was back sitting on the kitchen table.' So, me and my mom went over and my mom told Barb to burn the thing. We went into the back yard and she put it in the fire-pit, and lit it on fire.

It SCREAMED. Like, high-pitched shrieking wail, it sounded like a woman howling out of grief. It was by far one of the creepiest, most intensely terrifying things I've ever witnessed. After that, I refuse to go near them, even ending friendships if people wouldn't get rid of the supposed 'toy' ones they have sitting around.


Hated Ibanezes once
May 21, 2012
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Southern Highlands, Australia


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2008
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Aarhus, Denmark
It was a very bad decision to read through this thread before going to work...
I lock down a 60.000 square foot school every night a around 10pm.
I think I'll bring my dog tomorrow :lol:


string abuser
Mar 28, 2012
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Lake Mary, Florida
Okay, this will be short sweet and tot he point. I was listening to Thy Art Is Murder, read the lyrics to whichever song i was listening to.. then i looked up from my phone and my eyes locked up and it felt as if i had no control over my body. like i was a medium or something. now keep in mind that i was in a rental house in a bedroom all by myself, so who knows what has went on it there. but since then, about two months ago, i've just felt different..


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Tampa Bay Area, FL
My friend's girlfriend let me and my friend stick glow necklaces in her vagina. You read that right.

We were rolling really hard, had music, blacklights, highlighters, glowsdticks, etc, etc.

She got naked and let us put glow necklaces up there 1 by 1 till she came. A little while later I fingered her really hard and made her squirt while her boyfriend(my weird friend) watched. He seemed pretty into it.

Hurray, drugs :freak:


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
So... I have this vent fan over my stove...

Sometimes when I cook it turns itself on. At first I thought it was weird. Then I thought, well maybe it's an automatic feature somehow... What I noticed, though is that typically when the vent fan is on, there's something displayed on my microwave screen. When it turns itself on, there's nothing.

The weirder part is that the first time it happened, when I was done cooking it turned itself off. BUT... When I walked toward the doorway for the kitchen to leave, I felt something tug firmly on my right pocket twice.

Thought that was my cell phone at first til I realized my cell phone was on the counter in the kitchen still and I would have heard it rathe than felt it.

Next day I wanted to show it to my friend... Couldn't get the damn thing to turn on on its own to save my life. Then when he left it started doing it again... :ugh:


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
My friend's girlfriend let me and my friend stick glow necklaces in her vagina. You read that right.

We were rolling really hard, had music, blacklights, highlighters, glowsdticks, etc, etc.

She got naked and let us put glow necklaces up there 1 by 1 till she came. A little while later I fingered her really hard and made her squirt while her boyfriend(my weird friend) watched. He seemed pretty into it.

Hurray, drugs :freak:

I see...

I would need a LOT of drugs to be comfortable with that...
Feb 23, 2013
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Old Wild Tavern
^Ive been in that situation quite a few times just on beer alone, in my HS/college days.. Only we use paint markers [after we did pieces on them] and it would usually happen either after a gallery showing turned party or just partying in general. 99% of the time it was photographed or recorded for later. *shrug*
Oh yea one my dudes girl took a pick with my junk on a plate with some ketchup and she had two knives bc we couldnt find a fork and he took pics of us. It was supposed to be artistic i guess but it came out kind of weird.

Not a ghost story but at scribble jam '06 i was pretty close to the stage during the mc battles and the second rapper or so up after he said a couple lines just whipped out his junk in front of the whole crowd and everyone booed him. Idk why i had to be there, in that place at that day to see that. but yea..

I remember an online friend that could channel dead spirits at work. Specifically Salvador Dali, she believe they were good friends. I told her to ask him some things for me and the message she gave me was spot on what i needed to hear but she said she didnt understand what it meant. I also told her to tell dimebag i said hi.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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Tampa Bay Area, FL
So I was driving around St. Pete trying to score some herbals with my old drummer(RIP). Our connect flaked out so we were sitting at mcDonalds and we see this dude, white guy, wearing a top hat, full suit, and a cane, that are all a matching ORANGE CREAMSICLE color. Dude had a limp too. We were like that dude's definitely got something, :lol:

So my friend says something to him and he's like "yea, come out to my car when we get done"

So we meet him in his car and it's an ORANGE CREAMSICLE ESCALADE. We get inside and the interior matches and it smells like the tastiest orange creamsicle imaginable in there. Seriously like the cleanest best smelling car ever.

My friend is like "dude, it smells good as fuck in here"

He says: "yea, when u be ridin dirty, u gotta keep it fresh noam sayin"

Words to live by right there: "if you be ridin dirty, keep it fresh" Makes sense.


I’m a grown ass man
Dec 12, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
i have a dead uncle that anytime I, or anyone in my family ever talks about, his photo will fly off the wall. every time. not fall straight down. but several feet away from the wall it sits at and right at the persons direction. like hes saying "hi"


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
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Wellington, New Zealand
When I was just a little dude (ages 1-4), I lived in a small town in Scotland. I remember having an odd "dream" there one night when I was around 3 or 4. I dreamt I was lying in bed looking up at the ceiling, and there was a tall skinny green man looking down at my from above my bed. Next to him was a wispy green woman, holding his arm and also looking at me. I remember being so affected by the dream that I got out of bed and annoyed my parents by telling them about it, and was obviously told it was just a dream and sent back to bed.

Fast-forward about twenty years, and I was killing time while on a ship in the Persian Gulf by reading a collection of stories a historian collected in the late 1800s and early 1900s by travelling around the British Isles and asking all of the oldest people he could find to tell him the stories they remembered about the local myths and legends. In the section on Scotland, one old woman told the tale of the Green Man and his wife, who would come around around at night and kidnap children, leaving changelings in their places (Changeling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Her description of the Green Man and his lady friend were uncannily similar to what I remembered seeing in my "dream" when I was a wee laddy.

Was it just a dream? Yeah, probably, but it was still a little freaky to think about the possibility that getting out of bed to tell my parents about a "dream" is the only thing that kept me from getting kidnapped by supernatural beings.

Or maybe I'M the changeling...


Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
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i have a dead uncle that anytime I, or anyone in my family ever talks about, his photo will fly off the wall. every time. not fall straight down. but several feet away from the wall it sits at and right at the persons direction. like hes saying "hi"

You should take video of that and post it here.
Feb 23, 2013
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Old Wild Tavern
I feel like i already posted but maybe i didnt, but i have a pic of my great grand something on my wall that everyone says his eyes follow them around the room, it is kind of weird no matter where you are in the room its like he's staring right at you

Oh yea this didnt happen to me exactly, but a few weeks ago i was talking to my tumblr buddy about kings and queens, like what kind of queen deserves a king if their hearts are unsearchable, and alot of people tend to hide their feelings yada yada and a couple days ago she posted how some random dude walked up her to her saying she was his queen and he was like bowing to her and kissed her hand offering to buy her all this shit like cars/houses etc..i thought that was was pretty weird.