What is your fave Led Zeppelin album?

  • Thread starter Spaced Out Ace
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Deathcult® NPC
Feb 5, 2018
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Oh, man. Heartbreaker is great, and I hear lots of little things that Ace has built a career off of in that solo. But even still, Ace still sounds like himself and that doesn't diminish Jimmy Page's greatness. In fact, I think it adds to it.

Is this third-person? Lol to you sir, lol

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Deathcult® NPC
Feb 5, 2018
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Hmm, on topic, I'd have to say...
1. IV
2. Houses
3. III
4. II
5. I
6. The other studio albums

I remember getting that original 4 CD "LP" box set when it came out and as I recall it had Travelling Riverside Blues and that Black Mountainside guitar instrumental which I REALLY liked a lot. I remember listening to it on cassette transfers (only rich folk had them thar CD players in thar cars, to my pay grade anyway) driving between San Diego and Tucson, with only 4 gears and no AC in July. Also Bang Tango specifically driving through those mountains outside of SD, watching the temp gauge very closely.

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